The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
This week was pretty standard, I found out with the help of a friend the amount of magnesium I was feeding my plants was way to much. about 4x as much as they should have had. so they will no longer be getting any extra added magnesium. I read that it can stunt plant growth in excess but I don't know if that happened here, Plucked a few leaves off that where blocking other bid sites and removed some in the middle to help airflow. I was thinking about purchasing a 2nd fan for the tent but the ones I want are out of stock so I feel its best to use a regular none tent fan and just rig it up to a tent pole for now. Starting to see more frost on the sugar leaves and some good bud development on this one. The sister Maltezerz is also getting nice buds but not as nice as Blue Cindy. Maybe in time they will even out or switch sides. Will monitor its length from the SCROG net vs soil as its easier to measure. 33cm from SCROG net to base of plant 15cm from SCROG net to tip of plant Total 48cm for week four of flower. +2cm from Last Week "first week it has stretched more in the single week vs the Maltezerz" The clones are doing well considering I have ignored them mostly. Some yellowing in the leaves but nothing to worry about just yet. Have not lost a single clone in this project. I'm impressed with my self for that. Could also be this strain is really easy to clone as well.
3 week of flowering finished, all good. Getting up to concrete jungle 😵
Mi sono dovuto assentare perciò quando ritorno in sede indoor farò una desfogliata importante e le metterò poi a 12 ore Questa volta provo con 24 ore di buio,1 giorno a 11/13.. poi fisso l'orario classico 12/12..dicono che si velocizzi la fioritura... vedremo.. A vederle in un video sembra tutto a posto...😅
The final day arrived. She got all her trichomes filled up with milk and around 5% Amber while flushing for the last 6-7 days. It took her around 60 days of flowering to reach this point. Smells like the coffeeshops in Amsterdam. Let’s see how long it takes to dry.
Quarta settimana di fioritura.iniziano AD ingrossare e profumare .queste 2 prosecco della korngarden.seeds stanno venendo super Diventano giorno per giorno sempre più belle e grosse..... forza prosecco kor garden seeds
Orange dream is frosty , sticky and smells oh so orangey, keeping up the defol and bringing her on the home straight . She’s a special breed this one some of those buds are 6 inch around and there’s still a month to fill them out … and I’m gonna smoke it all .. life’s good
70 days from seed!!! wow I just confirmed once again that Zamnesia seeds are not bad :) the girl is growing really well despite the lack of space, high humidity, the girl just ignores all this and does not pay much attention to it and focuses all her energy on the maturation of the flowers, which are really very stiff ;) Plagron nutrients also worked flawlessly throughout her growth, this is my first growth with these nutrients :) I am happy that they are there, I will definitely use them in the future :) well, there is not much left until the harvest, Good luck to everyone in the competition and in your cultivation :).
70 days from seed!!! wow I just confirmed once again that Zamnesia seeds are not bad :) the girl is growing really well despite the lack of space, high humidity, the girl just ignores all this and does not pay much attention to it and focuses all her energy on the maturation of the flowers, which are really very stiff ;) Plagron nutrients also worked flawlessly throughout her growth, this is my first growth with these nutrients :) I am happy that they are there, I will definitely use them in the future :) well, there is not much left until the harvest, Good luck to everyone in the competition and in your cultivation :).
She is getting to her ripening stage so in it longer feed her any nitrogen just keeping it organic with wood ashes, molasses and Bat Guano…her smell is amazing.
This week went beautiful some lovely growth and looking healthy in the leaves nice and thick feeding at 400 PPM of expert nutrients line pH at 5.8 . She is doing very well and cannot wait for next week. Thank you for looking at my diary and always remember it's 420 somewhere 🌱👍
This week went ok . I noticed there are Rust spots on the leaves that was due to I didn't have my carbon filter at the time but I do now and the plants have been treated today with the spray .but other then that thay ar doing well . Thank you for looking at my diary and always remember it's 420 somewhere 🌱👍
Hi there, We have definitely seen some good growth since last update. Patient and the longer veg period paid off as many bud sites appeared. I mean 4 plants filled the whole 120*120 tent. Genetic traits are starting to show. Marshmallow Og has thicker stems and has grown taller during the stretch while Candystore RBX is a much darker green has a medium-long internode spacing. It was necessary to use a plant trolley to lift the Candystore for a uniform canopy level. The tallest Candystore is 67cm, Marshmallow 73cm. On day 21 after the switch to 12, I took off a bunch of leaves to get more light on the lower nodes. At first I was afraid I had gone a little too far because I had also done an aggressive lollipoping on these girls. Next week we'll see how offended they are haha. They became hungrier and we started supplementing their watering with the Booster. The above mentioned units except the Silica are grams not ml. They drink like 5 litres every four days. Running the light on 80% , 44 cm above the canopy. Par.: 540-770 Ppfd Vpd.:1,05-1,2kpa. Happy with how everything looks, until next time.🌱🌞
3. März Mal wieder Montag: Es beginnt Woche 7 für die Orions bzw. Woche 6 für die kleine Crit. Sieht alles im allgemeinen sehr zufriedenstellend aus. Die Fadenbewässerung war bereits wieder halb leer. Die Töpfe waren allerdings gefühlt sehr leicht und nicht so schwer wie sonst. Habe das Gefühl dass die Bewässerung seit dem letzten Mal befüllen nicht richtig gearbeitet hat. Dennoch ging das Wasser schnell leer. Ich gehe nicht davon aus dass es einfach nur verdampft ist, da die Luftfeuchtigkeit sich im Rahmen gehalten hat. Keine Ahnung… Habe die Fadenbewässerung erneut befüllt und dieses Mal die Fäden explizit nass gemacht. Zusätzlich gab es 1L Wasser+ 10ml Bio P-K 5-8 für jede Pflanze von oben gegossen + 0,5l Wasser nachträglich pro Pflanze zum „nachspülen“. Das restliche Wasser der Woche wird nun hoffentlich wieder von unten durch die Fäden bezogen. Dieser blöde rotklee geht mir so unglaublich auf den Geist!!! Ich hab’s zwar schonmal protokolliert aber doppelt hält besser: nie wieder soviele Samen aufeinander pro Topf benutzen!! Vor allem bei der Crit ist es sehr schwer von oben zu gießen weil alles voll mit dem kack Klee is. wuuuussssaaaaa
Week 9 the girls really started putting that fade on and bringing out the beautiful colors you see I love this time of the grow nearing the end and we get to see the transformation of these amazing plants
Just water her u til harvest she is full of seeds
There are some smokable buds but most of these are for seeds…I will wait the seeds to finish mature then consider the smokable buds…so far so good
Week 4 of flower Things going okay the cap mag is helping I think not having much de coloration on leafs still bottom watering and top watering in between bottom watering fill ups
6th week of flowing: Not a lot to add the ladies are growing well buds are getting bigger by the week and nicely covered in trichomes. Barely touching/moving a plants spreads a lovely aroma to the air.
Hi everyone this week was okay it seems to have gotten a little bit unwell with the leaf rust I have treated it today though. like with the banana purple punch it was due to me not having my carbon filter with me at the time so I had higher humidity at night but that is all sorted now . Feeding with 400 PPM of the X pert nutrient line pH at 5.8 hopefully she will get better I can see it's stunted her a little bit. See what next week brings thank you for looking at the diary and remember it's 420 somewhere 🌱👍