This morning, I did a foliar application of big bloom and fulvic acid, then about 5 hours later I watered them with about a half-gallon of rainwater each and added armor si, humic acid, endoboost myco/tricho, liquid molasses, and a bunch of cal-mag. Today, I also I wired up and mounted my new samsung sun board strips (660nm/730nm) and my Solacure FlowerPower UVB fixture.
I'm running the deep red/far red bud boosters a few hours per day right now, but will run them for the entire photoperiod once I start flowering them. I'll run the UVB for 4 * 15-minute sessions a day for the full flowering cycle, and if they don't protest too much I'll increase each session by 5 minutes and evaluate again. Some strains are more forgiving than others and I've got 5 different strains in this space...so really not sure much time I'll get away with exposing them to the deadly rays without damaging them too much...😈
I received one of the rapid led/growmau far red initiator pucks today. With the placement of my UVB light, I'm realizing I'll need another far red puck to have even and intense far red coverage, so I'm ordering another with Prime delivery and waiting to start flowering until I receive it.
I sprayed them down really well with ph adjusted rainwater tonight to rinse off nutrient build-up from foliar applications.
I'm really excited to try flowering under 14/10. I grew photos indoors on an off for 15 years before I semi-retired. If I added up all the additional flowering time I could have done through the years if LED technology existed, I'd have had an extra truckload of bud to smoke.
I did another application of Axiom Harpin a|b Proteins this evening, right before dark. I'm expecting a big growth burst this week, leading up to the flower stretch. I really need them to trigger under 14/10 within 4 or 5 days🙏
...if not, I'll switch to 13/11 and wait a few more days🙏😟..if still no pistils are poppin, I'll go to 12/12 and chalk it up as bad luck or varietal indifference to Pr and Pfr manipulation.
I fed each of them about 3/4 gallon of full strength veg nutes. This will be the last. I'll go with half-strength veg and half-strength bloom for a week, then go with full strength bloom nutrients until I start flushing them in 6-8 weeks.
I installed the second far-red flowering initiator today and got all my timers configured for flowering:
timer#1 - power strip with qb's and red boosters
10:00am -12:00am
timer#2 - (dual/independent setting)
sideA- 3-way cube with uva bars
10am - 3pm
7pm - 11pm
sideB- flowerpower uvb
1pm - 1:15pm
4pm - 4:15pm
7pm - 7:15pm
11pm - 11:15pm
timer#3 - far red pucks
11:00pm - 12:15am
timer#4 - sub-canopy tube
10am - 1pm
3pm - 6pm
8pm - 11pm
I also did some testing on the timers and sealed myself into the closet to check for any light leaks. All good.👌
Looks like the FIM job didn't take on one of them..but she's got perfect symmetry. WIll probably have to just top her again next week...gonna be a tall one I think. Tonight is their first long night. It's ON!👍
I watered them today with about a half gallon each. I'm seeing calcium and magnesium deficiences here and there, so added some boomerang and heavy cal-mag-Fe along with liquid molasses, humic acid, and endoboost myco. I also foliar fed with big bloom and fulvic acid.
That's it for week 4-