1/11/2024 Vegetation Week 1 Day 1- I have a root almost in the water.. Yay!! Top feeding is almost done. she is looking a little sad as I work the transition Top feeding but once the roots are fully in the water she will start to take off. Ensured my PPFD is set between 250-300 it is set to: 258 1/12/2024 Vegetation Week 1 Day 2- I have a root in the water.... NO TOP FEED TODAY SIR!!! now that a root is touching the water and she looks stable, I am not going to topfeed, I will see how she looks tomorrow and as long as everything looks good I am going to go ahead and do a change and week 1 fill on Nutes.. I know it is a couple of days in but the same Nutes go through Week 2 and get changed at Week 3 So I should be good to go.. I will just ensure I fill to root touching the water when I change tomorrow. 1/13/2024 Vegetation Week 1 Day 3- Water Change Day!! I added 36 Gallons of Water to the system: Silica= .5mil/gal= 18mil CalMag= .75mil/gal = 27mil FloraMicro=3.0mil/gal = 108mil FloraGro=2.0mil/gal = 72mil FloraBloom= 2.0mil/gal = 72mil PH DOWN= 30mil Very important thing with this system is to now wait the 24 hours for the system to adjust.. Do not make any further adjustments to your PH up or Down for 24 hours to allow time for the system to balance. 1/14/2024 Vegetation Week 1 Day 4- Today I just adjusted the PH to ensure that it was right at 6.0 1/15/2024 Vegetation Week 1 Day 5- Today I Cleaned up the lower damaged leaves from the transition from top feeding to roots in the water. She looks good today. 1/16/2024 Vegetation Week 1 Day 6- Today I just took a picture of the beautiful lady for Log. Other than that just normal day to day operations, check the pH, check the Humidifiers and fill as necessary, check level of water in the Res. Everything looks great. onto Tomorrow!! 1/17/2024 Vegetation Week 1 Day 7- Today I filled the humidifers, checked the PH and just let her grow.. Grow baby Grow.....
I got really busy towards the end and probably made a few mistakes. Probably cut it down a bit early too but she wasnt able to hold herself up anymore and broke some stems. All in all compared to the outcome of my last grow this one plant doubled my outcome so I dont believe I maybe improving on my growing skills. I have her curing in jars right now. Out of the sample I have tried I really enjoy it. Smells like candy, tastes like candy with a little extra something something at the end. Smooth, burns clean I couldn't be happier.
Blacked out all windows in the shed and moved Moby Dick plants here from greenhouse to ensure flowering as they are now in darkness for 13 hours uninterrupted. Growing very well for 7 week old. Ran into some nitrogen deficiency problems as these Phenos are very nutrient demanding but still no problems. Will keep in flower for 4 weeks and bobs your uncle
Crecimiento espectacular! Siguen explotando en resina y cálices. Da gusto abrir el armario cada día y observar el desarrollo que tienen. Se les realizó una defoliación a medianos de semana. Ahora ya regamos solo con agua, controlando el pH para dejarlo a 6.2 y conseguir un ph residual de 6.5
Como era de esperar, la weddingcake duplica su tamaño en la segunda semana de floración. La skywalker sigue el mismo camino. Ambas presentando ya las primeras preflores, indicando que se avecina una excelente floración
welcome to week 6 of the peanutbutter breath and gorilla cookies I must say their fillin up nice I hit them witha heavy dose of nutes today thinking bout giving them the full 10 weeks instead of 8-9 and start flush next week in week 7
They really started to bush up this week. I upped the water from 26oz to a half gallon for plant A and B. They all responded to almost twice as much water as usual. I was worried of over watering. So really being able to feel the pot weight is super tricky. No real issues but humidity. I’m still sticking with LST on plant B and letting plant A ride! Also I’m staying on the planned NUTE schedule. Stay lifted
Because I used 2/3rds of the fresh plant on dry ice extraction and because I did it solo, there are no official weights for the CBD harvest. I will weigh the 1/3rd still hanging and report on that and my estimate of what the total weight would've been. Because of the size of the colas, the number of branches and such, I'm going to guess that it was very close to 3oz or slightly over as it was larger than the BHB. Will definitely grow again. Very nice genetics! Harvested the CBD at the recommended moment when the trichomes were as close to all cloudy as possible. I believe it was around 90%. Very strong effects that are not psychoactive. Highly recommended.
Day 40 of 12/12 Switched to the ripen phase for feed, in ml per gallon- Cal/mag- 1.5/g Micro- 1/g Bloom- 4/g Switched to dry koolbloom for this last week of feed (more aggressive pk ratio) used at 1 gram/gallon EC 1.2 PH 5.8