This week in my grow room has been full of developments. First, I added additional lights because I couldn't get the relative humidity (RH) under control. I ordered a dehumidifier, but it will take a few weeks to arrive, so I had to find a temporary solution. I also emptied the reservoir and refilled it with fresh water and nutrients. I secured the net to ensure it stays in place under tension. In two days, I plan to switch the light schedule to 12/12, hoping the plants will stretch a bit during the switch to avoid having overly large buds that aren't evenly spread. Seventeen hours later, I decided to keep the lights on a 16/8 schedule for a few more days. The plants are starting to show signs of something happening, so I want to see how they develop. I will keep you updated on the progress. Then, I received a message from my supplier that the dehumidifier would arrive today. Great news—time to spice things up! On June 2nd, the dehumidifier arrived, and I managed to get my Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) to 1.17! This is fantastic news, and I'm very curious how this will affect water usage. The dehumidifier seems pretty powerful, with water literally dripping out of the hose, so I'm no longer worried about high humidity levels. It's a shame it doesn't have a range setting, but I couldn't expect more for the price. I'm considering ordering the Dimlux Auxbox to set a working range and separate day/night settings. Thankfully, the dehumidifier has an auto-restart function after a power loss. On June 3rd, the night is over, and while my values are now more stable, I haven't noticed any significant differences in water absorption. What I do notice is that the pots seem much drier. The difference in leaf temperature compared to the room temperature has increased slightly, now about a 2˚C difference, indicating that evaporation has increased somewhat. Despite the dehumidifier cooling the air, the room temperature has risen. This is explainable since dry air heats up faster than humid air. The CO2 heater is also running significantly longer. So, although there are no immediately visible differences, there are indeed some changes. Today is the last short night of 8 hours, and tomorrow will be the first night of 12 hours. I am contemplating doing a 10-hour night first and will decide later tonight. After closely reviewing the video footage, I noticed some divergent colors on the leaves. My pH is currently 6.4, which I had adjusted to compensate for the low pH last week—a foolish decision in coco, I know. I plan to make videos of each individual plant for my records to investigate further. The light is too intense to inspect them up close, so the videos will help me get a better look.
Welcome to my Garlic Cookies Diary sponsored by Pure Instinto. Last wk 13 Ripening SF-1000 Days 92-98 Flower Day 26-32 flowering 50 or so Days. With IR every wk until the last. The process sped up by a 1.5/2 wks with 70hrs extra light over those 40 days. 1.5 during pre and 2 hrs up until now. Only when I check the trichs at the start of the wk. I seen how ripe was. As I was going off pistils and by breeder days rec for flowering. Not taking into account how much faster IR adds to your extra DLI. buds are rock hard. Not huge. But man, they're like rocks. Flushed last wk. And she threw herself into end of life. So, she a holding on. She was on heavy syns at the end of her life and finishers that have, have to be washed from the bud. I put under my SF1000 the last few days. To soften the blow she was getting from such a high co2/temp environment last wk. She was given a hard flush the start of this week. Myth about flushing or not. The stuff I was using. YOU HAVE TO FLUSH, so, she's been on water the past week. And believe it or not. I flushed the 1st time. Got it down to my tap ppm by 20L and threw the top on for good mes. Day 94 when she dried out. Ran 1L through her. Ppm was 600. Reflushsed, and only the last few days. Her leaves are given in. There's still nutrients left though. She got tested was still 250 yesterday. So, flushed again. And she's getting pult in a few hrs. As always. My diaries will be a few weeks behind so I can get a cure and test. And only then do I fairly rate. Thanks to Pure Instinto. And to all who viewed this diary. Much appreciated to the light provider Mars-Hydro, was a pleasure. And good results. Buds are rocks. Not huge. But rocks. A GRADE for sure. Won't have any shrinkage concerns here. Harvested Decided to pull her. She's fully done. Took the 2nd set of her nodes, rough trim & put to quick dry with the plant itself hang drying in shit weather 19-21.5c so she got fully watered before harvest and the RH is kept high at 65-70 to prolong the dry. There is a risk of mold. But with the heat an contest air exchange, its unlikely. Has a lovely cookies sweet smell with a bit of dankness. Also, a floweree smell. Which will go when dried. Really glad so far, even with my high temperatures, now knowing how to dry in summer, I've yet to get any hay smell, (signs the dry went badly against your quality of bud) can be rid of in a long cure but, and early signs of it. Still has an affect on strength. Read the process as something breaks down for it to get like that. And once it happens, there's no getting the potency level back. But, the smell yes. After 2-4 months, depending on the servaity of the hay smell. Here, I'm not sure what will happen yet. I've yet to push a plant to 100% cloudy and 40% ambers. lights P1000 50% strenght for Seedling 2-500 ppfd SP 3000 75-100% strenght for veg/90% of flowering 1000ppfd FC3000 100% strenght 5% early-mid 500ppfd coner SF-1000 5% Ripening 400ppfd corner DISCOUNT CODES Spider-Farmer "ggst: 3% Discount EU only MARS-HYDRO "ggs" 3% Discount WW Zamneisa "GROWITGD" 20% Discount.
They are stretching a little more than i expected.. got some light bleaching, try to dim the lights a little since i can't get the lamp any higher.. Defoliate at day 21 again. At day 21 i flush with 3L 1.0EC, 5.5pH and let it dry out. Pheno 4 got some beautiful pink/reddish coloring in the leafs already. (Alot of new white flowering hairs that are stacking up more than other phenos) Let's hope they'll turn out great. The smell is coming true, some have a little sugar leaf. Waiting game is on
Put a lot of love into this grow. She grew for 4 months from seeds to harvest. About 5 weeks and 56 days of flower. Overall great strain to grow and great site @growdiaries for giving the platform and help from other growers. I’ve learned so much about growing and especially about this strain.
Think I’m going to have to harvest maybe a little early as I will not be around to water the plant.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ bit to sure if it’s ready or not. What do you think is it to early and how early ?