This entry covers days 15-23. Same as last week, there is a timelapse! I hope you check it out. (Timelapse to be added ASAP! The internet is too slow to upload it now!
This past week I've upped the nutrients to about 410 ppm. This is a stronger nutrient solution than the one I used for my GSC at this age. I decided to up the nutrients so much because I noticed my leaves were a bit light in color, which I thought might be because it was lacking enough nutrients. Unfortunately the leaves are still this same light green at the end of this week, as well as some light splotches.
Today, day 23, has seen some confusion. I found what I thought to be root rot, but turned out to be a nutrient buildup. I treated this using Jef79's suggestion of rinsing with water than matches the pH and temperature of my reservoir. I know the brown roots were from this nutrient build up because simply rinsing them helped a lot. After resolving this issue, I bound her down for some low stress training.