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Noticed a bit of sudden yellowing, I am assuming it is nitrogen. But I only have Gaia Green 3-0-3, 4-4-4, and the 2-8-4 power bloom. The issue is most likely my Ph pen being out of range, I am going to have to calibrate it weekly. I just top dressed with the 2-8-4 about a week ago, so I am a bit unsure, I don't wanna add too much more and possibly cause other issues. Watering about a litre per day now, watering every 2 days it seems to dry out too much.
Hola amigos arrancamos nuevo cultivito, por ahora os traigo los videos que subo a YT como ya sabéis le estoy dando caña al canal, buscarme allí, me llamo como aquí, xmackobox. Poco mas, se empezaron a germinar el día 14/02/24. Algunas se pasaron a maceta el día 16, otras en 17 y se terminaron de plantar en maceta definitiva de 11 L el día 18/02/24. Para la primera semana de crecimiento ya meto fotos detalle de todas. **ACTUALIZADO** 26/02/24 llevamos 12 días desde que se empezó a germinar, todas brotadas perfectas excepto 1 que como veis parece atrofiada o con algún problema, no desarrolla el ojo principal es decir su punta apical. Esperaremos a ver que hace esta plantita :D
Hola amigos arrancamos nuevo cultivito, por ahora os traigo los videos que subo a YT como ya sabéis le estoy dando caña al canal, buscarme allí, me llamo como aquí, xmackobox. Poco mas, se empezaron a germinar el día 14/02/24. Algunas se pasaron a maceta el día 16, otras en 17 y se terminaron de plantar en maceta definitiva de 11 L el día 18/02/24. Para la primera semana de crecimiento ya meto fotos detalle de todas. **ACTUALIZADO** 26/02/24 llevamos 12 días desde que se empezó a germinar, todas brotadas perfectas excepto 1 que como veis parece atrofiada o con algún problema, no desarrolla el ojo principal es decir su punta apical. Esperaremos a ver que hace esta plantita :D
Hola amigos arrancamos nuevo cultivito, por ahora os traigo los videos que subo a YT como ya sabéis le estoy dando caña al canal, buscarme allí, me llamo como aquí, xmackobox. Poco mas, se empezaron a germinar el día 14/02/24. Algunas se pasaron a maceta el día 16, otras en 17 y se terminaron de plantar en maceta definitiva de 11 L el día 18/02/24. Para la primera semana de crecimiento ya meto fotos detalle de todas. **ACTUALIZADO** 26/02/24 llevamos 12 días desde que se empezó a germinar, todas brotadas perfectas excepto 1 que como veis parece atrofiada o con algún problema, no desarrolla el ojo principal es decir su punta apical. Esperaremos a ver que hace esta plantita :D
Hola amigos arrancamos nuevo cultivito, por ahora os traigo los videos que subo a YT como ya sabéis le estoy dando caña al canal, buscarme allí, me llamo como aquí, xmackobox. Poco mas, se empezaron a germinar el día 14/02/24. Algunas se pasaron a maceta el día 16, otras en 17 y se terminaron de plantar en maceta definitiva de 11 L el día 18/02/24. Para la primera semana de crecimiento ya meto fotos detalle de todas. **ACTUALIZADO** 26/02/24 llevamos 12 días desde que se empezó a germinar, todas brotadas perfectas excepto 1 que como veis parece atrofiada o con algún problema, no desarrolla el ojo principal es decir su punta apical. Esperaremos a ver que hace esta plantita :D
Hola amigos arrancamos nuevo cultivito, por ahora os traigo los videos que subo a YT como ya sabéis le estoy dando caña al canal, buscarme allí, me llamo como aquí, xmackobox. Poco mas, se empezaron a germinar el día 14/02/24. Algunas se pasaron a maceta el día 16, otras en 17 y se terminaron de plantar en maceta definitiva de 11 L el día 18/02/24. Para la primera semana de crecimiento ya meto fotos detalle de todas. **ACTUALIZADO** 26/02/24 llevamos 12 días desde que se empezó a germinar, todas brotadas perfectas excepto 1 que como veis parece atrofiada o con algún problema, no desarrolla el ojo principal es decir su punta apical. Esperaremos a ver que hace esta plantita :D
So these girls are shorter than expected allthough the 2 girls are of decent height enough for me too flip along side my aptus fed girls. I have defoliate all areas that covers light getting too the lowers and also removed excess branching too focus energy towards the main tops also did this via a little lst 🌱 One of each plus an extra 412 so hopefully they stick through and make it too harvest which they look too be healthy so far. I will next defoliate on week 3 of flower and also remove excess plant matter taking up neccasary energy 🌱 Shogun is serving them well so fa! Lights will be 12/12 tonight Week 1 flower commences then Stay blessed 💚
Fruity Pebbles in the Blue Planet nutrition Is bulking now. The Athena one I am harvesting tomorrow. Big size difference in the 2. I think it was 2 different phenom types. So back to this plant. It has gotten a bit close to the light. I think she has gotten some wind damage to the upper leaves from being hit by the fan. I rather that then she get too warm. Everything is doing its thing. Thank you Medic Grow, and ILGM. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
So she finally snapped out of her funk. I am not sure what was effecting her. I have the same thing going on with another plant. Regardless she is growing, and growing fast. Everything looks okay now after her nasty start. Thank you Medic Grow, Athena, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program
FBT 2401 is bulking. I ultimately messed this grow up for her full potential. I will still get a few ounces from here. It looks super frosty so far, and has a good aroma starting. Thank you Athena, Medic Grow, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program
Gracias al equipo de Kannabia Seed y XpertNutrients, sin ellos esta magia no seria posible. 🍁💐: Si Runtz se ha ganado su popularidad a pulso, esta versión autofloreciente es digna heredera de sus atributos. No es de extrañar que nuestros criadores hayan acertado con su programa de reproducción, al combinar dos de las cepas más fascinantes de la actualidad: Zkittlez y Gelato. planta resistente y robusta, de cuerpo esbelto y fuerte ramificación lateral, que se puede cultivar prácticamente en cualquier entorno; pero prefiere los veranos largos y cálidos, tal y como quiere la madre naturaleza, donde bañada por el sol se eleva hasta los 120 cm. para producir unos rendimientos muy gratificantes de 100-150 gramos por planta. En interior, y tras solo 70 días desde la semilla, también recompensará con cosechas abundantes de hasta 500 gr./m² Inmediatamente después de encontrarte con ella, lo primero que notarás es su aroma descaradamente afrutado, con un toque tropical cortado con reminiscencias terrosas y amaderadas, que se entremezclan de forma agradable para ofrecer un combo que hace salivar las papilas gustativas. Ofrece un sabor confitado, refrescante y similar a sumergirse en una piscina de frutas cítricas y flores de fragancia intensa. Al inhalar, obtienes la bondad de la dulzura; al exhalar, el humo se convierte en suave y cremoso, dejando suficiente profundidad en cada bocanada para satisfacer a aquellos que buscan los matices más complejos. ⛽ XpertNutrients: es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos 🍶y sustratos🐛, que garantizan los mejores resultados y cosechas de la más alta calidad. A través de una cuidadosa selección de materias primas y un proceso de producción avanzado, sus productos son sinónimo de resultados confiables. 🛒 Consigue aqui tus fertilizantes:,de%20la%20m%C3%A1s%20alta%20calidad. Traducir 📆 Samana 0: Germinada en una servilleta de papel con 1 litro agua + 0.3 Master Root, PH 5.1 para romper el cascaron de la semilla mas rápido y se guarda en un sitio seco, calido y oscuro para una rápida germinación 😍.
Pure Ice cream clone is doing great. She has grown rather large for the small potter. I will be switching her to flower in a few days. She will also get some training, and cleaned up some. Everything is going good. Thank you Pure Instinto Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
This week has gone well, had a bunch of stuff typed out and closed my browser by mistake and now this is #2 attempt to post this week. Easy week for the plants, they have being growing well and I am impressed by the size of them. I added in some potassium silicate to introduce some Si into this grow. I decided to top them as they where starting to grow their 4th node, snipped that tip off and we're golden. They are kinda smelly if you rub them and that's fun too, Some of the hot peppers have also popped up and started growing. I still don't have anything on the Naga Morich pepper that I am hoping for. I have a feeling that as the seeds I got from these peppers where from a dehydrated pepper, they might be duds nuked from the dry heat of the dehydrator. I do have 4 vials of hot pepper seeds where the label has fallen off, I found the labels but no idea what one goes on what bottle. One out of the four bottles is Naga Morich, Having some none dehydrated seeds in my possession is one step closer to getting more of this hottie. I also found a fly out of no where, Its little wing is damaged and it more or less hops and glides unsuccessfully vs fly's but I took some videos of it. I also seen a few fungus gnats, little fuckers where not in my apartment before I am convinced their eggs survive in the stuff I buy then come out of it. Kinda annoying. PLUS I borrowed a light meter from my hydro shop, I was expecting it to be a LUX meter and that I would have to do a bunch of conversions but it was not, it was a legit Quantum Par Sensor, detecting in PPF "Photosynthetic Photon Flux" or umols/s, with these readings I can calculate my PPFD "PPF+Density" I have mapped out my tents floor into a colour coded grid of dots and mapped out the PPF at varying heights and dims. However I did not do it right and need to redo this. But once this is done I will have a functioning PPFD map with relation to my tent. This will help me tone in DLI and get it aorund a solid 35-40. Will be gearing up for a transplant next week. I try and post on Fridays but don't always get around to it. I take the pics on that date though and then try and remember what I was going to write about that week. PS Gorilla Tent Accessory's suck shit. The SCROG nets pic has the gorilla 2x4 SCROG net "black" and the Secret Jardin 2x4 SCROG net "white" beside it. massive difference in quality and size. I should have known when they state on the label its for 2x2 or 2x4, that's not even possible. Also tried out the nutrient line that's part of the gorilla tent company, Lotus, I ran it one year and it was just trash, did not work, had issues since first week and they would not correct. Buddy reached out to me and said same thing happened to him and he disliked the brand. Big shoutout to Medic Grow for sponsoring the lighting in my tent, They have provided me with 2x Mini Sun 2's in the 240w configuration, They use the v1 growing spectrum that is a all purpose seed to harvest spectrum so their is no hassle of switching it mid grow. If you interested in learning more about Medic Grow products please visit the web link below.
This week has gone well, had a bunch of stuff typed out and closed my browser by mistake and now this is #2 attempt to post this week. Easy week for the plants, they have being growing well and I am impressed by the size of them. I added in some potassium silicate to introduce some Si into this grow. I decided to top them as they where starting to grow their 4th node, snipped that tip off and we're golden. They are kinda smelly if you rub them and that's fun too, Some of the hot peppers have also popped up and started growing. I still don't have anything on the Naga Morich pepper that I am hoping for. I have a feeling that as the seeds I got from these peppers where from a dehydrated pepper, they might be duds nuked from the dry heat of the dehydrator. I do have 4 vials of hot pepper seeds where the label has fallen off, I found the labels but no idea what one goes on what bottle. One out of the four bottles is Naga Morich, Having some none dehydrated seeds in my possession is one step closer to getting more of this hottie. I also found a fly out of no where, Its little wing is damaged and it more or less hops and glides unsuccessfully vs fly's but I took some videos of it. I also seen a few fungus gnats, little fuckers where not in my apartment before I am convinced their eggs survive in the stuff I buy then come out of it. Kinda annoying. PLUS I borrowed a light meter from my hydro shop, I was expecting it to be a LUX meter and that I would have to do a bunch of conversions but it was not, it was a legit Quantum Par Sensor, detecting in PPF "Photosynthetic Photon Flux" or umols/s, with these readings I can calculate my PPFD "PPF+Density" I have mapped out my tents floor into a colour coded grid of dots and mapped out the PPF at varying heights and dims. However I did not do it right and need to redo this. But once this is done I will have a functioning PPFD map with relation to my tent. This will help me tone in DLI and get it aorund a solid 35-40. Will be gearing up for a transplant next week. I try and post on Fridays but don't always get around to it. I take the pics on that date though and then try and remember what I was going to write about that week. PS Gorilla Tent Accessory's suck shit. The SCROG nets pic has the gorilla 2x4 SCROG net "black" and the Secret Jardin 2x4 SCROG net "white" beside it. massive difference in quality and size. I should have known when they state on the label its for 2x2 or 2x4, that's not even possible. Also tried out the nutrient line that's part of the gorilla tent company, Lotus, I ran it one year and it was just trash, did not work, had issues since first week and they would not correct. Buddy reached out to me and said same thing happened to him and he disliked the brand. Big shoutout to Medic Grow for sponsoring the lighting in my tent, They have provided me with 2x Mini Sun 2's in the 240w configuration, They use the v1 growing spectrum that is a all purpose seed to harvest spectrum so their is no hassle of switching it mid grow. If you interested in learning more about Medic Grow products please visit the web link below.
I continue to do a little defoliation on my 4 Banana Krumble They grow well with strong secondary branches but a little less height than the other varieties present in my culture This week with supports I start trying to balance the height of all my plants so that they are approximately the same distance from the lamp ------------------------------------------------------------ 💧Watering On average I water each pot with: Day 36 : 0.75 Liters Day 40 : 0.75 L I use tap water, adjust the ph to around 6 and water 💧Spraying I mix a little black soap and neem oil in 1L of water and spray everything in the tent just before my lights go out, keeping any electrical appliances away while I spray. I try to soak all the plants. and I repeat this 2 times this week and the next before the buds appear. I do this to keep pests away and reduce the risk of mold. ------------------------------------------------------------ 🔥❄️Temperature of the week : Day : 19-23°C (Humidity : 60-75%) Night : 16-18°C Outside the tent it is around 17°C with 70% humidity ------------------------------------------------------------ 🚀Equipment of the week ⭐️ : It's starting to smell a little too green in my house, I'm adding my carbon filter this week Light FC3000 Mars hydro. power 95% at 45cm Extractor 6 inch Mars Hydro + carbon filter . power 3/10. ON 24/24h 1 oscillating fan, on 45 minutes / off 15 minutes in loop (I reduce its use at night) ------------------------------------------------------------ 📜Links : 🌱Banana Krumble seeds : Mars Hydro : 5% off with my discount code "houstone5" 💪 👨‍🚀My Instagram : ------------------------------------------------------------ ☮️Thanks for your visit 💚🤸‍♂️