hi everyone,
day 40 and the Crystal Candy xl By sweet seeds are in the first week of flowering.
No bad at all, one is still smaller i don't know why, i can't wait to try again this amazing strain. Until today they survive at any mistake i did, temperature and humidity fluctuation, no too much air circulation, maybe some over watering, the soil i premix ecc. ecc. ecc.
Anyway they look happy so let's keep it going!!!!
DAY42 a.k.a. 21.03.2021
hi everyone the crystal candy by sweet seeds are growing, tomorrow is starting the 6th week of flowering.
today i feed the ladys with sea weed extract ( made by me ) and molassa.
the average quantity of water i give is around 600 800 ml each plant every 2 day. 1 day wet 1 day dry 1 day wet. i always check the weight of the pot before give water.
since today everything is going well, hopefully are going to be ready in 5 6 week.