Dec. 13 - start of week 11 and all's well into the flip to flower. Clipped 'er out real good twice but there's no stopping these girls. Probably looking at some serious pruning over the next 2 weeks. We'll keep it light but regular and with luck, it'll be a perfect mix between max photo synth. and energy allocation. We've gone much more aggressive with the nute shed. - gonna jam 'em every feed on a 5:1 ratioof full strength to calmag only and see how they take to it instead of the current 3:1. @quexos was spot non about the defo - shoulda been a little more ruthless but all good - we'll get there homie😉 Thanks again to the usual suspects for the comments and critiques. You folks continue to keep it chill, enlightening and positive - you grow fiends have been awesome and best to all of you this Christmas!👊 Peace, love and all that other stuff.😎
Dec. 16 update - the stretch is on heavy! That said, this girls an NL strain so likely won’t stretch nearly as much as her kush neighbour. May need to prop her up at some point soon🤔. Cheers y’all!👊
This one is gonna be fimmed out and defo’d as a comparative to its manifolded kush sister. They’ll spend a first week or so under a cfl assembly while the last harvest dries out in the cabinet. This is our 2nd grow of an NL strain and this one should be typical of NL in terms of resilience. That said, she’s a former cup winner so we’re hopeful for supreme quality this time around. 👍 Gonna jack up the nute shed. and supplements heavy throughout the grow in the hopes of really testing the limits of my grow space (approx. 2sq/ft). With the coco medium we’re hoping for that 20% bump in yield as well. THANKS for check'n er out