Week 15 Start of Fade(flower week 9)
Light cycle=12/12
Light Power=125w 52%
Extractor controller settings
High temp= Day 26c, Night 20c
Low temp= c
Temp step=0c
High Rh= Day 50%, Night 55%
Low Rh= %
Rh step=0%
Speed max=10
Speed min=2
Smart controller settings (during lights on).
Lights on=9.00am
Top fan on=+22.5c
Top fan off=-22.0c
Dehumidifier on=+50% and -26c
Dehumidifier off=-50% or +26c
Smart controller settings (during lights off).
Lights off=9.00pm
Dehumidifier on=+55% and -20c
Dehumidifier off=-55% or +20c
VPD aim=0.6-1.3
DLI aim=30-45
EC aim=0.2-0.5
PH aim=6.0-6.5
Method= Autofeed 6 drippers.
Feed=Flushing Nutes.
Flawless finish=2ml/L
Easy Ph down= 0.02ml/L ( 4 drop total)
Ec=0.4 PH=6.5/6.5
Run times=5min (250ml each)
Gap times=15min×14, 45min×2
Total runtime=80mins (4.0L each)
Total flowrate= 100ml/min (50ml/min each)
Auto start time=10.00am
Auto stop time=4.05pm
📅25/8/24 Sunday (day 99, day 57 flower)
📋 Sad Day, cat past away.
After the drip system had ran for 75mins there was 5.5L water left only 33ml/min. Adjusted before last 5 min run.
Method= automatic
Feed=Flushing Nutes
Easy Ph down= 0.02ml/L
Ec=0.4 PH=6.5/6.5
Volume left=5L
Volume used=3L (37ml/min)
Volume each=3L (37ml/min)
Ec= PH=/
Extra 5 min @5.10pm
Extra 5 min @6.20pm
Volume left=4.5L(50ml/min)
Ec=2.2 PH=/6.2
📅26/8/24 Monday (day 100, day 58 flower)
📅27/8/24 Tuesday (day 101, day 59 flower)
📅28/8/24 Wednesday (day 102, day 60 flower)
📋 Inspection, she is swelling and trichomes are nearly all cloudy, pistils are shrinking and mostly brown. I'd say she's about 1 week of harvest if she carries on at this rate.
📅29/8/24 Thursday (day 103, day 61 flower)
📋 messed up watering as had connected 1 pipe to the other plant to the system by mistake.
Method= automatic
Ec=0.2 PH=6.3/6.3 (PH D=0.02ml/L) 3d
Volume left=4L
Volume used=3L (37ml/min)
Volume each=1.5L (18ml/min)
Total runoff=0.L
Corrected system
Water=manually @7.10pm
5 mins
Water=manually @7.35pm
5 mins
Volume left=3.4L
Volume used=0.6L (60ml/min)
Volume each=0.6L (60ml/min)
Extra runoff=0L
Ec= PH=/
Manually watered @8.00pm
Volume left=0.4L
Volume used=3L
Total Volume=5.0L ish
Extra runoff=0.2L
Ec=3.5 PH=/6.3
📅30/8/24 Friday (day 104, day 62 flower)
📅31/8/24 Saturday (day 105, day 63 flower)
Weekly roundup.
📋 I'm super impressed with this one now. She's bulked up great and looking like she's going to have a lot of solid buds with very little larf. I think she'll be harvest at the end of next week. So my next report may be the harvest report.
Take it easy.
Back soon.