Week 18, week 8 of flowering
Final last week. Second week of flush, finishing with using water only since the 2 last weeks. Starting harvest, it will take a few hours to take down everything.
Cellmax BIO Soil and Nutrients did a great job as usual, they can provide big quantity and the quality of an organic growth, making it the perfect BIO solution for your crops.
After testing Mars-Hydro LED during a bit more than a year, using their SP 250, here is my feedback. Their LED has definitely a better light penetration than an HID. Under Mars-Hydro spectrum the plant is able to grow nugs instead of fluffy popcorns in the bottom of the plant. Mars-Hydro has actually the best quality price on the market.... so, in conclusion, I’m rebuilding the room with 6 x Mars-Hydro FC 6500 Commercial Samsung Multi Racking quantum board, nothing can stop me to reach the 2.5gr/watts now 😎
And finally, I would like to say thanks to SPLIFFSEEDS.NL for sending these wonderful genetics. I would definitely suggest and recommend this seeds bank to pro and new growers. The strains are stabilized and traits of the genetic mapping locked perfectly. I’m extremely happy with this crop, well done SPLIFF SEEDS 👏👏👏
Stay tuned for harvest reports folks
For the new growers, in this diary is everything you need to know to recover from a shitty start, to catch back the delay, to avoid a Die-Back after the stretch around week 5 of flowering, see different deficiencies.... and finally harvest a great yield.
Thanks to the followers and for all the Likes 👍 Stay tuned my friends, I promise you an Epic setup for next crop 😎