Alzheimer’s is a relatively new use for medical marijuana, and we still don’t know a lot about how it affects the symptoms of the disease or its root cause. There are only a few animal experiments and small-scale clinical studies, but the results look promising. THC alone doesn’t seem to help Alzheimer’s patients, but CBD does, and its effects are enhanced by THC. So, the perfect strain for AD should either be of a low-THC, high-CBD variety or have hefty levels of both cannabinoids. The reason cannabis may help patients with dementia is that it has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Thus, it can slow neuronal loss and even make new brain cells grow in key regions. Additionally, CBD calms those who show agitation or violent behavior, while THC may improve sleep quality. In our list of the best strains for Alzheimer’s, you’ll find all three types of cannabis–Indicas, Sativas, and hybrids–and so you will be able to choose a medicine for any time of the day.