The “grandfather of all strains”, also known as Grandaddy Purple, GD Purps, or GDP, is a 70% Indica-dominant variety created from a cross between Big Bud and Purple Urkle genetics. This strain offers extremely resilient Indica genetics, making it an easy-to-grow strain. You will not have any issues as long as you are able to keep proper air circulation and humidity levels below 50% during the flowering stage Grandaddy Purple offers a sweet candy-like aroma with a very pungent grape aroma that can be overwhelming for those who don’t partake. The aromas translate exactly how you would expect, starting with hints of sweet berries and grapes, accented by a spicy pungency that reminisces of old-school strains. As expected from a world-renowned Indica, Grandaddy Purple delivers full-bodied corporal effects that hit you with a cerebral buzz, at first, leaving you completely happy and euphoric before a tsunami of relaxation leaves your whole body numb and completely pain-free. Grandaddy Purple is a perfect choice for medical patients dealing with a lack of appetite, anxiety, and muscle spasms among other ailments.