The peppery aroma in weed is attractive to many users, who love their smoke to be sharp and spicy, but the pepper flavor is so much more than mere sensory experience. The aromatic substance (terpene) that is responsible for the smell of pepper in cannabis and peppercorns alike is caryophyllene. It’s one of the most common of about 200 terpenes in cannabis, and its percentage in weed is often quite high. The peppery caryophyllene is also the only terpene that directly interacts with the cannabinoid receptors of the CB2 type, just like CBD does. This means that the presence of caryophyllene in peppery weed makes it more uplifting and clear-headed and less likely to cause paranoia. Pepper-flavored cannabis is also a great option for patients struggling with anxiety or stress. Whether for recreational or medical use, peppery weed is definitely worth trying.