What a week. This is essentially the start of week 3 photos. Week 2 was met with disaster by disaster. Ballast broke along with the one plant falling over. Luckily the plant that got knocked over (not shown) is finally starting to show signs of new growth and looks like it will survive. The plant were given 3-4 hours of sunlight per day while new and improved grow light was on its way. The plants also had a 100 watt light for the rest of the 18 hours. With the new Mh bulb I can already tell the plants are loving it and show much more growth than previously. This new light will help with my temperature issues especially since during peak heat times of day my plants were hitting up to 85°
Yes both were the freebees from seedsman, widows are smaller and bushy, but I’m actually surprised at the blueberry it’s bushed out a lot more than I expected! Good luck growing them man!
When you spin the light up to full power you should always move it a little higher than what you will keep it at until the girls have a day or 2 to adjust before moving back down to normal height for the wattage provided..
Enjoy your grow.
@GMSgrows,hey thanks for the comment always enjoy the tips! I actually had done this I’m pretty sure I noted it in my comment for the week! Happy growing brotha! Thanks for the tip!
Hey, nice grow! You look like you've been having fun with all your LST and explosive growth. I would rotate the photos for the same angle of of view. We cant all be like spiderman, or whoever you are. Happy Growing! 😀👍