All of phase #2, was topped, and defoliated. All recovered with amazing results. Gave them a couple doses of Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal Mag Xtra, and Rhino Skin along with their base nutes. Four of the phase #2, girls are now in the ground.☺️ Finally, got some space in the grow room. After the rest of the girls are outside permanently, I'll keep a select few from each phase inside, and when they're all about 40", flip over to 12/12, to keep the flow going.😉
@Ner0z, thanks so much!☺️ Yeah, I agree with you. We tried to cover a little of everything. There's just so many awesome strains. Can only do so much. You know how that goes. Will be popping off one more entry this evening though.😌 Guess we'll call it, phase #3?😦 thanks again. ☺️ will visit soon.✌️