The girls are doing great! They've been out on the sun everyday this week. No rain. Been having to water the outside girls everyday. We're under red flag fire alert right now. From one extreme (frost) to another. So, the 5, girls on the 1st couple photos have been chosen for the indoor/outdoor grow, and have been flipped to 12/12 light schedule. The information in this diary will now pertain only to the indoor/outdoor girls. Will still include photos of the outside girls for comparison purposes.😉✌️
@Ner0z, thanks so much!☺️ Yeah, I agree with you. We tried to cover a little of everything. There's just so many awesome strains. Can only do so much. You know how that goes. Will be popping off one more entry this evening though.😌 Guess we'll call it, phase #3?😦 thanks again. ☺️ will visit soon.✌️