A few days late on this entry.😢 So, heavy defoiliation, and lollipoping this past week to really get those buds popping. Added Advanced Nutrients B-52, and Sensi Cal Mag Xtra to the schedule to help 'em recover, and get those buds going. Will run B-52 thru to week 6. The girls been thirsty. Because of humidity been running the dehumidifier to keep things where they ought to be inside. Have to run a/c on low every night as well. Things are good.👍☺️
@Ner0z, thanks so much!☺️ Yeah, I agree with you. We tried to cover a little of everything. There's just so many awesome strains. Can only do so much. You know how that goes. Will be popping off one more entry this evening though.😌 Guess we'll call it, phase #3?😦 thanks again. ☺️ will visit soon.✌️