Hi grower!
Day 18 of flower and under this lamp you can see how happy this girls are.
This lamp it's giving me very good results for this moment and taking in consideration that here we have 6 1/2 plants.... And all of hers are growing very nice and similar, very cool Mars Hydro! Great job 💪😎!
Here a leave some info about PAR measurements ( PPFD ):
AVERAGE PAR AT TOP CANOPY ( Top buds in a height between 25 - 48cm )
357 umol
Highest PPFD 810 umol at 25cm from the lamp.
It's not at the center, let's say more or less 10cm far from the edge of the lamp. It's at the top of GG#4xLILLY. I should take center measurement at that height....sorry
AVERAGE PAR AT LOW CANOPY ( Lowest buds in a height between 67 - 48cm )
241 umol
Highest PPFD 424 umol at 46cm from the lamp.
Really cool numbers for so low watts from the wall 👍🤓😉
@BioBuds,my first organic grow and also first time growing with LED. I did a lot of research and for my budget a choiced this one, but for sure I will buy other of Mars Hydro, I'm very interested in SP3000. I would like SP250 but it's discontinued .....😕😔
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy,thank you bro! 👍👊✨ I know it's very at the limits 😅😅 but wanted too see how much I could push this lamp.
I'm sure I'll get good quality plus a decent amount of buds from each one, yield will be interestIng🤔
@Roberts,thank you master 🙏😎. I know it's crazy putting this amount of strains under the TS-1000 but I've faith on her, and ey! I don't loose nothing, I'm doing a comparison between this Mars Hydro 142w from wall with Niello 317w from the wall. For the moment results are very similar 🤓
@Afrogerweed, oké yeah have bin doing something to plant . But mine are bit uneven because I did serval things see what it would do . And ones that work i stick with it for the next run. But it's definitely nice to see what other growers can do . I got TS 1000 to and so far I am loving the lamp still working out hight and dimmer . Happy growings 🤘🤘
@DevilsBud,thank you mate! It wasn't just put the pots and move some branches here & there...😅 I always look for the best position of all of them under de TS-1000 & try to train the branchs to the center of the best PAR area 😁
Thank you for stopping by & comment 👍😊