She's stretching really well however there's a lot of crowded growth that will have to be removed when we schwazze her for the 2nd time next week...her color looks good, she's growing fast, this plant has a ton of promise... i really hope we're able to decipher the strain by the end lol...happy growing everyone
@guerilla, thanks... we went out to visit her today in the field and pull off any new pollen sacks/ throw some water on her and to our surprise we couldn't find any...we're going to keep a close eye on her, we may still get some decent smoke (albeit a little seedy) off her.. fingers crossed <3
Thank you @Secretflower ! 😻... We took this one out to the field and no new pollen sacks but she started to really sucks but we decided to put anything she yields into the bubble hash pile 🐱❤️💡🌱