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The First Ladiez

Approved by Barney's Farm
3 years ago
Custom - Handmade Shitbox
Custom - Handmade Shitbox
Room Type
weeks 3-13, 15-16
weeks 3, 5
weeks 8-9, 11
weeks 1, 5, 9-13
Grow medium
43 L
Pot Size
1.25 L
4 years ago
Plan of action: Blueberry Fem - Seedsman (Free seed) White Widow Fem - Seedsman (Free seed) HOPE (jk, Obama Kush Fem) - Grower's Choice Seeds Wedding Cake Fem - Barney's Farm In a cup o' water for 14-18 hours, then, paper towel if needed for another 24, then poppin and lockin' em in some soil. The goal is to not have any of them die. First grow went well, and it will be a tight fit with 4 plants going, but, BUT, ABER, MAIS, I have a plan of attack! And yes, the plan is, attack... Anyway, I'm thinking of trying techniques like FIM and Topping (pretty sure I'm on some BDSM list now somewhere) with the freebies. 18-6 most likely, maybe 20-4 because my light tries it's very bestestest. All organic again, Coast of Maine, but, BUT, MAIS, ABER, BUT, but, I am using 3 gallon fabric pots this go. Goal is 1 ounce dried per plant, I think I can do it, I'll aim for the stars, rah-rah siskoombah, we go up Ray, etc. That's it, goodbye now. PDRB approve you! July 19 2021 - Seeds are in the water, repeat, seeds in the drink. Dropped em like they were fiyah in some distilled water. July 20 2021 - Seeds had all sunk. In the paper towels for now... 21 July 2021 - [plays Taps] They're showing, giving them till later tonight, then in they go! Into the box they went, all seeds germinated with at least a 1/4 inch taproot. The PDRB welcomes all. Need to build a shelf for the podunk CO2 generator magiggy dooha. All is well. Names are fun! Blueberry Fem - MY BOY BLUE! White Widow Fem - Jacqueline O'nassis (aka Jackie O) Obama Kush Fem - 44 Kush (aka HOPE) Wedding Cake Fem - Bread Basket (aka Basketcase) Well go on, get out of here. You don't have to go home, but, you know, go home. If you are home, stay put, but close this browser page. 7/22/21 - Whole lotta nuttin' goin' on. Please, do come back tomorrow. Or not, you're a grown-up. 23 July 2021 - The O's (Barry and Jackie) have both punched through. Basketcase and MY BOY BLUE! are still getting accustomed to their new digs. Twenty-Four July Twenty-Twentyone - Basketcase is through the soil, I may have buried MY BOY BLUE too deep 😬 but I hold out HOPE. I spied with my little eye, BLUE poppin through the soil 25/07/2021 - BLUE is going to make it (I think) and the others all look happy and healthy. Once they get two weeks of Veg, I'll introduce CO2. Probably going to do some Fimmin' at week 3 or 4. All will get some version of an LST spiral given the space. July 26 2021 - BLUE is looking not great. I thought I would be helpful and remove some of the shell casing, as it looked to be locking up the cotyledons (similar to my first grow) but I think I mauled BLUE. I'm not sure he's going to make it, but thank goodness he was (A) free and (B) I have some Big Bud sitting in the seed bank waiting as a reserve. I'm going to give BLUE one more day, then I'll play some Simes and Funk and drop a Big Bud. And the beat goes on and on... August Second, 2021 - Jackie-O ate it. Dropped a Big Bud, name it Helen Taft. Expect to have it in the soil by this time tomorrow. [Plays "Circle of Life"]
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
65 %
11 L
1 L
55.88 cm
Mon 26 July 2021 - D1V - Barry and Jackie (the O's) are doing great. Basketcase is chuggin along, and MY BOY BLUE is trying. So my mistake appears to have cost me the cotyledons on BLUE, but, BUT, BUT, but, the first set of leaves are visible and trying oh so hard (always ask questions folks, take the free advice). I'm going to let it play out, and if needed will drop a Big Bud by the end o' the week. Oh and if you're wonderin' "what's in the cup," calm down Bradjolina, it's a snippet of Rudy I replanted in the hopes it would re-veg. I'm not an expert, and YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR! Tues 27 July 2021 - D2V- The O's and Basketcase are groovin' along. MY BOY BLUE may pull one out! The Coty's are dead, but the first set of leaves are still coming in strong. Funks and Garf need to wait another day 🤞 YOU'RE MY BOY BLUE! You're my boy... Wed 28 July 2021 - D3V - BLUE is chuggin' along but my babe noted that because all these are FEMs, that they really should be ladies. Basketcase remains the same, but Barry O shall here by be referred to as The First Lady, or Michelle O. BLUE will now be referred to as Barbara Bush keeping the First Lady theme going, as ole Babs loved her the color blue; who knew? If anyone knows of a famous First Lady reference involving wedding cake, let me know; the PDRB is a balanced and supremely open society. The light gives, the fan goes off at night, the plants reach, ever higher. I'm not a poet, piss off. Wankers 😒 Thurs 29 July 2021 - D4V - Babs is going to make it I think. If she doesn't, I'll sound a bugle and move on to the next one. Yes, savage. Fri 30 July 2021 - D5V - Babs looks better by the day, but Jackie O is looking like she, just, cannot, with this soil. She's looking a little pale and isn't developing quite like Michelle and Dolley Madison (a/k/a "Bread Basket" f/k/a "Basketcase"). I decided in keeping with my First Lady theme, to name her after the woman most associated with White House ragers. What does any of that have to do with Wedding Cake? Who doesn't get sloppy at a wedding and complain when they miss the cake? Wedding -> Cake -> Sloppy -> First Lady Dolley Madison. Don't be such a nerd, accept this as fact. Fun fact: Mrs. Madison was essentially the woman responsible for bipartisanship in early colonial times, oftentimes inviting politicians from the opposite party to come get sloppy in the White House; I'm sure cake was served, and had at those parties. Dolley was also a boss that saved my boy GW's portrait from the White House when some WANKERS IN RED COATS burned it down.'s lookin' at you Mrs. Madison! Sat 31 July 2021 - D6V - Jackie O is not looking good. Guessing I either overwatered or went too hard on the foliar sprayin. Hope she makes it, if she don't, I'll have to see how Big Bud fits the First Ladies mold. Was Taft married? Sun Aug 1 2021 - D7V - Jackie O is looking poor. Her first leaves have wilted, but her coty's seems fine. The leaves had been yellowing since it broke the soil. Looks like I'll germ a Big Bud after all. Michelle O is goin ham, and Dolley is truckin along. Babs is doing great!
Used techniques
Week 1. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Not sure what went wrong, but I won't totally blame the seed as I did a foliar spray from essentially when the seed popped out.
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Spent 174 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Jackie O has officially bit the dust, and I have a Big Bud from Nirvana seeds. Keeping with the first lady theme, this seed will honor the wife of William Howard Taft (biggest Presidential Bud of them all), Helen Herron Taft. Fun fact, she is responsible for all of the Cherry Blossoms planted all over D.C. Hooray for invasive species! Pretty! Although, I am, I suppose, cultivating an invasive species. Oh, no. What have I done?
1 like
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
And the beat goes on and on and on! Mon Aug 2 2021 - D8V - Jackie O was "harvested." Final wet weight; one stem, two dead veg leaves, two dead coty's. RIP. However, the fake light blares on and cares neither for death, nor life. It is an automaton, a machine, for it thinks not. Brainless, devoid of life, but brimming with Rulue (see "A Very Judgemental Color" diary for associated madness). The other seeds are chugga-luggin right along. Dolley and Michelle are keeping it moving ever upward. Babs is going to make it (knocks on wood; make sure it's not veneered, MDF and particle boards don't count). New seed will be a "Big Bud" and in keeping with the First Lady theme, will be named Helen Herron Taft; wife of the President that needed a custom bathtub in the White House, William Howard Taft (and the only man to be President and Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court). Tried a hail mary; ripped Jackie O outta the soil and rinsed the roots. Big Bud is dropped regardless, but I BELIEVE Tues Aug 3 2021 - D9V - Los Tres Amigas carry on, Jackie-O ever present in their minds. Also, going to remove that last bit of Rudy; I do wonder if it would have re-Veged in the Blue Light, but I wanted to run the Rulue (see previous thoughts on "blurple" in "A Very Judgemental Colour") at full spectrum for the whole grow as I've heard this leads to more THC production in flower. Is this true, who knows, I'm not a scientist, but I grew some weed once that came out fantastic, both in smoke and edible forms. Michelle, Dolley, and Babs are keepin it fresh for now, waiting on Helen. Wed Aug 4 2021 - D10V - No one died overnight, again. Progress! Helen sprouted, shoved her a few millis undur the durt. I figure if all goes well and ends well, she'll be 2 weeks laggin the others! Thurs Aug 5 2021 - D11V - Helen has not emerged yet, hoping she breaks the soil around day 14, but we shall see what fate awaits her. Michelle and Dolley havin a party in the back, Babs is comin' into her own. All is well in the cosmopolitan boxopolis. The PDRB keeps it fresh. Literally. Fri Aug 6 2021 - D12V - Me lady Helen is still chill. Built her a lil drippy of water while I'm away a few days, the others will get watered heavily right before I go and should be fine. Babs ia going to make it, but it'll probably cost me an extra week or 2 of veggin to get them all where I want them prior to flower! And the beat, goes on. Sat Aug 7 2021 - D13V - Things happened, but master was away. Regardless, the plants did play. Sun Aug 8 2021 - D14V - A chemistry occurred probably.
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Aug 9 2021 Mon - D15V - I was away, and while away, the plants did play. Their mood was gay, and so they said "hey" and so began Helen's reign. Helen Herron Taft has arrived. Babs is doing well-ish, looking runted, yet HOPE I shall hold. Michelle is goin' full beast mode. Dolley is having herself a time. The PDRB is a place of damp, righteous joy. Aug 10 2021 Tues - D16V - Science occurred at a molecular level. You put the seeds in the box, and in 3 months, a chemistry occurs Aug 11 2021 Wed - D17V - I bend the plants, so they may receive light on their bottoms; no tan lines here. Dolley is showing her Indica roots. Michelle lookin a sexy hybrid. Babs is very much a sativa leaning Blueberry. Helen is to be determined, but those tiny leaves lookin thiccc like an indica. The ladies bask in the light. Joy. Rulue (get over it). Wasser. They hail the light, the faux CO2 is soon to arrive. Aug 12 2021 Thu - D18V - They look so healthy it's just filthy. They do all look good; Dolley has the broadest leaves ever, almost looks like a Canuck...Oh My we have a Canadian First Lady/Madamemoiselle on our hands. Dear. God. Call everyone! Call the police! Call your doctor! Call my doctor! Call them all! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ [cough, "look over here" 😁] Anyway, Dolley looks so indica it makes me sick. Michelle looks like a hybrid, but is looking healthy as ever. most definitely a sativa leaning hybrid I believe, but she was also kinda runty at first, so it could just be that is a thing. Helen looks hekkin swell. Aug 13 2021 Fri - D19V - All is well in the box, all the ladies seem happy and healthy. As am I, happy and healthy. [Stares intently at nothing] I fimmed Michelle, she looks good tbough (In real life and in the PDRB) Aug 20 2021 Sat - D20V - Gave Dolley a trim. Michelle looks good. Babs is upright again. Helen has her first leaves coming in. All is well. Aug 21 2021 Sun D21V - Dolley got a FIM. Michelle ia coming along, and the new branches are visible at the FIM site. Babs will get it next, and Helen too when she's ready. Haircuts all around!
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Mon Aug 16 '21 - D22V - No one died, great success! Dolley and Michelle are recovering nicely, will leave them be this week and defoliate next Monday. Babs is a slow grower, but she's gotta wait for Helen. Speaking of, once Helen gets her fourth set in, the CO2 goes in! Life. Joy. Blue and Red. Purple? PDRB approve you! Tues Aug 17 '21 - D23V - The living live! Babs continues to thrive, and is growing very much like a sativa. The plan is to spiral and FIM her. Helen is doing very, very well! Michelle is filthy with veg, and I'm just doing LST on her this week as she recovers from her FIM. Dolley is also recovering well from her FIM and ditto on the defoliating next week, alomg with CO2 introduction. Helen is showing her indica roots, like Dolley! Wed Aug 18 '21 - D24V - They're all taking to the fake light quite alright. And despite Jackie O's sudden respite, onward they fight. And so to the fake light, with all their might, they battle on for life! Dolley has been FIMmed but Michelle looks like a Topping, woopsy poopsy. Babs is starting to really take off, and Helen is doing great! Thurs 19th D25V - Sun 22nd D28V - While Mom and Dad were away, the plants did not play. They worshiped the false light, the grew with all their might, and to my delight they have great fight. No water for 3 days and they look great (see next week)
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Mon Aug 23 2021 - D29V - Babs is really starting to take off, Dolley's leaves could cause an eclipse, and Michelle looks fab. Helen has really come a ways, and I figure 2 more weeks of Veg for her before I go 12/12. Where was I this weekend? I went to Nunya, my favourite place. Babs looks like she may be in pre-flower. Could it be I got a Blueberry Auto-Fem? Yeah, maybe. She also was very stressed post-germ, so it could have been that. Could also just be her spindly ass leaves! Tues Aug 24 2021 - D30V - They grew, I sighed, a day rolled by. Wed Aug 25 2021 - D31V - Still growing, nit dead yet! I defoliated! [Smiles, crosses arms, leans back into the nothingness] Thurs Aug 26 2021 - D32V - Another day in paradise! The plants go up, I go sideways, the world goes round. I am smoking some of my first grow and I love the way it burns. I'm looking forward to these ladies when harvest time arrives! Fri Aug 27 2021 - D33V - I may be the most observant man in history! Thank you to Barney's Farm for approving the madness that is this diary. We did it all for the plants, and in the end, the grams. 👍😍👻 Sat Aug 28 2021 - D34V - In goes the podunk CO2, Helen got herself a new hairdo, Dolley and Michelle got some aggressive defoliation, and Babs is all over the place (Sativa spindly). The PDRB is full of joy, Rulue, podunk CO2, and a stiff and predictable breeze. Joy. Sun Aug 29 2021 - D35V - Nothing died, so that's a positive. The CO2 definitely caused everything to perk up, and green up as well. All is well in boxlandia.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 1
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Mon Aug 30 2021 - D36V - Watered em, watched em, loved em. Can't do much more, and I know they'll give me all that love back in the end. Also, fed them some plant food, which is admittedly, not romantic. One more week of Veg until they go to 12/12. Tues Aug 31 2021 - D37V - Opened the door and the plants were smiling, I swear. That also could have been a dream.... Anyway..... The plants looked in a gay mood. I noticed a gnat in the box, but the plants don't seem to mind it. I've read a garlic/ginger spray takea care of most critters, so Imma try that. God may love all the creatures but there may ONLY BE FOUR IN THE PDRB [SLAMS FIST ON EVERY SYLLABLE] [Smiles] Wed Aug 32 2021 - D38V - Jk, it's Sept. 01 - Bippity, boppity, boop, these plants 'gun get some fish poop! All is well in this box! Thu Sep 2 2021 - D39V - [Personal day] Fri Sep 3 2021 - D40V - I opened the door and Helen farted....I swear, it wreaked of O.....I, I could smell it.......[whimpers, walks away] The plants got watered last night after a moderate 2 day drought. They all look happy, healthy, green AF, and I am switching to 12/12 on Monday. Viva Jackie O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sat Sept 4 2021 - D41 - I may need to go 12/12 1 day early, these plants are big! All is well in the PDRB, for there is only never-ceasing joy! Dirt, fake light, fake C02, fake breezes, real results 😂 Sun Sep 5 2021 - D42 - Last day under 18-6 before the flick to 12-12. I would want uno mas week for Dolley, and while time is a concept, space in the PDRB is limited, and Babs and Michelle want all of it! Glorious false light!
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 1
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Mon 6 Aug 2021 - D43-1F - Made the switch to 12/12, plants are doing well, more LST for Babs amd Michelle starting Friday probably. Very much a sativa in terms of looks (like a vine with big, spindly leaves) and growth (I'm "corkscrewing" it up, and it needs it). I may rename Dolley "The Terminator" because she gave zero fucks about my attempted FIMin'! Michelle appears to have worked, and Helen's seems to have worked as well. I wish I could have given Helen another week to recover, but as I've noted, time is a concept, but space is very real and limited in the PDRB. In terms of lighting, I added 3 hours on both the front and back end, so my dark period is now 9AM to 9PM (save dollah dollah bills livin' in this tough town with it's gaudy electric, boogie woogie woogie). [Laughs awwkardly] No you. Tue 7 Aug 2021 - D44-2F - Welp, mayhem, death, and destruction avoid this glorious green paradise another day. THERE IS ONLY HOPE AND LIFE IN THE PDRB. Wed 8 Aug 2021 - D45-3F - Babs has been bred with some kind of vine, jk, she's just being a Sativa, total diva. She's also got a bajillion flower sites, so I am amped. Helen looks great, and has recovered from her FIM well. Meanwhile, Dolley gave zero fucks and kept on truckin, durable, total babe. Michelle is everywhere, in a great way, and on point for a woman that wanted to keep kids moving! THERE IS ONLY ROOM FOR GROWTH IN THIS BOX. PUN INTENDED. 👊 Thurs 9 Aug 2021 - D46-4F - None of the ladies died, a good day. Fri 10 Aug 2021 - D47-5F - They're all huge, may have let them veg too long. Plan to defoliate a lil on Mon or Wed next week. Away a few days, soil may get dry up top, drive those roots a lil deeper! I got high AF and saw a seal, and recommited my love; solid weekend mates. Sat 11 Sep 2021 - D48-6F & Sun 12 Sep 2021 - D49-7F - Aren't months great! Also, I was OOOooo○○○●●●□■}{》《☆~°•●○○○. Getttttttt over it...
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 2
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Mon 13 Sep 2021 - D50-8F - Was away 2 days but the plants went 3 without water. Well, those roots went deep, those babes went to the light, and now I'm going to be doing major LST all week. They all get some fish bone meal [smiles like Willem Dafoe in that gif, you know, that one gif, where he smiles like a crazy fellah? Good times] [stares at nothing] ...... ARE YOU NOT MILDLY ENTERTAINED? Honestly, I'm asking for a friend..... ...... [Meme] ....... And we're back. Everything's fine, we're fine. How are you? Tues 14 Sep 2021 - D51-9F - So, I read before, that when plants recover fully from a topping, it will show. Welp, whoever said that, is right (and can suck it because I forgot this happens but I'm not conceding it's me; it's you(them?)). Anyway, I need to get creative, and hope they're done growing, but seeing as they aren't even in full flower yet on 3 of the 4, I may have a problem, Houston. Problem solvers, assemble! [Blows horn, gets "into it" with neighbor over why anyone owns a horn in 2021; majesty, bitches, that's why]. Has this all gone to hell? Will Helen slow the fuck down? Was Babs an Auto? Stay tuned, for no answers to any of these questions! Wed 15 Sep 2021 - D52-10F - So. Google is a dangerous tool. I'm pretty sure, much like in "Game Night" that if needed, I could find out how to perform minor surgery; always keep chard handy for decontaminating the wound. I learned about HST and supercropping (again, I've read about them before, but like my German I don't use it much, so I kinda forgot about them) and how they can not only improve yield, but help with tight spaces. I know I'm in flower for 2 weeks now, but the one plant not getting any work is Babs; Michelle, Helen, and Dolley all got the HST treatment. I am hoping that joy prevails in the box, and in order to encourage good order and joy, I have also fed the plants some Coast of Maine Fish Meal (ground up fish bones, just like no ones anything ever made...) I am hoping that I didnt (1) Kill them (2) Herm them (3) disturb the harmony within the PDRB. Fake light. Fish bone meal. H2O. Bendy-Crackies. JOY. PDRB APPROVES YOU! Thu 16 Aug 2021 - D53-11F - The bendy breakies have not broken and of the ladies! Fri 17 Aug 2021 - D54-12F - Michelle winked at me [wakes up]....huh? Sat 18 Aug 2021 - D55-13F - The ladies are all recovering from their HST quite well. Got some water, all is well. Sun 19 Aug 2021 - D56-14F - All is well in my box [stares intently, a silent tear rolls down my left cheek, a smile cracks my lips, a tree somewhere falls, this goes on far too long] The ladiez are all gorgeous. Babs buds are getting big, and alliteration aside [...] lookin' sexy. Helen and Michelle are both in flower, and Dolley looks like she'll be right behind them. This box is a wonderland.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 2
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Mon 20 Sep 2021 - D57-15F - Wowie kapowie! All are in flower power! 🌻👊 Tue 21 Sep 2021 - D58-16F - All the ladies are in flower, and Babs is starting to fatten up. But the PDRB loves all, including fat-bottom-and/or-top, women. No men allowed. I don't make the rules gang, I just write babblin'-madness. Wed 22 Sep 2021 - D59-17F - Michelle really, really, really wants to touch the light. Babs is starting to thicc'n up. Dolley is in full on flower ✌️🌻👊. Helen, like Michelle, is fascinated by the light. CO2 goes back in next week, defoliating Friyizzy, HST will not longer be applied, except maybe it will be....or will it be? Thu 23 Sep 2021 - D60-18F to Sat 25 Sep 2021 - D62-20F - They grew a bit, cleaned out some dead leaves, ploinked some that were yellow. Dirt is getting a little too dry. New watering can comes tomorrow. The shit we get excited about as adults! LETS GO! [AIR HORN, AIR HORN, AIR HORN] (COLLOQUIALLY "FWOMP FWOMP FWOMPPPPP) Sun 26 Sep 2021 - D63-21F - What happened to Friday you ask? Don't ask questions I can't give answers to. Don't be that guy/girl/they (the PDRB welcomes all and hates on them equally, haters unite). I gave them some water last night, as the soil was quite dry and the leaves were showing it. A lil' stress ne'er hurt nobody; what doesn't kill you, etc. (FYI pain is not fear leaving the body, it's your body tellin' you "shit is currently fucked, back off" lift smart fam). New watering schedule will be a gallon for all four like every other day. Some ground up fish bones. Fake light. Water. Also, Babs is starting to really thicc'n up. I do still have fungus-gnats (aka fuungy fuckerz). Is there some science involved in what I do? Probably. Buttloads of madness? You betcha! Some Zen for y'all, when life gives you lemons, say "fuck it" and bail. Go meditate it off, good talk [smacks own bottom, walks away]
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
55 %
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 4
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 7.793 mll
Mon 27 Sep 2021 - D64-22F - My new fucking watering can came. Ladiez be like, fucking skank bro. Fucking tight bro. All the ladiez, bro, going to love my new fucking watering can bro. (For reference: I got way too excited about a watering can, but this is apparently what adulthood is about [pumps fist three times]. You know it! YOU KNOW IT!!!! We have to keep it together, we've come too far, WE HAVE TO KEEP IT TOGETHER, KEEP OUR COMPOSURE [grabs chair, begins slamming into lockers] (For reference: Am I funny? In a vacuum, probably not as I need oxygen to breathe out funny from my mouth parts... [Sidles away slowly to the side, waves from three feet away, stays there, ignores you] Go away now. (But please, do come back!) Tue 28 Sep 2021 - D65-23F - Clearly someone is a glutton for my nonsense. I did nothing. Opened the door, snapped a pic, and politely closed it. Did I sing to the plants? What did I sing you ask? "TAXI!" [zooms away] Wed 29 Sep 2021 - D66-24F - Liquid kelp arrived and the ladies are giddy. Smells pretty good, like molasses. Fun fact not related to anything, a large vat of molasses once exploded in the North End of Boston unleashing a tidal wave of molasses! A few people died, so I guess more a fun, somber, fact. Anyway... I figured I'm going to work it into the watering cycle again next week when I give them ground up fish bones again. Watering schedule is squid ink, plain water, liquid kelp, mosuito cake water, plain water (over a seven day period, real inexact stuff, cannot stress this enough). Only gonna make those broken joints stronger as some would say they have a predilection for phosphorous. I do believe [Fans face coquesttishly, bats eyelashes until they seal shut]....not again. Thu 30 Sep 2021 - D67-25F - I opened the door and took a video. Is it in 4k? Fuck if I know. Am I am pro cameraman? No, but I'll gladly do weddings; love that atmosphere! Fri 1 Oct 2021 - D68-26F to Sun 3 Oct 2021 - D70-28F - What happened Saturday? They grew more, duh 😂
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
60 %
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 6
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 7.793 mll
Mon 4 Oct 2021 - D71-29F - I open the door, hear Guns N' Roses, and immediately get brought to my knees by the green, lush canopy before me. What a wonderful world! The plants are all well. Babs has 2-3 more weeks. Helen and Michele are getting thicc and even Dolley is in on it. Side note, if we send Dolley's leaves to space, I believe we could cool the planet into a new ice age. Someone GET ME BEZOS!!!! (Also, Leary, Leguizamo, and Romano please). Tue 5 Oct 2021 - D72-30F - Gave em approx. 1/3 a gallon of a watering that included 1.5tsp of liquid kelp and 4.5tsp of liquid squid. They'll get the other 2/3 o' the gallon later on. They're on the light, so some more LST is in order but I'm going to avoid HST as I'm pretty far into flower with all of them. Helen and Michele are fattening up nicely now as well. Some of Babs pistils are ambering. Dolley could cause an eclispe...of the heart...probably total. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART 🎵🎶 Wed 6 Oct 2021 - D73-31F - WATCH ME NOW!!! Say work, work, awww work it out baby!.... [Clears throat for approx. 10 minutes] Took the ladies out for a little dance. Leaves were lost. Cooing occurred. Engaged to be wed. Jk, can't marry a plant, and if I could, would probably go with a mature cypress; hardy, durable, beautiful. Anyway, the ladies all got some natural defoliating (yankin' random shit off like an animal would, not that "yankin," perv), all got some more LST, and Helen and Michelle got some accidental HST (and Michele has some light burn; my bad), and I danced with them all individually, then all at once... ... ... They all look healthy. Babs seems to be a lil stunted, so just water from now till her demise in approx 2 weeks. Helen and Michele have some nice large and in charge buds coming in; [heart eyes]. If I let Dolley out this box she may throw too much shade at us all and cause a nuclear winter. All is well in the PDRB. All is glorious joy under the fake light god! Thu 7 Oct 2021 - D74-32F - Mich OB got a haircut (thank you smarter growers than I!) The cut portion was just brown from light burn as she was right on the light, no noticeable mold growth though which is good. I can confirm that she is already filthy with trichs, and incredibly sticky, prime candidate for icky-icky aging. What is "icky-icky" aging? [Fades into ether] [magically coalesces] Babs is thickenin'ing and probs has about 2 weeks, but I'll put her under the instrument of destruction next week all the same. Helen is starting to get her thicc on, and Dolley is the lordess of darkness with the largest leaves on the whole of the planet of Earth. Michele handled her trim well! Fri 8 Oct 2021 - D75-33F - Some fake CO2 is in the box. The ladiez will enjoy it I bet. Babs looks great, Helen and Mich look sugary, and Dolley's darkness envelopes all. Except the rulue! What's a rulue you ask? No you! Sat 9 Oct 2021 - D76-34F - So, about watering, apparently, and I'm no scientist-smart-man, but I may have forgotten to adjust my water pH for about a week and a half. No biggie, but this would explain Babs sudden stunted growth. I gave them all a quarter a gallon of the adjusted stuff last night, and sho' nuff Babs is looking much more vibrant with what appears to be some new flower growth. Also has some spotting going on in the upper leaves, but this is probably from a nutrient deficiency from my dumbass watering pH neutral for over a week. We live, we learn, we move on (except for some losers who can't accept defeat). Is it sensimilla if you fuck up and it doesn't die? Asking for a friend... Sun 10 Oct 2021 - D77-35F - Opened the door, godamn fungus gnats are back, time to bust out the fly tape!
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 3 years ago
Should I cut off light burn on a bud or will the plant repair the burnt tissue?
Buds. Other
Other. Other
Setup. Lighting
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Yes, looks more like bud rot to me too. Cutting it all away is your only option as the plant will not recover or repair itself from this or light burn either. Once burned or rotted, it will stay burned and if it is rot, the rot will continue to spread. Removing any humidifier and increasing ventilation will help stop the rot from returning. Your plant will be just fine without any artificial humidity creating device, in fact trichome production increases in an arid (dry) atmosphere.
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
60 %
24 °C
11 L
1 L
5.08 cm
Nutrients 8
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Oct 11 2021 - D78-36F - This box is all welcoming. Tolerant to all, except duderz, gtfo, right on out that door. And science, oh science! Lo, science! As I typed these pointless rants, into a device so scienced it makes my brain hurt, into a scienced network so complex there's probably a science that studys it as a whole profession unto itself, into your machine that knows how to interepret a signal that has traveled thousands of miles in seconds. But tell me more about how you don't believe in vaccines, the products of science conducted at a level so complex, I gave up on it in primary school (I was always more loquacious, lascivious, litigous, and likely to entertain the masses, or small gatherings, I do dinner parties too). Maybe it's not my place, but the PDRB believes in science setting us all free. This fake ass light didn't happen without it. This delicious organic soil wasn't made throwing shit in a bin, nor were the nutrients. The cloth bags, science. Tomato wire? Materials engineers go so hard, literally, rigid, stuff works great. Those fans? Hundreds of years of science, the accrued knowledge of man since the advent of electricity maxe it possible to move air. That activated carbon in my air filter; I'm not a scientist, but I'd imagine some o' the sciencw went i to that. Now, go write that angry message that I will: (A) Read to my plants (you don't want to be some monster that makes my plants upset, do you? DO YOU? I WILL GO FULL LIAM NEESON ON YOUR MOTHERF....ahem...) (B) Ignore it (high, high, high, high, borderline 100% chance) (C) See (B) (D) See (C) (E) Really? See (D) (F) You deserve this as a grade if you're still reading this. GO GET VACCINATED GODDAMMIT, I WANT MY OLD NORMAL LIFE BACK. THE SCIENCE OF MAN PERMEATES YOUR EXISTENCE, LET IT IN BABY. So, 1oz, 1/2 liquid squid, 1/2 liquid kelp, 1 gallon o' H2O. They'll all get 1/2 tonight excepting babs who will just get plain pH adjusted H2O from now till the reaper man cometh (this is also why no men are welcome, they only bring death to the PDRB). JOY, SQUID, KELP, GREAT POSEIDON'S TRIDENT, pH ADJUSTED FLUIDS; THIS BOX SLAPS LIKE A SQUID OUTTA WATER! Onward Tue Oct 12 2021 - D79-37F - Dolley is just freaking gorgeous. And also, everywhere. And and, alzo also, the same goes for Helen and Michele as well. There's some Helen all the way over by Babs, there's some Dolley by Helen over Babs. There's some Michele freaking everywherw. Also, I believe that by topping Michele so late in flower to remove that dead portion, that I sent her into maturity a little earlier. She is suddenly showing amber on her pistils, and Helen and Dolley are both still crystal clear. I will attempt to get Babs under the scientific-instrument-of-destruction sometime this week to see how she's doing. I'll check on Michele now as well I s'pose. All is well in the PDRB, but all is not well outside of it... Wed Oct 13 2021 - D80-38F - They get a whole lotta nothing today. They flowered, I veg'd out. Thu Oct 14 2021 - D81-39F - Soil was still plenty damp, going to feed Helen and Dolley some Squid and Kelp again tomorrow as I would like to see them thicken, 3/4 kelp to 1/4 squid (GIVE ME THAT PHOSPHOROUS, AND 1!!!!! (sorry, the NBA is back, it was missed; I like sportsball, piss off wanker)). Then some water, and Mich and Babs are water here on out, with Babs getting no more water after this weekend. She has quite a few underdeveloped bud sites, so I'm going to try a partial harvest, and reinvigorate the soil with some compost tea to see if I can get some more flower development. I'm not a scientist, but I did a Google search once or twice [stares at you so uncomfortably-intensely but non-threateningly]. I figure try to re-myco(whatever) the substrate, with an emphasis on phosphosrous to encourage leafy growth. Also, I'm going to do a dark period for the final two plants harvested, probably 48 hours. Does any of this matter? I don't know you, but if you've read this far, congrats. No prize. Just congrats. [Awkwardly reaches to shake hand but pats arm awkwardly and walks away] Good talk. Fri Oct 15 2021 - D82-40F - 1 year older, 1 year....year....wiseassier. Nailed it. Also, my SO is bringing a glorious upgrade to the PDRB; a Mars Hydro TS600! Ode to joy! I may need to modify the PDRB with a passive air vent up top to help alleviate heat, but I figure I can do a floor register or something with some carbon filtering and HEPA protection. To the plants man! Quick march! Babs doesn't look great. My first theory, I overwatered. My second theory, she's not a fan of intense light. Either way the leaves are yellowing and she looks like she's stunted. Her last watering will be today, and I'll probs harvest this time next week. Dolley and Mich got haircuts yesterday to open up the canopy in the back a lil more, both look fabuloso! Helen looks great too! There is joy in fake light! There is joy in all of us! Sat Oct 16 2021 - D83-41F - Babs gets a partial chop this week. The others will be given water, one more half-kelp feeding, then water, then....the nothing envelopes all, darkness will descend onto the PDRB. Until then, the faux-photons blast away, the plants knowing not that paradise always comes at a cost...Joy in the madness! Backwards! ...I stuck my arm in there to check on things, grab dead leaves, and it came out sticky... Sun Oct 17 2021 - D84-42F -The plants (excepting Helen) have now spent half their lives in Veg and in Flower. Although, I think puberty is pre-flower. Not sure of the scale in terms of comparing with human life. I'M NOT A SCIENTIST.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
129.03 cm
12 hrs
45 %
43 L
4 L
12.9 cm
Nutrients 8
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Oct 18 2021 - D85-43F - Helen, Dolley, and Michele all got some worm castings and dried fish bone with a dash o' liquid kelp. What's that? I didn't note it in the feedings? (Babs got only water and a serenade) Sometimes I feel benevolent and feed the babes unecessarily. But not Babs, who is already a total babe, but not the other kind of babe like a baby; English can be fucking weird man. Also, the Mars Hydro is being swapped with Viparspectra P1000 due to heat concerns. Irrelephant for this grow, I know [stares, but awkwardly, like there is someone not too far behind you, but not too close, only for you to turn and see there is no one behind you] Onward! [Continues to stare past you awkwardly, now waving]..... [as Logan Roy: Fuck Off!] Tue Oct 19 2021 - D86-44F - Babs will get a perm....anent haircut later this week. The fly traps worked aces, gnats be gone! The other ladies are all happy and healthy. Wed Oct 20 2021 - D87-45F - It's bone dry outside the box today, which means it's relatively dry in the box as well. I love a good dry box during flower, yep, ole dusty dry box...anyway, I watered these Ladiez. I'm 90% sure most of Babs issues are due to light intensity, but not much I can do there. All the others are just pure fat topped ladies. Ladies of all shapes and sizes get love in the PDRB. Men? Gtfo champs. Thu Oct 21 2021 - D88-46F - Clipped Babs' top flower closest to the light. As you can see, the trich development just isn't really there. In addition, it looks like she tried to herm, but then didn't herm; the ol' fake-out herm! I was surprised to see that many trichs under the scope as well, as to the eye, she shows nothing. Good amount o' larf from the lower bud sites on this branch, with like 30% amber trichs methinks. I'm going to harvest the rest if her at some point in the coming week. And the PDRB will suddenly become....roomier....mwhaha haha haha myha ha ha ha MWA HA HA ACKKKKKKK.....ACKK...ack....sorry, lil' dusty in here, need to get out the ole Swiffer later tonight..... much later...... I'm a vampire..... Fri Oct 22 2021 - D89-47F - New light has arrived, pictures to follow. Death to Rulue. LONG LIVE RULUE! I'm not cackling like a lunatic in the brightness of my new light! No you! Sat Oct 23 2021 - D90-48F - They ladiez love the new light. They miss the faint reds and blues, but this light is bright and I'm hearing no complaints. Actually, I never hear anything from the ladiez, quite the quiet bunch they are...The new light will stay at 75% as it's about as bright as a white dwarf star at 100. We of the PDRB keep it 💯, just not for the lights... Sun Oct 24 2021 - D91-49F - Nuttin'
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
45 %
11 L
4 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 8
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Oct 25 2021 - D92-50F - I chopped somma' the corn from Michelle, and lo' and behold; she ain't quite there yet. She's got, like 7 more days. What science did I use to come to this determination? The science of NUNYA! As in, Nunya + Fucking = My Business [Kevin Hart stares you into oblivion] Tue Oct 26 2021 - D93-51F - Babs gets the chop today. I'm going to take samples from Dolley and Helen as well! Maniacal laugh.....MANIACAL LAUGH! Wed Oct 27 2021 - D94-52F - RIP Babs. She wad named My Boy Blue, until I realized she was destined to be a chick. Then, in a fit of "what-did-the-slap-happy-fightin'-chimps" come up with, I settled on Barbara Bush after doing a Google search of, and believe you me, "lady, blue" and wham! Old Babs was the first name to drop. I'm telling you all of this like it matters. It does not. Good day. Thu Oct 28 2021 - D95-53 - It's like they don't even know their friend was....MURDERED! [lightning strikes, thunder claps] What kind of plant doesn't weep sweet, sweet tears of sap?!? Some kind of monster plants that's who! Which, I guess given the tight confines, would make this a Monster Mash.... [Still smiling quite smugly] IT WAS A MONSTAH MASH! Fri Oct 29 2021 - D96-54 - [Girl from Ipanema plays on grammaphone] Mental health day Sat Oct 30 2021 - D97-55 - ["Let It Happen" by Tame Impala plays on the grammaphone (I like em, like a modern day Moody Blues vibe)] They all get haircuts tonight! And I will not be dressed as Edward Scissorhands, more a Batman kinda Burton film fella'. That's it, git on now! Git! But, com'n back! But then, git again! Mich - 35g wet Helly - 12g wet Dolls - 15g wet Zun Okt 31 2021 - D98-56F - Guten tag. Das ist alles. [Screams all of the preceding in something approaching a German accent]
Week 14. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
So, my free seed came and went. From barely making it with browned coty's, to the sickly gal she became, Babs perservered. My guess is the strain needed more space. Clearly strong spindly genetics, and this plant wanted to stretch. But this box ain't for tall ladies. That said, the buds were larfy, but this is more likely due to my light (LONG LIVE RELUE!). Also, coulda been heat stress that did her in, but I doubt it. Regardless, it's all said and done, the fat gal has sung, and the skinny minny is now six feet under.
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Spent 174 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
25 g
Bud wet weight per plant
1 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Berries, Earthy, Mint

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Welp, for a free seed about what I expected. I wasn't expecting much, and I didn't get much. I'll get her under a scope later, but I'm guessing there's a good deal of amber (is the color of your energy, woah) and they'll prob dry quick being larfy. 118G of trim went into the back of the freezer for future use. I have a piece cut from last week at 7 days drying as I type, and I'll do a taster in 2 weeks. Toooo infinity, and getting high! Jarred some of the early cuts from Babs. <3 Babs is all jarred up, and larfy, and majestic, and for some reason her main stem reminded me of like a derpy-cum-sickly narwhal that's just a badass. I'm probably going to smoke it all in a weekend, super larfy, not much there. Surprising trich coverage though under the scope, as she looks green and barren to the naked eye.
Week 15. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
45 %
11 L
4 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 8
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Nov 1 2021 - D99-57F - Another month, come and gone, one thing consistent all along: time. We never have enough of it, even when we do, and sometimes, we just want to stop it and hold a moment. But, these plants, like time, only go one direction....until some raving-mad-lunatic swoops in with a pair of clippers and takes a snapshot of that plant in time, to let it age, and ultimately, smoke it up! Maintenant, en avant! The first bit of Michele chopped on D92 is in a big jar, and will be joined shortly by the stuff harvested on Saturday. Some hearty, healthy, dry-as-fuck Canadian air is rarefying for my drying box which was at 60%, is now at 40%. The ladiez in the PDRB are jammin' and hammin' out to the new dryness. Death to the moistness! Also, death to mature looking buds, some dicin' and slicin' goin' down the lane....godammit, I've Walt-Clyde-Frazier'd myself again. The man has a way with words that is unparalleled. Like, Morgan Freeman or Liam Neeson's voice. Or like God's voice (which I am 99% certain is James Earl Jones)....anyway, onward! Tue Nov 2 2021 - D100-58F - Keepin' it 💯 on day 100 in this box! 🎊🎉 Partial harvest on Helen, 40g wet. Her main cola is still coming in, so I spared that portion the chop. Big Bud is an apt name; these things are CHONKY. Call Camplbell's! Call the Mayor! Call the Gov'na! Call El Presidente! Call everyone! Leave voicemails! Keep it short! I mean, I'm not paying by the minute, but don't waste my time with some rambling non-sense! [Raises fist in air] Ya! Michelle is sticky, Helen is sticky, Dolley's dark AF and sticky. This box would slap, but it would get stuck together. I might get addicted to using me microscope. <3 Wed Nov 3 2021 - D101-59F - Whole lotta nuttin' Thu Nov 4 2021 - D102-60F - Michele is aging beautifully, Helen's two main colas are just massive, Dolley is Queen of the darkness; they all get chopped tonight, leaving as many viable bud sites as possible. Death (and eventually smoke) becomes them. Fri Nov 5 2021 - D103-61F - Will I cut them tonight? Did I say I would cut them like 5 days ago? Maybe, maybe, but, But, BUT, But, but...I'm (A) Lazy MFer and (B) In a benevolent glorious leader of the PDRB granting life and false light to all! Also, I keep watering them, and they keep diggin it, and they keep chonkin out, so who am I to end the party? That wouldn't be very Mr. 305 of me, now would it? Would it? I'm seriously asking. ..... [Crashing noises behind a door] [Man, enters, stares like a deer in headlights] [He swings his head and you see the majestic antlers] For my next grow: Crown Royale - Crop King Seeds (via Rocket Seeds) Wedding Cake - Barney's Farm LSD - Barney's Farm (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) (A chemistry occurs, and a change a happens, saving the Sour Deez for my Spring grow) 0611052021D10462F - Trying to save....something. Smoked that early cut from Dolley and it is cake, cake, cake 👏👏👏 50g wet offa Mich, potential mold sighting 🏀🏈 (balls) Sun Nov 7 2021 - D105-63F - Haven't really given deez ladiez a look over yet. I believe I may have had a spot of powdery mildew on Michele, but it was localized to a very specific site. I checked the same nug over again, pulling the flowers apart to let air in, and nada. Maybe, Michele was making a pearl...I'm not insane, hahaha, no, you....anyway, will report back with more sometime in the future (if I did it it the present I would have to keep going forever and my brain space would flux capacitate into jelly; c'mon, the past, really, who am I, "Doc" (if you don't get the reference, fade out))
1 like
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Nov 8 2021 - D106-64F - Some more bits of Michele get the chop tonight. Helens two main colas are insanely thicc, as is Dolley's main flower, which is beautiful. A lot of the smaller, newish bud sites on the lower portions of each lady could do for some more light. 38g (wet) - Dolley's main cola 36g (wet) - Michele's main stem, secondaries Tue Nov 9 2021 - D107-65F - They're so pretty, that I legitimately find myself staring at them sometimes. I don't have heart eyes, haha, no you! Wed Nov 10 2021 - D108-66F - Helens main flowers are ga-zoinkers massive! Stonkin' massive! She is keeping true to her strain-sake, Big Bud. She also wants to go to the light, in a good way for both of us. Michele is in the jar and smells delightful. Dolley gets her own big gal jar today as well. The trim on this grow is just flat out sticky, on all three of these ladiez! Happy dayz! Happy daze? Tbd. This message was brought to you by the PDRB committee to create an alternate reality Thu Nov 11 2021 - D109-67F - Gave em all some liquid kelp in their water on account of all the lower bud sites popping in. Probably going to harvest those chonky colas and mature minis this weekend or mid-week next week, and I'll re-top the plants with fresh soil and some worm castings to try and develop the new flowers. The next grow was supposed to happen by January...we shall see. Also, been alternating trimming wet and dry, and I think I prefer wet as all three of these plants are sticky-ick-wicky-wicky [voice from the distance: "no one cares!"] ..... Hello? Is someone there? Huh, weird. Onward! Fri Nov 12 2021 - D110-68F - Hello, hello, is there anybody in there, please?....Guess not. The Ladiez requested a personal day, PDRB obliged. Sat Nov 13 2021 - D111-69F - They live to die another day... Sun Nov 14 2021 - D112-70F - ...and another day...
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Nov 15 2021 - D113-71F - Tops will fall tonight....on the plants....(perv)....anyway. I'm harvesting a good deal on Michele and Helen tonight. Dolley will be left alone to let her lower flowers develop more. Also, Michele ("Obama Kush") smells amazing; lemony-piney goodness that I enjoy. Dolley smells like a wedding cake, and Helen isn't much different then Michele scent-wise, just slightly more wonky. What kind of scent is "wonky" I don't know. I am but a man named Cannabis Chris and not Willy Wonka sadly. After this mauling I'm giving them some fresh soil and worm castings, with some fish bones next week to see if I can develop out those lower flower sites a little more. Do I know what I'm doing? I'm not a scientist, but I got this. I think.... Tue Nov 16 2021 - D114-72F - Pretty much spelled it out yesterday [fade] Wed Nov 17 2021 - D115-73F - [girl from Ipanema] Thu Nov 18 2021 - D116-74F - [elevator music] Fri Nov 19 2021 - D117-75F - What year is it? How long have I been away? Is there still a moon, or did wr harvest all the cheese from it? I have some good news for me, not so good for two of the three ladiez; death becomes them, except Dolley. Mich seems pretty done, no new growth. Helen isn't making anything new. Dolley is baking more cake...onward! Sat Nov 20 2021 - D118-76F - [Sounds of a man eating...cheese?] It was the moon, and it was delicious. Sun Nov 21 202q - D119-77F - Yesterday was 20 and today was 21; coincidence? Idk about you all, but I am a raging bitch if I miss day 20.5....The plants are good. Dolley has about 20 new lower bud sites; like fresh (but not that "fresh" if you feel me) bud sites, pretty white pistils and all. Mich must face the music soon, ditto Helen of PDRB. Is the PDRB like Troy? Fuck if I know, but I don't trust giant wooden animals on principle. That's what I learned from that. The world is round, I trust science, and I don't trust giant wooden animals. I wonder how much it would cost to get Liam Neeson to say that in a progressively silently-rageful demeanor? [FIN]
Week 18. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Nov 22 2021 - D120-78F - Dolley has a buncha new flowering sites. Mich and Helen are just fattenin' up I think Tue Nov 23 2021 - D121-79F - A chemistry occurs within the box Wed Nov 24 2021 - D122-80F - [some Ipanema remix or something or other] Thu Nov 25 2021 - D123-81F - Day 1, 2, 3? Coincidence? No, it's just a number....Happy Danksgiving y'all! Dinner: • 2 turkey legs and breasts in bacon lard and herbs • 5 potatoes, baked in foil, whipped with cream cheese and farmers cheese, baked in a casserole • Brussels and bacon for 2 • Stovetop stuffing • Cran Jelly ✌️🤝 252, coincidence? No, just, fucking numbers 😂 Fri Nov 26 2021 - D124-82F - [Physical health day] Sat Nov 27 2021 - D125-83F - Mich must perish tonight it appears. Beautiful coloration though. Smoked some of Helen's initial harvest and wowie. Also, found a smidge of what appeared to be rot, rolicked it off; dear's ducky n' docile and back in the jar (rH 50%) Sun Nov 28 2021 - D125-83F - Lazy Sunday y'all! Also, harvested Mich, smelled amazing, sticky fingies
1 like
Week 18. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Grew great in high and low humidity. Handled defoliation well, LST, and HST very well. She seems like she would do well outdoors, and I'm looking forward to an outdoor grow with her. Smells VERY strongly of pine, a little lemon, but lots of pine. Initial hit at 3 weeks from harvest was harsh (duh) but STRONG. Very strong euphoria upfront, strong introspective shit bordering on paranoia in the middle, mellowing into "heavy eyes" syndrome; this was a 0.5g cone, strong stuff.
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Spent 174 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Depression
Medical effects
Earthy, Flowery, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
She was quick in veg, and her flowers were beautiful. Not very thick, but pungent AF, good amount of pistils. Sticky and pungent, strong head high, minimal body high; two big toes up? Down? I mean, it's natural for a thumb to go up, but, a toe wants to naturally be neutral, right? Two neutral big toes. Nailed it. Had some in the BWONG and it CHANGED my attitude instantly. Very uplifting, and I HOPE it stays this way!
Week 19. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mov Nov 29 2021 - D126-84F - [Chevy Chase confused psycho-cum-happy laugh] [Walks away] Tue Nov 30 2021 - D127-85F - I did not think this grow would go more than a quarter, but here I am on the precipice of a 5th month....Too Infinity! And getting high! ...4 months is a trimester...dangit Guys walks into a bar on Wed Dec 01 2021 - D128-86F - and walks out on Fri Dec 03 2021 - D130-88F - Mmmm, moon-cheese 🤤 Sat Dec 04 2021 - D131-89F - What did I do the last few days? Watered! [Raise hanx for a thumbs up but just holds it, thumb closed, the bass slowly builds, a French horn ever so gently caresses your eardrum, a little flute plays toyishly, the drums begin to crescendo!] I watered some more [my thumb gently rises, almost too slowly] You are taken by the thumb... [Cough] Look over this way, please, will you now. As you can see, Helen has quite a lot of new flower growth, way more than I expected but I'll take it. Dolley has new flowers...and veg! She really is a hardy summa' gun. Just water this week, fish bones tomorrow, liquid kelp a few days later. It's like I'm trying to remake Atlantis on land [raises other hand painstakingly slow, and the thumb is already up, this is wrong, this is all wrong...] Sun Dec 05 2021 - D132-90F - Goddam fungus gnats need to FUCK OFF!
Week 20. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Dec 06 2021 - D133-91F - I can't get over Helen, she went ham on this whole new flower thing Tue Dec 07 2021 - D134-92F - So, I have noticed older leaves on the flowers are dry. I'm going ti attempt to prune em at some point, while the plants live. I know, the intrigue, oh the intrigue. Can't stress this any harder, not a scientist-man....also, thank you to the Greatest Generation, and to all our vets out there, regardless of choice of service, or your feelings afterward, you're greatly appreciated for protecting my right to post absolute nonsense. Wed Dec 08 2021 - D135-93F - Smoke report and weight update: Helen - Smoke - Very mellow, with very strong couch lock vibes, which is where I always wind up after this strain. Floral and sweet on smell n' taste - Weight - I've been smoking for about a week now, but dry weight at 3 weeks was over an ounce (34g if my memory serves me) with more to come! Dolley - Smoke - Mellow, somewhat sweet, very heavy body feel, not much up top. - Weight - Again, have been smoking, but was 28g, with, again, more to come! Michele - Smoke - Queen of head highs, holy moly roly poly! This smoke hits hard and fast, and very much slows me mentally. Tastes of mint and pine strongly, with same smell. - Weight - Total harvest on Michele was roughly 40g, with a late harvest jar set aside (a lot of purple on the buds, beautiful coloration at harvest). I hit my 1 ounce goal on these three, with probably 1/2oz more to go from Dolley and Helen. [Jump High Fives air aggresively] Tried all three together. Don't do that... Thu Dec 09-11 2021 - D136-94F to D138-96F - Not sure hoe these two are doing this, but they are both refattenin' These fatties will sing, or fail all else, I can serenade you all with my dulcet-baritone, ohh yeah baby. Sun Dec 12 2021 - D139-97 - 30 days in a month, divded by 139, carry the numbers, and I suck at math! Jk about that whole 5 months nonsense, it was 4. I broke Helens new main cola and it don't appear to br recoverin none, so off it goes! Dolley is the dark lordess, but moreso this time based on color. Speaking of, I had some of Dolley's intetmediate harvest from day one-hundid-something and it tastes like cake. The key is to wait for the purps, and also, I'm going down for a nap. Good day! ...I said "Good Day" sir.... ...sir, madame, proper they, has the concept not occurred to you that I am saying good day so that you may sufficiently stop reading this nonsensical raving of a madman lunatic! GOOD DAY SIR, MADAME, PROPER THEY! PDRB 🤙🤘👍
1 like
Week 21. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Mon Dec 13 2021 - D140-98 - "Trap concept for weak minds" = a contrivance of man's attempt to supersede nature, through the use of abritrary stamps on moments we remember. Hallmark, call me. Thu Dec 16 2021 - D144-102 - I hit 100 days in flower 2 days ago. Celebrating like idgaf when these plants are ready Sat Dec 18 2021 - D146-104 - As I sit her rubbin my very, vurry, gud gurls belly, letting the wedding cake bring bliss to my perpetually sore joints, bae asleep, Celtics and Knicks neck-n-neck, all I can think is; this is the good life. Sun Dec 19 2021 - D147-105 - Well, quit smoking today for the next month. Past due if you ask me (you didn't) and fingers crossed my inflammation stays down (it probably won't). How are Helen and Dolley? Lookin good! I'll chop some more off both today, not much left on em save the lower bud sites on Dolley; filling in nicely. Helen is basically ready for harvest, but I'm trying to push both to the limit! I jarred up the stuff I chopped two days ago (bone dry where I am of late) and I'm looking forward to having the PDRB up and running (hopefully) by Jan 1 2022 with another round of these two and some Rocket Seeds Crown Royal. Shout out to Barney's and Nirvana! Hardy-ass seeds from both!
Week 22. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Thu Dec 23 2021 - D151-109 - Now, I'm at 5 months #math (side note, can anyone explain why the Brits pluralize it (i.e. "maths") while the 'Mericans keep it singular?). I am surprisingly enjoying my break from cannabis, and I've only had 2 emotional breakdowns over the last 4 days! Who asked? Who cares? Both of the remaining ladiez are on water, stopping this weekend most likely, with an intended harvest of NYE. Will I blaze to ring in the New Year? Yes, on January 17th..... Merry merry, and a Happy happy to one and all! PDRB aprroved. 📦
Week 22. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Absolute beast of a plant. Tried to FIM it and she had absolutely none of it. A total babe, beautiful coloration at harvest, smells like cake, cake, cake [shakes booty] Hits the best on my bubbler. Almost too mellow from my bong. Very sweet in a J.
Show more
Spent 174 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy, Talkative
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Medical effects
Cream, Earthy, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Stickey, purpley, thicc; total package. Very dense nugs, trichomes on trichomes on trichomes, with a beautiful purple hue. Gorgeous plant, STRONG smoke, very nice all around for pain relief. The late harvest purps on these (harvested 12/23/21) are the best of this lady I've had to date! Very mellow, very nice body feel
Week 23. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Wed Dec 29 2021 - D157-115 - Helen wins! Helen wins? Helen won. What did she won? Nada. Nuttin'. Absolutely nuttin'. She is a survivor. Tough as nails, with flowers the size of me fist! Seriously, the flowers on this strain are batty large. I was expecting maybe, about, 1/4 an ounce on the distance flowers; ptobably going to wind up with at least another half! Joy! Weigh-in (complete estimates): Babs - 0.5g Larf, larf, lard, [shakes head] Michelle - ~40g Sticky, piney goodness Dolley - ~38g Sticky, thick, strong Helen - ~50g Mellow, lovely I wad very lazy this grow, just doing it for the grams, which I lazily didn't weigh after the first harvest! Nailed. It. 📦 Approved 👍💯 Thu Dec 30 2021 - D158-116 - Helen, is an absolute beast. She refuses to die, even after I stole 95% of her away. Also, goddam fungus gnats can eat a Santa-sized bag o' dicks. This. Ends. Soonish. When? Not a clue, but I'm currently building a time machine so I can go back-and-forth in time in search of a fuck to give! Onward! Backward! Inward! [so deep]
1 like
Week 24. Flowering
3 years ago
63.5 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
45 %
18 °C
11 L
1 L
7.62 cm
Nutrients 9
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 5.208 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.906 mll
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants - Coast of Maine
Liquid Squid Fertilizer for Indoor Plants 3.906 mll
Wed Jan 05 2021 - D164-122 - SHE CAN NOT DIE!!!!!!!
1 like
Week 24. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Mon Jan 10 2021 - D169-127 - Fin. Helen Herron Taft, an absolute beautiful beast of a plant. I probably got close to 2oz off this plant, maybe more, so I am very, very happy. She took well to everything; LST, HST, FIMing, she will work with you. On the second harvest, I did start to see some nanners and prehensile seeds, but it didn't effect the plant. Big Bud lives up to it's name, and the smell and smoke after two weeks of drying and curing is, incredible. 10/10, will grow again! The smoke on this is just gravy.
Show more
Spent 174 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Pain, Stress
Medical effects
Flowery, Fruity, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Grow this strain: the smell and nugs alone are worth every dime, nickle, and penny for your thoughts. I misused anachronism; meant to say Oxymoronic...guess this means I'm simply moronic...but also, I have to be a little I guess, what I'm sayin' is....I'm an oxymoron. Nailed it. Still smokes amazing. Michelle didn't make it past month 3, lol. Helen was smokable from go, and just lovely; both getting grown again. Dolley was a beast, strong in a good way. All gone now, to be grown again!


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Ferenccommentedweek 14 years ago
Nice one @@Cannabis_Chris
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, thank you, I'm hoping my boy Blue can pull through, but who knows. 3 for 4 ain't half bad
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, thank you!
spydercommentedweek 04 years ago
good luck with the grow,,,enjoy.
spydercommented4 years ago
spydercommented4 years ago
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@spyder, thank you!
2x2growingcommentedweek 54 years ago
Good luck with the diary 👍
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@2x2growing, thank you!
miahbdankycommentedweek 54 years ago
Happy Growing! 🙌
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@miahbdanky, gracias!🕺
DoDrugs420commentedweek 04 years ago
I love it!!!Keep it up.
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
BioBudscommentedweek 24 years ago
Srry for your loss, well written and funny though!! Congrats on your progress and results!
BioBudscommented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris, LOL yeah like... here comes touchy feely guy again....
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@BioBuds, great documentary and I'm fairly certain plants can feel. As for the higher thought, I would hope they see us and roll their stomata or something. Smirk them?
BioBudscommented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris, what a plant wants, what a plant needs.... Cool documentary on awareness in nature: Fantastic Funghi on Netflix! Roll a big fatty, get the popcorn ready and enjoy the theory but also the stunning visuals!
Show More (1)
Streinze_Monadirecommentedweek 123 years ago
Good luck🙌 Happy growing & Happy grower ✅
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@Streinze_Monadire, where we're going, we won't need luck! Jk, I need it for Babs, pray for her 🙏 and also, thank you!
mmmlovelytomatoescommentedweek 93 years ago
The funnest and most entertaining diaries on this site!!! Love it!
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@mmmlovelytomatoes, thank you. The PDRB is all about bringing joy to the masses. And weed to me!
Cannabeast40commentedweek 04 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 👊😎
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Cannabeast40, thanks 🤙
KingSalomonsWeedcommentedweek 93 years ago
This will be chaos. Nice, another Chaosegrower like ne.
KingSalomonsWeedcommented3 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris,hope you and everyone you love is good. An Orca is an pack animal. If the heart is 💔., than an Orca, is an mighty "dxxx" of the sea. But he won't eat. He is no danger for fish or other animals. Cause the sea is going salty in the near of the Orca. But nobody saw ever an Orca crying. Just a tale.
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@KingSalomonsWeed, well, nature is chaos last I checked. Unless you're an Orca, than your just a malignant sociopath that fucks with every other animal you can find/eat. I mean, loved Free Willy, but Killer Whales are kinda the "dicks" of the sea. Also, thank you!
Streinze_Monadirecommentedweek 133 years ago
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@Streinze_Monadire, I'm going to get "WORK HARD STAY HIGH" on one of those "keep calm" shirts!
Godesskatcommentedweek 123 years ago
Looks soo good.. Good Luuuck😍
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@Godesskat, thank you! Hoping nothing goes wrong in the final two weeks...
BioBudscommentedweek 113 years ago
Funny diary, keep it up!!!!
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@BioBuds, they can't keep me down! Not sure who the "they" is here, the Patriarchy? The Man? And also, thank you!
Kitties_and_Colascommentedweek 73 years ago
Following to see how you make out with this space! Good luck flowering!! 👊😺💡🌱
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@Kitties_and_Colas, check out my last grow. It's always a tight fit in the PDRB, but like a Fast and the Furious film, it's all about family. And Coronas. And also, thank you! 🤗🌻🍁🔥🕺
Godesskatcommentedweek 143 years ago
Everything is better with a bag of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@Godesskat, we're bags of weed away from world peace
BioBudscommentedweek 133 years ago
Enjoy harvest!! Good job!!! 💪👍
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@BioBuds, thank you!
MikeOxmaul420commentedweek 243 years ago
Your electricity supplier must be loving your grows I’d try some fast strains next mate 😂
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@MikeOxmaul420, yeah man, got me over the barrell, but at least they aren't shwoing me the 50 states yet. (This is semi-obscure as far as references go, thanks to, TBS, and whatever streaming service carries...) Also, solar is the future!!! [Points to sky [time lapse to skeleton]] .... [Skeleton's jaw cracks off after a 5 second hold]
Godesskatcommentedweek 173 years ago
Wish you all the best & happy growing 😍 Love this place!✊
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@Godesskat, I wish I had your....what is it....Idk. Thank you, and rock on
2x2growingcommentedweek 173 years ago
Enjoy the harvest👌🔥
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@2x2growing, just chopped the chonky buggers today. They are, MOIST
the end.
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