The Zenzation as usual started rocketing, I'm following the same technique ti topping last time because it made me 82 grams more than all. Then topping to 16 peaks on the center line and two side branches below on which this time I do the fimming to try not to run too much energy in the center. In my top 5 I believe forever. We passed in a house of 11 ltiri and from that moment the leaves are a bit mosce, but the toppings proceed very well, I suppose there is no need for much effort and keeps them at rest or in any case they were a little stressed by the two rains of neem that I had to do
Happy growing! I hope you get some good results! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page!
Peace & Love - L.S.T ππΌπ
@Mr_Cannuccia19, Prova pure la farina di Neem spolverata sul terreno dovrebbe rallentare la riproduzione e l'infestazione, le striscie gialle oltre ad attaccarle vicino alle luci prova ad attaccarle al vaso perchè loro vivono e si riproducono nel terriccio e appena innaffi volano li e trovano la morte che meritano <3