I think I clashed with this plant. In practice, the usual pair of soil goths have arrived and reading that Neem flour rejects I exaggerated it in the ground but I probably sent it into excess of something I don't understand and the leaves are faded as when the plant is too close to light . At this point I decided for a flush and I put it under a delicate light in case I am wrong and it was the light and it seems that in some areas is returning normal green not chirts that for me it is burned by ferths or light always burned is.
@Taito,Yes I'm keeping it a little more that poor girl had some problems with fertilizers for another stupid choice of mine to put neem flour against midges without calculating the nutritional intake. When there are imbalances I read that a long flush at 6.0 ph restores the balance and in fact the leaves have partially recovered and it will be very good