ππ½ Day 57 (10/21): Fed and removed a couple more necrotic leaves, but things seem stable for now. She does *not* like the UVB light, and is browning at the edges of older, damaged leaves. Will probably have to pull her out of the tent during the 15-minute UV periods.
ππ½ Day 59 (10/23): Fed, including a top-dress of Great White. Just letting her get on with it. Slender, lengthy buds are thickening up slowly. π
ππ½ Day 61 (10/25): Fed with added Mammoth P. Seems like she's in stable shape--happier with the pH issues behind her.
ππ½ Day 63 (10/27): Fed and the leaves look halfway decent. She's at about 50-60% cloudy. Smells like eucalyptus and Lemonheads candy.
Next watering with CalMag, Sensi Bloom A&B, Overdrive, Mammpth P, and Carboload. Will be adding nutrients with each watering.
Next application of Mammoth P: 10/29 (2x weekly).
Next application of Great White: around 11/6.