I fed today but didn't have time for much of a photo session.
Gave them One, Signal, Sweet & Sticky, Cha Ching, and started them on LiquidSoil.
The big MWK makes me drool...she so fine! The other ain't so bad either. She didn't get as fat...deeper pink color though.
Fat Amnesiac has lost most of her foliage, and is getting ripe quickly. The other won't be as fat, but she's very frosty.
One of the Strawberry plants will be done before the other. Both of them are foxtailing a bit, but I don't mind...bonus bong rips.👍
The LCK is pretty impressive even in a 2 gal pot, still poppin pistils like she's just getting started!
I know right..."this guy must be a hobbit!"
Nah...I've been playing guitar for 40 years and can quickly and easily transition into an F major add 9 (major pinky stretch) from any other chord.
I can even play Jake E Lee's 'Bark at the Moon' solo...no dwarf or hobbit could do that...😂
Happy growing! I hope you get some good results! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page!
Peace & Love - L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟
HOLY MOLLY GOLDEN GREEN NUGGETS! yes, I was screaming...I only seen nuggets like that is from that YouTube grower, I won't say his name. Congratulations Hippie!👊