I fed today but didn't have time for much of a photo session.
Gave them One, Signal, Sweet & Sticky, Cha Ching, and started them on LiquidSoil.
The bigger plant just keeps putting on big swollen green calyx every day...such a big lovely freak! Amazing frost and pungent fuel aroma.😋
The smaller plant is a true beauty..got some purple in folage and flower and frosted over wonderfully. This pheno looks more like a Sugar Cane than the other.
Happy growing! I hope you get some good results! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page!
Peace & Love - L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟
@DeaneR, No doubt...complete opposite approach! My 15 plants, grown like that Alien Orange Gum of yours would require a 25 x 50' greenhouse I think...😄
I'm hoping to best my 1,600 gram dry yield from this space with this run....fingers crossed!
What I like SBG is you don't even try to make your hand look small like some "bud hand models" do..
Often in pics you see someone holding their top with a claw grip to try and make it look big.
Your thumps are at full extension .. Big ass colas again.. 👌🏼🤜🏼🤛🏼