The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Sherbet Queen mit Herz in Lila LA

Approved by Exotic Seed, Royal Queen Seeds
3 years ago
hyperlite groplanner Light Emitting Diodes/150W
hyperlite groplanner
hyperlite groplanner Light Emitting Diodes/150W
hyperlite groplanner
Room Type
weeks 1, 6
being nice
weeks 3
weeks 3-5
weeks 3, 5
talking nice
weeks 4
weeks 4
weeks 4-5
weeks 5
weeks 6
weeks 6
weeks 8
biobizz Allmix
Grow medium
7 L
Pot Size
0.5 L
3 years ago
Hi WElcome to a new Exciting Round this time with 2 Herz og from Exotic Seed 1 Sherbet Queen from Royal Queen Seeds and last but not ehh LA Confidential from and Purple Kush also from My Setup is 0.80x0.80x1,80m thats 0,64m² noname growtent Hyperlite Groplanner O Series 150watt Phlizon 600w LED what take real 100watt to have extra watt in flower its this cheap burple light but to my knowledge it have red and uv light and them are beneficial/good for flowering so i use it in flower its allways good to have some extra watt right? i hope all of them openup and no hermys or pests or other shit that could hapen Happy Growing 08.11.21 nothing new i thing one of the herz og look out with her little head but im not sure we will see ok some hours later at 11:47 2 herz og and the LA.Confidential opens nice after 24h ok 3 gone 2 to go hope they open up to the evening but 24h is preaty good to 3 days is very good even a bean that came out later may have better growth so but still is a good sign they want to live thats for sure Good its 16:32 and the queen opens her window just one more to go and now its waiting and hoping thats all of them find the way out the dirt and the last herz og bean to open but its alittlebit over 24h so we have time we have time 09.11.21 the last herz still in her shell it looks like she will come out the next hours and the others have not shown too still in dirt that is the moment i hate the moste they have germinatet you enjoy yourself put them in dirt and wait and wait and wait and this bas**** wont come out never!!! ok its almost 48h ago that they were made wet this is great so nothings lost yet 4 in dirt almost out and one still in the womb 10.11.21 9:39 nothing new till now its 13:34 and sherbet queen and LA Confidential emerge from the deep more on week#1 ok i whould say super good germination rate only 1 didnt hatch
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
1.5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 2
water h2o 100 mll
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 0.5 mll
10.11.21 ok its 13:34 and the queen emerge from the deep shes the first and so starts the diary 10.11.21 first day for sherbet queen and at LA is movement but not Complete out yet like the queen its 17:33 and Herz og#2 show his head and i have find herz#1 half open on the dirt she looks dry dont know how she came there hope she made it and the last herz didnt germinait till now I have long forgotten how small the little ones are at the beginning FIRST DAY Sherbet Queen 10.11.21 11.11.21 the queen is out and cheerful unfortunately I found today the herz #2 on earth no further than yesterday so I helped a bit hope she managed it and the LA did not make any progress unfortunately so I have set 2 herz og 1 LA and 1 Purple kush in some jifi mifi pifi pots hope that will do the trick maybe i was wrong and herz#2 and LA will made it time will tell 18:02 Herz#1 Should be out tomorow i can already see her head 12.11.21 ok the queen is healthy herz#1 and La still not out but i can see both her heads or shels and they are moving very slow they are alittle bit further out then yesterday so there is hope and i have a backup plan i hate this time you are gone for some hours in this time something hapens you come back and find a corp that is why i hate the first days ah and the last herz og seed in the paper still no movent after what 5 days hm i have a backup plan and it looks like la and herz#1 will make its so nothings lost even then i have enough seeds to start over but i want this strains and i dont want them to die :D 13.11.21 ok LA still in the dirt but she is moving very slow and herz#1 is i dont know i think she lives too in the biffi pots the 2 herz ogs opens and the LA the purple kush i could not find the queen is fit i have looked again and LA IS moving now the tip of the seed is pointing up so there is movement and in 1 jiffi pot is movement the next LA will come out tomorow and the 2 herz but still no sight but they are open so they will come the purple kush have shown in the jiffi pot she will be out tomorow aswel 14.11.21 purple kush and La are out the jiffi La in the dirt have moved herz#1 seams dead :( ok its 09:31 and the 2 Herz in the jiffis have shown there tips they should be out evening or tomorow :D 15.11.21 today i transplant purple kush and La confidential into 7L pots 1 herz og came out the other does not open so i looked into it and there was this thin skin that dryed and the embrio could not open the first par of leafs i hope she made it now time will tell today is a good day i was crumbling the strawberry pheno greengelato from my first run and there is 1 realy nice big mature seed the first pheno had some nanas in week 4 flower and polinate pheno#2 but overall there is no seeds this is the first i find so this will be ja pur green gelato seed i was hopping for some kros like the 3rd pheno or with the hulk or fatbanana but who know maybe this is the SHIT or the shit in the toilet because of the hermy probably the latter FIRST DAY La Confidential,Purple Kush 15.11.21 16.11.21 ok its a really good day the queen is fit and almost over the first critical time purple kush and La seams to become a boost after transplanting they look healthy the surgery yesterday was a success and i could transplant the first alive herz og plant puh and what must i see today the last herz og also has this skin that prevents the embrio from opening the first pairs of leaves so i done some magic and hopefuly she survive the Herz og had a really good germinations rate 4 of 5 opened in less then 24h one didnt , one killed himself she lay dry on the dirt one didnt open the first pair of leafs and i idiot did nothing to help so she dryedout and died :( last but not .. the last two also had this skin problem but i could managed to rescue 1 the other is expected to survive time will tell we will see tomorow or today evening its 06:57 in the morning right now so lets say 18:00 the the leafs opend in 11 hours then there is a really good chance that she will make it and i gave all of them alittlebit Voodoo juice to stimulate root growth and I came to the conclusion that I now always hatch in jiffi pots it is so much easier just wet seeds in lid on ready and in 1-4 days come the little ones that you can then easily plant in the end pots I will definitely only do it like that in the future ok it looks like the last Herz og will made it juahu i will transplant her tomorow morning if she still alive but i have a good feeling FIRST DAY HERZ og#1 16.11.21
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
2.5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 2
water h2o 100 mll
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 0.5 mll
17.11.21 Hello back in a fresh week 2 for the Queen the others are still in week 1 :) almoste over the hill the queen is stable i dont think something could happen to her the other hmm Herz og#2 is preaty small but she should made it the rest need some more days but they looking great healthy FIRST DAY Herz og#2 its 16:20 and i almoste got a shok looking into the tent and the last herz looks like she laing down but no she starts to grow sideways?! maybe shes under some sorte of shock or dont feel to good ? stress? but what stress from there she is the smallest one of them all and still the problem child the rest doing great 18.11.21 ok its looking great queen is alomste over the hill looking and growing strong purple kush and LA doing good too day by day they go faster and faster Herz og#1 geting stronger too thats good the last Herz og#2 had oriented himself back to the light there is hope for her 19.11.21 everything is fine even the last herz og#2 getting better but not as good as the others the others 1 day after transplant into 7L they got a boost in grow Herz og#2 is now 2 days in and jea its getting better slowly 20.11.21 everyone is healthy and growing strong 21.11.21 everyone doing great even the last Herz og#2 shes coming slowly but stady 22.11.21 Herz og#1 got a little boost in grow also Herz og#2 looks better today the queen is already a small plant the rest follow then i look at the pics the rest is as good as the queen was they will look the same in some days ;D 23.11.21 nothing new jup then u look at the purple kush 9th day and the queen 9th day they look the same so it seams the rest will follow the queen soon
Grow Questions
JaramnieJazzstarted grow question 3 years ago
Why is my seedling growing sideways?
Plant. Twisted
1 like
KushGANGanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hello hanzde don't panic it is normal. Sometimes it arrives it is just how the seed germinate in the soil but after your baby will follow the light and will be straight. It will grows in the direction of the light so don't worry and enjoy. Good luck. Bye
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
11.5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
40 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 6
water h2o 500 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 2 mll
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 1 mll
24.11.21 Welcome back in a new week its looking great i think this week we start training on the queen the rest then its mature enough and the queen gets her first real watering about 0.5L it seems they like the BioBizz AllMix soil they in this is the fastes round i got i never got such developt plants in this short time i usaly grown on the balkony 25.11.21 all good u can see the more leafs they have the faster they grow only Herz og#2 is still last place but also the youngest 😅 today i add some B-52 vitamins they will need them for that is coming this week or she will the Queen.S the rest starts their training in 5-7 days, and some Bud Candy(as i have no molases but i could take honey😓😅 maybe i could still put some honey in not only the sugar but honey is antiseptic and have some other benefice too i think) a littlebit sugar for the beneficial microbes in the soil what i add with the Voodoo Juice(i could take some water with Aloe Vera what is beneficial for cloning and your wallet 😑there is no need for clonex or what the name is take Aloe!)crazy 3 diferent bottles for roots why cant they put everythink in 1 bottle?we all know why Chaching😏 hope that strengthens the little ones even more😎 26.11.21 Today i will start FIMing the Queen i feel bad to mutilate her in this way but what needs to be done must be done in this sense. Herz og#2 still the smallest and grew a bit slower than the rest not much maybe 1 day behinde but she is developing well and it looks like she is alittle bit on the Sativa side of the X the rest pure Indika ok not pure only the La Confidential have 100% but the rest have alot too queen 85% and Purple Kush 75% only Herz have 60% and so are the leavs thick Purple Kush and La Confidential became there first bigger watering about 0,5L each Its done the first step to a greater yield the queen was topped the first time for FIMing the rest will folow and i take a tiny drop honey to close the big cut from the topping honey is beneficial antiseptic,antibiotik kills fungi and bacteria i think only the bad ones? it is beneficial as hell and preaty much for nothing everyone got some honey at home and you need such a tiny drop as big as the cuting the stem thickness in my case but beware of ants!!!!!!!! Queens Exercise beginns now Note to myselfe fill pots full with soil 27.11.21The queen is looking good today seems everything went as expected the rest ist looking good too even Herz og#2 makes a good impression still the smallest still seedling stage the rest can be called plants so i deside to mainline Herz #2 no toping for her maybe ones later for now i will start to bend her down to the ground Purple Kush whould be a better candidate because she starts to show she wants to be a bush more then the others but still she is to strong not to Fiming her 😏 28.11.21 ok the queen got topped a second time Herz#1 still doing great and feeling great Just like LA ,Purple Kush doing good but feeling great Herz#2 after yesterdays bonding shes looking good all leafs pointing to the light again still the smallest I decided to top the leftovers Purple Kush,La Confidential and Herz og#1 are Topped so will the LST beginn theys days I add some Top-Max to get some of the Humic acid into the soil 29.11.21 its looking good hope they recover fast after yesterdays topping and they all get their first proper watering about 1L each 30.11.21 the queen has recovered the others need some more time i think tomorow and Herz#2 still the problem child and she became first real watering 1L i deside to start mainline Herz og#1 , Purple Kush and La Confidential i allways just bend them over and topped ones or twice something like manifolding. Herz og#2 gets a manifold
Used techniques
being nice
Grow Questions
JaramnieJazzstarted grow question 3 years ago
HI there should i cut for fiming a littlebit over the point there the first 5 pointed leafs are or can i cut there the first 7 pointed leafs are 1 node up so the plant have more leaft ergo more energy? faster recovery? happy plant? ;D THX
Techniques. FIMing
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
If your on about the biggest plant in your diary you should be able to to fimm the very top.
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
11.5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 7
water h2o 1000 mll
HONEY 0.1 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 2 mll
01.12.21 Welcome in a new week joł 02.12.21 it seems that everyone has recovered the queen has nice growth Herz#1 looking good too LA´s growth slowed down a bit i think and herz#2 well i dont know i dont care i give her water food if needed whats it no training maybe little LST or maybe a topping? or 2? we will see 03.12.21Queen and Herz#1 starten realy to speed up if i look short after the lamp went on and in the evening there is about 1cm more, purple kush is back on track same for La and yea the soil is hot but other than that the plants seam not to mind they like it. alot N as u can see on the queen Biobizz say for 2 week in 2 week they maybe have roots everywere and then the microbes must make the food Receptive for the plant so i think its alot longer then 2 weeks i just hope i dont have to let them stay for to long in Veg to use the N or alot of it 04.12.21 Queen was Topped and will now have 8 main colas maybe i will go for more but we will see because the others are some days behinde and then there is the time then i will otherwise not i dont want to veg for a eternety the rest i have to wait for further training because i want to make some sort of HST with this mainlining/topping thing on the Herz og#1 to get as well 8 sides and Herz og#2 was topped today and Purple Kush have 4 colas now i dont know maybe just another topping to get 8 sides or some sort of LST/HST/Topping and of course further mainlining. everything goes into the bin i Topped Herz#1 and LA a Sec time and as it looks now the queen will be trained more then the rest.then the rest recovers from topping i have time to make even more bud sides but as always it comes diverent 05.12.21 queen growth explods very nice even Herz#2 looks better now maybe were is hope for her it looks like the queen likes to be trained same for Herz og but Purple Kush and La seam to dont like it at all they have longer stuned growth LA more Purple Kush is always on a good mood and the humidity is going up Purple Kush was Topped 3rd time for 8 main Colas 06.12.21 Time to wait for further training Herz#2 gets 1L water 07.12.21overall growth is very good they look alittlebit sad today maybe because the lamps have just come on we will see how they perform later that day ,Herz#2 looks very good now have nice leaf color vigor growth she isnt the problem child anymore
Used techniques
talking nice
Grow Questions
JaramnieJazzstarted grow question 3 years ago
Min needed Watt for keeping cuts alive and/or keep mother THX
Setup. Clones
Setup. Lighting
Hempy_The_Kidanswered grow question 3 years ago
For freshly cut clones, give them ambient light only. Do not put freshly cut clones under direct light.  When you see roots, THEN you can gradually give them more light. When you see new growth, you can give them full light with the rest of your plants in vegetative growth.  The light cycle for clones should be 18 hours on, 6 hours off. The mother just make sure it's 18 hours of light per day.
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
11.5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 3
water h2o 1000 mll
HONEY 0.1 mll
terra Aquatica Calcium Magnesium 1 mll
08.12.21 Welcome to a new week as u can see the color of the leafs are dark green the queen is 30 days old but still have nuts in the soil and not just for 2 week bullshit i think i could finish this without giving nuts maybe alittlebit in bloom 09.12.21 Today i will topp Herz#1 and LA the last Time for 8 Budsides and then this is the last week with 18/6 next week we will go into (12/12)bloom,they all look happy and healthy no pests💪 LA seems to be the most delicate one after topping she is slowed down the longest and she seems to like it more dry then the rest maybe because she is 100% indica and her ancestors used to live in a dry area Hyndukush maybe 10.12.21ok i dont topped Herz#1 and LA yesterday i will today,Herz#2 looking very promising shes a small bush,ok Herz#1 and LA are Topped 3rd time both will have now 8 main sides i think i give them a week and then i switch to 12/12 I noticed that La has the strongest smell of all when you rub against its stem or after topping the rest has no smell at all maybe its a good sign that she will be very aromatic?! 11.12.21 Herz#2 is geting a real bush she got a real growth boost she managed to grow some cm in 6h WOW they all get 1L water without nuts 12.12.21It looks like the queen and Herz#2 hase deplited all food in the soil they both gets lighter then the rest im not surch but i want to switch to flower anyway in some days and it starts to smell in the room there the tent is it dont smell like weed at all more like some one hase cocked food or maybe its the smell of my old socks😬😅 MIX in the tent its smells like real weed funk not much I thought about Herz#2 to supercropp because I have to wait for Herz#1 and LA in time Herz#2 could recover before the switch because she is almost not trained at all just 1 topping and tied to the ground from the beginning to bush her out 13.12.21 Herz#2 Looks sad today dont know why i think she is a thristy one and the queen is the hungriest of them all in therm of nuts 14.12.21still Herz#2 looking sad i dont know why soil is wet but i gave her yesterday some water and after some time she looked better???This will be the last Veg day tomorow is first 12/12 day today last 18h
Used techniques
Grow Questions
JaramnieJazzstarted grow question 3 years ago
ist das ein Mangel die unteren blätter werden langsam gelb hab die noch nicht gefüttert seit 35 tagen weil die erde so heiß war aber jetzt braucht sie glaube ich der neue wuchs ist auch sehr hell grün THX
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
I wouldn't worry to much about that, the lower leaves are getting less light which could cause it. It may be that you might need to start increasing your p and k slightly. Your N levels look OK with lots of dark leaves. Good luck.
JaramnieJazzstarted grow question 3 years ago
Ich wollte morgen auf 12/12 umstellen lohnt sich das noch sie umzupflanzen von 7L in 15L Airpots so kurz vorm switch? oder solte ich umpflanzen und ihnen noch paar tage Veg geben? befor ich switch? oder lieber in den 7L in die Blüte gehen? THX
Other. General questions
Roots. Other
CanarianGrow92answered grow question 3 years ago
I think its better to put them in the 15liter, as they continue to grow a bit, specially the first 2 weeks, 7 might be too smalñ and then its too late to do something, just transplant give a bit of water maybe with some beneficial bacteria like voodoo or something like that, wait for a week and switch them to flowering
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
11.5 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 9
water h2o 1000 mll
HONEY 0.1 mll
terra Aquatica Calcium Magnesium 1 mll
15.12.21 ok i deside to go into flower and not transplant i will see what i get must make my own experiences for future grows 16.12.21 Have hung my old shity Phlizon Light 100w for flower this lamp have more ir? vr? and red i think and that is good for flower right? no matter 100watt more will definitely bring more i hope,I noticed some spots on the queen maybe Calmag deficiency so i gave her calmag and some fishmix for some N she needs it Purple Kush slowly shows that she use the N in the Leafs and Herz#2 also has used all in the soil her leaf are nice bright light green Herz#1 and La still dont need no food maybe in some days something for bloom 17.12.21jo i have to watch out for the queen and Purple Kush the queen seems to not geting worst but i have to watch her the next days and give her food wit calmag and slowly the smell is getting stronger no individuel smell from each plant but overall some weed funk I looked into the tent and they start streching u realy can see how much they strecht since yesterday, its the 3rd 12/12 day pretty fast and again learnd some thing new that a plant who dont see real sun only LED´s needs CalMag i noticed the others Purple Kush had simulare spots on her leafs but that could be lightburn from waterdrops but still Herz#1 also have such looking leafs i better give them all CalMag in there diät from now on 18.12.21 hm Queen still looking not so good she gets calmag and bloomnutt they all from now on 19.12.21 the CalMag seem to help Herz#2 looks realy healthy and her growth explodes sins yesterday the queen looks also healthy now Purple Kush worry me a little bit but i give her calmag and bloomnutt and it will be ok the next days for sure 20.12.21All looking very good still not really in bloom but the next days they will 21.12.21 looking good
Used techniques
Grow Questions
JaramnieJazzstarted grow question 3 years ago
Is This a CalMag shortage??
Leaves. Other
1 like
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yeah that looks like calmag shortage mate. Not a major one. Remember damaged leaves won't repair themselves so keep your eye on fresh growth for problems
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 8
water h2o 1000 mll
terra Aquatica Calcium Magnesium 1 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1 mll
22.12.21(Bloom Day 8) ok every one looking healthy from now they get food with all watering like today still not really in bloom 23.12.21(Bloom 9) Looking good 24.12.21 Merry Christmas ,Herz#1 had strecht alot more then the rest LA least but she is 100% indica same for Purple Kush who is 75% she strecht alittlebit more but not much too ,Harz#2 is the biggest bush now from problem child to bush and the queen also have a vigor growth looking good and finaly the first pistles have formd 25.12.21 its geting a jungel 26.12.21(bloom12) Its looking very very good all plants are healthy Herz#1 managed to overtaking the rest and finaly Purple Kush and LA seam to be in bloom now they both started to strech even more very good it seams that they are all finaly in full bloom now Herz#2 became water with nuts 27.12.21 Herz#2 has strecht alot sinns yesterday crazy and Purple and LA still behinde maybe they will strech some more because they arent as far as the rest 28.12.21Jo still stretch going on look at the fan is gone 💪 LA is in full bloom now only Purple Kush is the last behinde ,the smell is getting stronger still like some one have cooked a meal with a weed funk twist to it
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
19 °C
7 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 8
water h2o 1000 mll
terra Aquatica Calcium Magnesium 1 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1 mll
29.12.21 ok LA was behinde but now she is as far as the rest only purple dont want to bloom i defoliated the lower 4rd of all plants ,water today 30.12.21 Nothing 31.12.21HAPPY NEW YEAR Later 😀 so still no real smell only LA have a smell spicy and all together is like Lunch is ready ,water today 01.01.22 WUHU 02.01.22 Water today 03.01.22Looking good buds forming everyone is healthy and happy😁 04.01.22 Last day of week 3 Flower everything is fine
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
19 °C
7 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 9
water h2o 1000 mll
terra Aquatica Calcium Magnesium 1 mll
Aloe Vera GEL 1 mll
05.01.22 First day of week 4 Flower i will start to give the half amount nuts i have noticed that after watering with nuts the leafs there hanging and after 3 hours they was looking happy but whats not normal i dont want to get nut lockout or some other shit so i gave them only water the last days and they are even happyer then befor so i try half or/and 1 time with nuts and without the weard thing is they dont even have burn mark on the leafs nothing but the problem is somthing with the nuts ones i try give them normal and then with plane water that they like too so my conclusion is half nuts even they have no burned leaf tips they are all happy healthy buds develope in a good tempo everything looking fine so we will see what the future will bring😉 06.01.22 Still looking good of the budsides, the spaces between them close slowly and u can see some will have nice big long buds i hope for the best🙏 07.01.22 all good it a little bit cold I have to turn on the heating its only 19°C better is 23°C i have rubet at the sugarleafs the queen smells like hash,LA is Spice,Herz#1 threw me back in time sweet orange smell i cant remember what this smell reminds me but i got this feeling i know this smell exacly this smell maybe it comes to mind again,Purple Kush have not so many trichomes but the smell is as the from Herz#1 as sweet,Herz#2 is more spice hashy ..water. 08.01.22 Buds forming nicely Herz#2 have the biggest so far the queen will have nice long buds same for LA, Purple Kush have now strecht more then the queen now everyone have strecht the amount of sativa in them, Herz og´s 40% sativa strecht the most then Purple Kusk with 25% sativa got the sec place, 3rd place goes for the queen with 15% sativa and the smallest plant and last place is LA Confidential with 0% sativa because she is 100% Indica who would have thought that 😉 overall all looking good healthy trichomes starting to form 09.01.22 Looking good i know it Herz og smells like u walk past a open door of the coffeeshop thats how weed should smell i love it already can't wait for it to be like when it's done water today 10.01.22 No problem only the smell starting to get stronger now like the last round after the 4th week to the end 11.01.22 The smell geting stronger and more and more the smell of Herz og is dominating the tent i love it😍 it seems that the smell its this Kush funk because Purple Kush smells exacly like Herz#1 and i love it 😍 the queen still more hashisch ,LA Confidential got this Spicy now with a little twist of lemon but this Artificial Lemon´s it is difficult to describe but its pretty nice and the buds of LA and the Queen will be nice long the Herz´s will have chunky Buds not so long i think because the strecht more then LA and Queen. Purple Kush had a hard start and is i think a week behinde but the flower are growing and she started to strech then the rest stoped LOL like i sad she is behinde i dont know why but she start later to flower who knows maybe light leak or just not mature enough this week everything was super all healthy happy buds geting bigger what more could you want😚 thanks for coming in and stopping by see ya next Week😑
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
19 °C
7 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 8
water h2o 1000 mll
terra Aquatica Calcium Magnesium 1 mll
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 1 mll
12.01.22 Welcome back to week 5 Flower LA smell now like pure Lemon cleaner Herz#1 and Purple smell the same nice sweet funk,Queen goes more into Haschisch Herz#2 have a little bit of an discusting smell to it its like Herz#1 but not as pleasend it have this discusting note sour like spoiled ok i give 4ml again but all 5 get 1L with NUTS so for everyone its 200ml with NUTS and then clear water so the concentration is less and they like it Herz#2 have some yelowisch leafs buts whats ok they have to be a little bit hungry less is more with plants 13.01.22 Looking goood 14.01.22 Looking good smell is geting stronger 15-16.01.22 All good waiting for the end but still have to wait some more weeks i think LA Confidential will be first and Purple Kush last but we will see and we wait
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
19 °C
7 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 8
water h2o 1000 mll
terra Aquatica Calcium Magnesium 1 mll
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 1 mll
19.01.22 Welcome back in week 6 we are slowly coming to the end very slow 3-4 week to go still maybe some in 2 we will see, they now slowly started to turn the hairs brown/red this is a sign that it is slowly coming to an end slow slowlyslow Herz#2 is the is the hungriest her leaf are already fading away and the queen too not as much the rest still has green in there leafs but i think after a proper flush it will look good Herz#1 and 2 making nice chunky buds kush style the queen have really nice long spears Purple Kush meh still just popcorn buds disapointing but the best smell mouth watering and LA have Spears to and a real strong smell of Citrus Cleaner Herz#1 smells like Purple but not so sweet and pleasend Herz#2 like Purple too but it goes into sour spoiled unpleasend smell 20.01.22 They geting thirsty i have to water daily now 21.01.22 Jup had to water again everyday now 1L each 22.01.22 All good looking very nice smelling nice but i have to wait Unfortunately 23.01.22 Looking good buds geting bigger and bigger :D 24.01.22 YES 25.01.22 Last day of week 6 Flower i can allready smell the end or maybe it the tent
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
19 °C
7 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 8
water h2o 1000 mll
terra Aquatica Calcium Magnesium 1 mll
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 1 mll
Welcome in Week 7 Flower 26.01.22 Looking great the buds fetting up nicely 27.01.22 Sec day of week 7 what more can i say than watered today 28.01.22 All Good everyone is still alive and doing well 29.01.22 I got bad news exactly when 9 weeks have passed people coming to take heating readings it have to be done😨 to this day 30.01.22 Almoste week 7 over 2 to go 31.01.22 Looking good 01.01.22 very good
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
56 %
20 °C
20 °C
19 °C
7 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 1
water h2o 1000 mll
Welcome Flower Week 8 02.02.22 All good 03.02.22 Super Good its getting better and better the buds fetting up and im happy about it 04.02.22 im waiting lalala im waiting to the end 05.02.22 schalalalala 06.02.22 more and more hairs turn brown what is a good sign the have only 10 days left 07.02.22 The end is coming 16.02.22 is harvest day :D so they get her 9 week to get sure 08.02.22 Last day of this week looking good so far the queen have some really nice big buds the Herz sisters looking good even LA looks great and smells great Citrus Cleaner only purple Kush is a disapointing only the smell is really nice
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
46 cm
12 hrs
21 °C
61 %
8 °C
18 °C
18 °C
7 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 1
water h2o 1000 mll
the last week has started 09.02.22 till 16.02.022 is harvest day 10.02.22 😍in the pic you see the queen in the truest sense of the word but the herz´s dont have to hide Herz#1 have some nice chunky Buds and the queen have no smell at all LA is the loudest of them all pure Lemon Cleaner😁 they get the last days only water out of the fridge which is set to 8°C so they going to the end winter is coming no more heating the room nothing but outside the temps are moderade so its not really cold and maybe i had to start this procedure 1 week earlier i could not take some small first test buds from LA she is to far in the corner and i have a space what i have a problem is small i cant take it out right now i smoked some of the purple because it was first dry and it realy nice 11.02.22 hallo again last days befor harvest and as u all can see on the new pics in true light how nice the outcome will be😁 im happy as ... today was cold outside so the temps are droping and thats good to show them to finish 12.11.22 4 days left Im allready in love with the Herz og such golden/Green(pheno#2) fett Rock hard diamond shaped kush og bud Godness yesterday after the first test joint i allready ordered another seed pack😅😁nice work Exotix seeds👏💪 for all indica heads must grow OH i was unwright about the purple kush she hasn´t such big buds but frosty fett sticks and the high is sunny and very relaxing super strain for pain and have fun but dont plan to do soming importante i could not speak properli good to relax watch movie makes hunger 13.02.22 last days It's sad, but I'm also bursting with anticipation its crasy how the tent looks from last grow to this is like from 0-100% Purple is geting golden like the Herz#2 nice 14.02.22 tomorow is last day 😔😎 15.02.22 Last day they will get 12h light after that i have to take the tent down and all then the gentlemen are coming for heater reading and then back on track again😉😇😋😘😊 ah and harvest of course
Week 14. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
After first test joint i cant open my eyes i like sorry for bad pics had no time to look into at drying Herz#1 smells like this pink bubblegum and Herz#2 Like dinner is ready Herz#1 is very sticky and Herz#2 even more
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Spent 103 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Fett buds plant cant stand up by her own 😁
1 comment
Week 14. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Had the fettest buds of them all or the longest or biggest Herz#1 have the fettest now at drying still fruits with some harch hashish tone to it nice not so sticky
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Spent 103 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Fett rock hard speer like buds i like smells like a fruitbowl tuty fruty
1 comment
Week 14. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Smell is pure citrus cleaner very loud also fett rock hard buds and the stickyesd from them all
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Spent 103 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
this plant became allmoste no attention still fett rockhard buds
1 like
Week 14. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
better than I initially thought alot better nice colors at the end of flower nice sugary rock hard buds sorry for the bad pics had no time to look into smell is like Herz#1 but sweet
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Spent 103 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
all good
1 comment


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Y0inkcommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck,wish you the best!👽
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
Spirit4i20commentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with cultivation! that it grows beautiful 🙌👊👌
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@Spirit4i20,THX i hope so too ;D
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia,THX Mate
weed__meecommentedweek 03 years ago
I wish you a great growth 😊🍀🌱🌷
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
Exotic_Seedcommentedweek 03 years ago
awesome! Much love
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
BCbuds76commentedweek 33 years ago
Wishing you good luck on all of your growing adventures!
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@BCbuds76,THX mate
Afrogerweedcommentedweek 23 years ago
Good luck 😉👍🏽🌱✨ HG✌️🏽️!
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
lonelystonerscommentedweek 33 years ago
Looks good! Cant wait for mine to look as cute like yours 😎 wish u the best!
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@lonelystoners,THX wish u the best too
gjimenez523commentedweek 73 years ago
Looks great! Good luck with your grow
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@gjimenez523,THX Mate
BioBudscommentedweek 33 years ago
Good luck on this one too!
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@BioBuds,THX mate
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 23 years ago
Good luck with your grow :)
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@Ju_Bps,THX mate
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy growing my friend! Nice reading your diary! Say hello if you ever visit my profile🌬️💨 Peace & love L.S.T
Lukushcommentedweek 103 years ago
Happy growth mate 😎 girls looking happy 👌😎❤️
Lukushcommented3 years ago
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@Lukush,THX mate😃
Balankayacommentedweek 93 years ago
Lovely garden, good luck colleague!
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
LittleJohncommentedweek 63 years ago
Good luck and happy growing😎💚🙏🏻
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
JoeyJoeGrowJoecommentedweek 53 years ago
hello happy growing 👍👍
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
GOODoverEVILcommentedweek 23 years ago
Happy Growing! Jah bless 🙏🏼
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@GOODoverEVIL,THX 1 lav
KushGANGcommentedweek 23 years ago
Hello hanzde i answered your question so if you need something let me know. Bye. Don't worry it will recover soon. Trust me. Bye
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 23 years ago
Hey there hope i answered your question , anything you need just let me know 👊
Mycroftcommentedweek 143 years ago
They look like they want to kick your brain ! 🙌
JaramnieJazzcommented3 years ago
@Mycroft,they do 😁
the end.
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