This is my 12th grow on growdiaries and I'm going to run it similar to my last grow. I am also running a Time-lapse which I will do at the end. So there are 4 different strains which will have a diary each.
The strains are all tester seeds so I don't have any information on them.
I have been looking for a new light for this grow and have gone with the Viparspectra XS2000, this is probably the limit my main tent could take so I may have to upgrade my extractor fan. The light is temporarily setup finishing of a plant in the main tent and so far temps seem good.
For germination I soak the seed in water for 24hr before placing into a rockwool cube that's been soaked for 20 mins in ph 5.8 water with hydroguard at 0.5ml/L. Then placed in propergation dome under my small T5 lights in the secret jardin dp60. I keep the lights on until they emerge, some people like leaving in darkness, I like them getting light straight away.
31/10/21 Sunday started soaking seed in 50ml water.
1/11/21 Monday soaked rockwool for 20 mins (0.5ml/L hydroguard) in 150ml Ec 0.193 PH 6.1
3/11/21 Wednesday she's above ground but shell still on so wet shell to help soften it up.
4/11/21 Thursday helped the shell come off. This is day 0 of the grow.
Thanks to Fastbuds for sending me the testers.
Thanks to anyone who stops by to read or follow. Comments are welcome.
Hopefully back with an update in a week.
Nice diary! Thanks for the advice I appreciate it. The lights I like so much seem to be your favorite as well the Viperspectras. I picked them out of all the choices on Amazon. My very first grow was one of the best I have ever burned. On my third and trying Hydro. It has become a very peaceful Pastime in more ways than one!
@FelandS, cheers dude. 1st grow with this light and can already tell its a good light. Hydro is a good way to go, I find it easier then soil. As far as a pass time its such a good hobby.
Always feel intimidated growing in clay. I’m too much of a noob! But definitely gonna use your diaries for reference when the time comes! The charts are 🔥
Man what are those. Smallest autos I ever seen.. no offense but you spent way too much to yield nothing . Come see my grow at 60 days . I can teach you some tricks buddy ,. This grow wasn't worth the nutrients or hydro.. and you have an X's light? ? I'm confused .. you should be getting a lbs per harvest with that light and good nutes and genetics . . I almost don't beleive what I'm seeing. Is this real ?
@@Jhindlehydro, no offence taken. Dwc is probably my favourite system. I try and let ph drift from 5.8 to 6.2 when I use them systems. The system I'm using now I'm not to keen on, 11L each of clay balls. I'm probably going back to dwc if next grow this way fucks up. Good look with your future grows. This is a good site to record your grows on.
Ok well your quality looks good
you learn something with every grow small and big lessons . I don't bother with the ph of soil or coco but dwc I start at 5.8 and maybe slight ph drift up if I leave for a few days . . Sry if I came off rude I've been growing for 15 years now and few inside so I just try to help anyone in anyways I can if they are open to it .. cheers man. Good luck on all your future grows brotha . If you need any advice I'm here .
Currently doing my first diarie as we speak! Cheers
@@Jhindlehydro, hi there mate. 3 out the 4 plants I forgot to ph the media on. So instead of being around 6.0ph it was closer to 8.0ph due to this and the time it took me to realise my mistake the plants where already stunted. Its one of them where you end up kicking yourself for messing up at the very beginning.
@Hashy, ah! I stopped using those inaccurate pens after my first grow. The chemical test tube from GHE works well, I keep my DWC chemically tested at a 6.0 for most of the entire grow. Throw those pens away and use actual chemical, or paper test, the results are always accurate without having to calibrate anything.
@SwissKush, that grow I think I soaked the cubes in ph 5.0 water for 12hrs before shaking some water out. Then I check the water after removing the cubes to see what the ph has risen to. It was only after a week when I checked my fresh water for a new change, normally my water is ph 6.8-7.0 but pen said it was ph 5. That instantly made me realise I hadn't checked my ph pen for a while. It was well off, ended up with a new pen as the old one kept changing. So it's all my fault for not double checking shit over. Got a fresh grow going in soil because I knew that grow was going be a bust. Doing one more in soil before going back to the rockwool. But I will be checking everything out properly as that mistake early on cost me. Thanks mate, at least it's not just me that's messed up with rockwool.👍
@Hashy, I find Root Riots to be better than the large rockwool cubes, but when I use the rockwool I always soak in PH acid water, and also water the top of the smallest rockwool (tiny) I can find with PH 5 water.. you will have to change your buckets plain water the first week, but 2nd week you will have root in the pool. I put dry seed in cubes to germinate, always up in 5-6 days. (: