This is my 12th grow on growdiaries and I'm going to run it similar to my last grow. I am also running a Time-lapse which I will do at the end. So there are 4 different strains which will have a diary each.
The strains are all tester seeds so I don't have any information on them.
I have been looking for a new light for this grow and have gone with the Viparspectra XS2000, this is probably the limit my main tent could take so I may have to upgrade my extractor fan. The light is temporarily setup finishing of a plant in the main tent and so far temps seem good.
For germination I soak the seed in water for 24hr before placing into a rockwool cube that's been soaked for 20 mins in ph 5.8 water with hydroguard at 0.5ml/L. Then placed in propergation dome under my small T5 lights in the secret jardin dp60. I keep the lights on until they emerge, some people like leaving in darkness, I like them getting light straight away.
31/10/21 Sunday started soaking seed in 50ml water.
1/11/21 Monday soaked rockwool for 20 mins (0.5ml/L hydroguard) in 150ml Ec 0.193 PH 6.1
3/11/21 Wednesday she's above ground but shell still on so wet shell to help soften it up.
4/11/21 Thursday helped the shell come off. This is day 0 of the grow.
Thanks to Fastbuds for sending me the testers.
Thanks to anyone who stops by to read or follow. Comments are welcome.
Hopefully back with an update in a week.
I had the same issue and I ask myself : I waited 2-3 months before using my seeds, they where kept in a dark place but not cold, temperate and this summer was really warm. I don't know if the seeds where damaged or if I did something wrong.
@Blabina, I can't remember exactly how long I had them before I germinated them, prob only 2 month maybe a little more, stored them with my other seeds. That's what testers are for really, if no one can get it to grow then they will have to breed it more and test more before going to market.