I haven't grown for 15 years. First time indoor. I did not know what I can expect. I am very surprised. It's unbelievable. Thanks for the ghrow diary. I learned a lot and the second time it will be perfect.thx boys and girls 😊
What a nice diary! Thank you for sharing with us ❤️
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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Chilling_Racoons 👨🌾👩🌾
Hey friend looking GREAT. clean tent setup. Would it be okay if I offer you some pointers?
If you haven't gotten them yet get yourself a PAR meter and a thermal laser temp gun like the fluke 62 MAX to help you better read your plants and grow to their needs. Also look up VPD, Vapor pressure deficit and how it relates to growing cannabis. It is an extremely helpful tool for all growers to utilize new or experianced.
As we progress down the road and begin to enter flower there are some important things to know. First off temperature is very vital to how your buds will develop. Too low of temps we will get very dense buds and extremely caked but we lose out on size. Too hot of a room and our buds will be huge and airy and prone to fox tailing as well as never being as caked. Temps over 82 if we grow our buds at those temps with lights on will begin to show those signs. We generally like to get our buds developed at around 80 degrees then after weeks 2-3 begin tapering our lights on temps down to around 77 for the remainder of the grow. Once our plants finish their vertical growth by weeks 4-6 of flower we then begin to open up the temp gap between lights on and lights off by allowing for more than 10 degrees less when the lights go off. Now that the plant has finished its vertical growth instead of stretching this will now signal the plant to put extra energy into the budding process and resin production which will really help you get a nice finish on your crop. Since you have outdoor experience I will use that to help you understand why we do this. It is replicating the end of the outdoor season and essentially is helping the plant respond to stress signals to do what it is genetically programmed to do to ensure its reproduction. Once it has finished growing vertically and it begins to receive these stresses of environmental changes in the room it knows it wants to get big flowers to produce seed in, It wants to get as sticky as it can to attract pollen successfully. We manipulate our rooms inside to do these things that happen naturally outdoors. Other good methods are colder feed temps in the last week & light deprivation in the last 2 weeks to simulate cloud cover.
I hope I have not overloaded you with information, If you ever should need help or have any questions feel free to ask me I am on here often. Check out my 200 light 7,000 plant diary and follow my profile! I am currently working on a youtube tutorial series for growing cannabis as well if that sounds like something you would be interested in you should subscribe to my channel too! Happy growing my friend.
@Mr_Juice, Thats right man always good to learn new things and be open-minded. The diary I have up right now was the first time I ever used high end LED's as well.
@LegacyMarketFarm, I am interested in everything because I basically grow under the LED lamp for the first time. of course, it needs to create conditions for it, as well as natural strangers, and I will learn new things.😊🤘🏻