12/12/21 Day 34 - Lucy received the above nutes with her .75 gallon of water yesterday. She is still growing between .5 and 1 inch per day. Her buds are getting longer - lower sites are now over an inch tall, and top is about 4 inches. The strain data indicates she should finish between 10 - 14 weeks, so I hope I'll have four more weeks for her to do her best. Her scent is developing - she now smells like weed, and has an distinct skunky odor. I think she's doing really well, she is going to be a little girl, but it's looking more and more as if I'll have a bit to smoke when this is all done.
Notes for the last three seeds: Definitely top/FIM the next run, encourage a lot of lateral growth. Apparently the phenotype is a bit varied in this strain, with lots of shorties and the occasional tall one mixed in.
12/13 Day 35 - Lucy has grown .75 inches. She is now 17.5 and I'm convinced she'll get even bigger than 18 inches. She had used 1/2 of her water since Saturday. She was bright and perky when I saw her right after lights on. She has not drooped at all since the week of transplant, so I know she's feeling happy. Her flowers are developing noticeably every day. I'm now feeling pretty confident we're on the right path. Can't wait to see how she changes this week!
12/14 Day 36 - She made the 18 inch minimum I was hoping for. I was concerned because I read that typically a plant doubles in height after it starts flowering, well, she was 7 inches tall (barely) when that happened. Genetics are amazing things, no matter what you read and expect, plants being living things are going to do what their specific genes tell them. She's likely going to need water tonight or tomorrow, so our watering schedule has picked up.
12/15 Day 37 - 18.5 inches today! Grow baby grow! She needed water/nutes today, so she got 1/2 strength of Techniflora Bloom formula. 1/2 gallon used today and she did return some run off. Her scent is starting to intensify and her trichomes are visible to the naked eye. She had a light trim yesterday, removing lower level fan leaves to allow for better light penetration for the lower buds.
12/16 Day 38 - 18.75 this morning, not much growth in height yesterday but she drank a lot of water, about 2 lbs worth so about half. She is starting to smell so delicious! Light has been raised to the top of the tent, and light intensity - still at 100% - will be slowly dimmed if/when she grows taller. Maintaining 40 - 45 % RH during her 20/day light hours.
12/17 Day 39 - 19 inches today. She's slowing down gaining height. She was pretty light this morning, 8.2 lb, but she still has some moisture down the bottom of the pot, and she looks totally happy so I'll recheck later. Had to up the exhaust to keep the temp under 80, it's very warm here these last two days and so the grow room is quite warm. Her scent continues to intensify and it's just delicious.
12/18 Day 40 - Still at 19 inches. I believe she has stopped growing tall and is now concentrating on "wide". She had water with light nutes last night, she was telling me at bedtime that she badly needed a drink. 1/2 gal 6.5 pH, Recharge, Awesome Blossoms, MagiCal, and Sugar Daddy. Opening the tent now creates a puff of delightful scent. Can't hardly wait to see what next week brings!
My plant was flushed last week and has now used all the water from that. She showed some curling tips this morning. Any ideas what's going on? Light set for 40 DLI. If she needs something, I want to add it today while she's thirsty. Thank you for your help!
Cannabis can take 60DIL and above in most test settings.
curling leaves is heat stress though. however 26c is not that hot. and humidity is proper.
It does seem to only be the upper leaves of the plant vs the bottom.
It could be that the highest tips of the plants are experiencing higher temps then the rest of the tent.
where is your sensor located to monitor temps? do you have an extra one for fault checking?
week 5 was 18" distance from lamp and this 8th week its 12" this could be the main cause of this extra stress.
at what height was the 40DIL calculated with your setup? maybe need to return it back to its older settings.
Best of luck
@KingSalomonsWeed, Thank you I will! I have to get my statistics down first, I think? She is drying low and slow in her tent.
That cola is 10 inches long, and 4-5 wide on a 20 inch tall plant. I'm thrilled at my first grow!
Hi! i dont think you should worry about the curling leave at this time as she is showing signs of immobile nutrient deficiency.
I would suggest you to give her Calcium and avoid as much as you can to leave your plant to suck up all water from the soil.. Keep it moist.
I hope it helps. 👌
@moafya, Thank you very much! She is due for her water today, I do have a Mag/Cal I can use. I plan to also use Recharge, as she had an emergency flush last week when I foolishly gave too much Nitrogen.