The Strawberry Dawg Pie is doing fantastic. She went into flower last week, on about day 27 from seed.
I stretched her out a bit more and she's well settled into the ScrOG with a nice, lush even canopy and a good number of bud sites.
I started her on flowering nutes with the rez change 4 days ago. EC has running around .9 (450 PPM) and PH has been between 5.9-6.3 (I'm trying to keep it between 5.9-6.1, ideally). Over the past few days she's gone from sipping to guzzling and I've been topping her up with 2-2.5 litres of water with 1/4 - 1/2 strength nutes daily. I only supplement with the core nutes during topups - Micro, Magnifical, Bloom, and AstroFlower.
The extra light in the tent seems to really be paying dividends. Both plants are growing vigorously 💪
Thanks for tuning in ✌️
Oui this is cool to check out . I've never seen someone use the full Remo line ..sickkk. . I recommend you get a good zyme .hygrozyme .sensizyme . Cannazyme etc. Keep the roots clean and uptake 5x more . Keep the dwc super clean etc . I use hygrozyme .( Roots whiter then snow and bigger then Santa's bag!!
and hydrobuckets. ((No lift ))).. check me out homie . Cheers
@@Jhindlehydro, Thanks for the recommendation. Yes, I think some zyme is in order. The VeloKelp is great but generates a lot of fallout. I'll be sure to check out your buckets 👍