My wild child, the Strawberry Dawg Pie, is looking pretty good. She finally finished her stretch, topping out at 40" tall. Lots of bud sites throughout the plant and stacking really nicely. I did more pruning this week and super-cropped a couple of more branches that were straying into the lights.
I managed to squeeze out a few more inches between the light and the top of the canopy by raising the lights to the very top of the tent using zip ties and 's' hooks. Much of the canopy is still only about 7-8" away from the light, but so far nothing is burning up. The light over this plant has been running at about 75% intensity and I turned it up to 80% a couple of days ago just to press my luck 🤞
She got a rez change a couple of days ago, 10 days since her previous. She got a modest increase in nutes and is seems to be enjoying the addition of the Sensizym into her mix.
I'm hopefully done with the heavy lifting on this plant for a while and can just feed her and watch her do her thing for the next few weeks. Dare to dream. 🤔
Thanks for tuning in ✌️
Oui this is cool to check out . I've never seen someone use the full Remo line ..sickkk. . I recommend you get a good zyme .hygrozyme .sensizyme . Cannazyme etc. Keep the roots clean and uptake 5x more . Keep the dwc super clean etc . I use hygrozyme .( Roots whiter then snow and bigger then Santa's bag!!
and hydrobuckets. ((No lift ))).. check me out homie . Cheers
@@Jhindlehydro, Thanks for the recommendation. Yes, I think some zyme is in order. The VeloKelp is great but generates a lot of fallout. I'll be sure to check out your buckets 👍