
Growing In Hell, Literately.

6 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
15 L
Pot Size
4.16 L
Grow Conditions
Week 22
12 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
IncognitoGreenThumb IncognitoGreenThumb
6 years ago
These last pictures were taken for the week 11 of flowering. I had her back on the swamp cooler the last week or so because the A/C unit broke from having to deal with 115 degree days back to back but thank goodness the humidity dropped the same time to allow the swamp cooler to work. Wasn't until 10 or so days later using swamp cooler did I chop her down and it did it's job well getting the plant into the mid 60's overnight and i heard that helps just before harvest time for last minute trichome production, can't say it did for sure but something did because it went from having a lot of green showing to a Sugar white in appearance with the only green coming from the shade leaves and the ends of the leaves poking out of the plant. When you took a step back that's all you could see as the orange hairs even disappear into a sea of white crystals. I'm writing this weeks post 2 weeks later from pictures above and I actually just harvested plant so next week has photos.
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Grow Questions
IncognitoGreenThumbstarted grow question 6 years ago
After reading the week description above and also saying I finally updated pics to include the different parts of the plant at different ripeness, I ask when should I harvest? If it's just the 4 pictures up there then I've been lazy to go out and take new pictures starting week 7
Other. Bugs
PharmaZanswered grow question 6 years ago
Yes I would agree with others you have around 4 weeks left if you want to take it to it’s full potential and terms of a mixed body and head highs. _______________________Definitley flush for the full 2 weeks in 2 steps. First water with the volume of the pot in Luke warm water (20c) drench the pot without too much run off. Wait 10 mins follow up with another load of water 1-2x volume of pot. IMO the water does not need to be PH adjusted when flushing soil.✌️🏻

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IncognitoGreenThumbcommentedweek 216 years ago
Also I'm pretty sure the storm caused an imbalance in the p.h. of the soil causing a nutrient lock out too. Not sure if the boomerang helped with that but I'll be a little more involved in future grows testing the soil and such but with this outdoor side of the house in ground plant side project grow I'm not that "testy" I guess I'd put it this time.
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@IncognitoGreenThumb, super interesting case study... can't help you but I'm learning. solution : harvest what's ready, and leave what's not until it is... that way you dont have to compromise...
Stickcommentedweek 226 years ago
"Congrats on the harvest ! So you have the answer to your question ! You can now pick an answer 😘" @OutForReal this is not a valid answer to me... 😑
Experimentgreencommentedweek 216 years ago
The plants looking great. I use fox farm too, when you said you used the comeback formula would that be the boomerang? I've used it on mine when they've had hard times and it seems good...but I'm not flowering like you are, so I'm not sure of the effects. I'm glad I got to see your diary. 😊💚
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@IncognitoGreenThumb, mine were on their death bed with heat stroke the other morning, and I watered em with that boomerang and other stuff, and it was so funny watching them visibly pick up over the next 30 min. Probably heat stroke and thirst.
IncognitoGreenThumbcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen, It was the boomerang comeback formula and it definitely helped because my plant was struggling. I ordered it the second after the storms hit and once I feed it to her after waiting for it in the mail for 3-4 days she looks like a different plant now but bounced back within 48 hrs after giving it to her, as in that next days morning she was perky and a brighter green again, not so droopy and yellowish.
ChefDan420commentedweek 226 years ago
Looks good 🌬️🌲🌬️🌲🌬️🌲🆒👍🏼
PharmaZcommentedweek 226 years ago
Congrats on the harvest👍🏼
growdoctordccommentedweek 216 years ago
You appear recovered and temps are much lower, we’re glad to know
Kvothecommentedweek 206 years ago
Wow! I am surprised its still there... Such a strong winds. It shall return back to normal in a week from stress. You might try to add some root simulator, protector for the stress to your solution.
Quexoscommentedweek 196 years ago
Was that the baobob that hit AZ last week? I saw the footage on our local news. 😱😞
OilyEliteOrganicscommentedweek 196 years ago
I put my plants under a 600w by the window that way they get both sunlight from the sun and my 600 metal halide . that boost the grow very well its called hardening. Not only that but if a fairy comes by and sprinkles some fairy dust that should help..... For future grows.
BucketBrigadecommentedweek 196 years ago
That is quite an adventure. I'm glad to read that you are ok! I'm sure the plant will recover just fine as well. A new greenhouse does sound like a good idea!
growdoctordccommentedweek 196 years ago
Holy F’ing shit! That read like a mystery novel. I was riveted! Dust devils and mini twisters are abundant and random in the US SW desert. Such extremes! That, combined with little natural water - it’s a miracle anyone lives there at all! Best of luck with this grow, and the future green house. Consider moving, if that is an option. Global warming. Colorado river drying up. It does not bode well for residents of the American Southwest for the next few decades. Good luck friend
BucketBrigadecommentedweek 186 years ago
I think the curling and brown tips I see in the photos are due to excessive nutes. I don't think it's the sun. Those brown tips won't go away when you flush, but any new growth should look normal once you do. I know you are close to harvest, the flushing will do her good. By the way, she is a very nice looking plant!
growdoctordccommentedweek 166 years ago
Best of luck under your challenging conditions, mate!