Hi, everyone 👋 Again i'm late with this diary, it supposed to be two days ago and the pothead i am, i forgot that last week i was late to 😝.so this diary contains pictures from 08,IX, till 14,IX, or so ;)
On the 10,IX, i transplant the Amnesia CBD seedling with it's rockwool cube in to the DWC bucket and i misread the signs that the seedling was giving me....i thought i overfeed again, that's why i gaved weryy light feed to the DWC bucked.
10,IX, I add:
Ata Awa Leaves A:11ml. B:11ml.
Ata Rootfast: 21ml.
Plagron Ph-: 10ml.
EC:1,0 Ph:6,0
For the next couple days i was quite busy with defoliating my Killer Kush plants that i did not notice that my Amnesia CBD is getting worse till on 15.IX. i corrected my mistake...but that i will leave for the diary in 5 days as this one will cover the time only till 14.IX.
But except my "little" mistake all is running really smooth. The TS1000 is really quiet and powerful the girls seem to love it 😍 as for now i run it at 60 Watts 33 cm. from the plants. The DWC bucket i did put together is not leekingand seems to do the work.
That is all for this week friends and growers & my grower friends...hopefully i'll be here for you in five days with a fresh Amnesia CBD diary (if i don't lose my shi##t again :)) Bless, bless, bless 🙏
@JamMAKEcan, CBD's are good for pain and so on, the high is a we bit less...but it's also good for times when you want to smoke and keep an even head.
Like when i play 🎯 or ping pong after smoking some i play better but don't lose my concentration 😎