
F.B Green Crack (GDG15)

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 13
weeks 6-7, 9
weeks 7, 9
Biobizz light-mix
Grow medium
3.8 l
Pot Size
Germination Method
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 6%
Green Crack Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 92%
Green Crack Auto - 92%
Commented by
Hashy Hashy
2 years ago
Welcome to growdiaries grow 15. This is the 1st indoor grow of 22/23 season after the summer break. It is still a little warm in my tent room and fairly low with the humidity but I'm expecting that to change in the next few weeks. I have changed things up a little since the last grow, having seen an amazing sea of green grow i have thought about giving that a bit of a go. Using 3.8L fabric pots I could cram 9 plants into the tent 0.6m×0.75m×1.5m. This grow I'm going with just 6 to see if I can keep the plants small and within a certain size for a 9 plant run. I have made a tray to keep the pots from sitting in any runoff when I'm away and it's on autofeed. This grow is going to consist of 6 autoflowers, all different strains split between 2 breeders. Each strain is going to have its own diary. The strains are. #1 AMS ak47 xtrm auto #2 AMS new yourk turbo diesel auto #3 AMS Caramelicious auto #4 Fastbuds cherry cola #5 Fastbuds strawberry gorilla #6 Fastbuds green crack This diary is for the Fastbuds Green crack auto. Fastbuds have stable genetics so they get half the tent. This strain was one of my prizes for May GOTM. There was a bit of a mistake and I got sent 2 lots of prizes so I have a extra pack of seeds. I'm thinking of running a ***competition*** for UK growers to win the extra pack of green crack seeds. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do but it will probably be guess the strains dry weight, I'll start taking answers from around week 8. Germination. Soaked the seed for 12 hours. Then placed seed in moist kitchen roll between 2 plates. 24hrs after placing in kitchen roll no tap root, the other 5 strains all had tap root. At this point i put another seed in the paper towel as a back up. 48hrs later the backup seed had a tap root breaking through so placed it into a solo cup filled with biobizz lightmix. 48hrs after placing in solo cup the seedling had broken ground. 6/9/22 is day 0. The 1st seed never made it. Viparspectra xs2000 is set at 38% power and the plant is receiving 12.5 DLI. AC infinity controller set temp max 27c humi max 75% Thanks for stopping by. Take it easy.
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homerjgangiaweek 0
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
@homerjgangia, thanks mate.
Drgreen13week 3
Looking healthy. Happy growing mate.
@Drgreen13, it's not doing to bad. Not as good as the others.
gottagrowsometimeweek 0
Glad you got 1 off the GC up..hope you enjoy your grow. Good luck.
@gottagrowsometime, cheers mate. Yeah she is getting there.
Dropshotweek 1
They can't all turn out looking as we want them. Iv just had the same with my 1 and only jack herer fem. It's to be expected now and again but I still grow them on nether the less happy growing and may you have bountiful harvests 🙏
@Dropshot, I can't cull a plant, even if it's not going to amount to much I like giving them a chance.
Fast_Budsweek 15
Hey @Hashy Thank you for sharing your experience with us :) Sweet diary as always! We hope that you liked growing our genetics, and enjoy the harvest! Wishing you a happy new year
@Fast_Buds, thank you very much. Great strain. Wish I'd fed her on a different schedule to the rest as she could have yielded a lot more. I wouldn't mind having a go at your fast flowering strains next grow.😉😉
CannbellFarmsweek 4
Best of luck Growing Brother! 🌱💪
Xpie77week 15
Big nuggets 💪💪💪🙏😎🤞
@Xpie77, oh yeah this one was a bit of a beast.
Wastent91week 15
Why tuo harvest so late? Its only a question my friend!the results Is Great!
@Wastent91, she took a while, I had a few issues with her and it slowed her down a little.
Theiaweek 14
This is a real issue when running multiple strains I find. We mix a single feed which has to do all plants regardless of their needs. My next grow I'm thinking to reduce the total number of plants and do individual feeds for each plant based on needs during flower... Good luck mate 👍🏼
@Theia, I'm contemplating the same mate, thinking fewer plants will give more space to develop and I should be able to feed less plants what they need individually. I bet even if I had done 6 of the same strain some would run into issues others wouldn't.