The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Devil in a Bucket, Dark Devil DWC

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 5-12
weeks 2-7
Leaf Tucking
weeks 6
weeks 5-10
weeks 9
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
2 years ago
Nutrients 1
Seedbooster Plus - PLAGRON.
Seedbooster Plus 0.1 mll
Hello Growmies! Really excited about this one, I've always wanted to grow some red weed, and this one promises a very high likelyhood of turning pretty colours in flower. Sweet Seeds' Red family is something Ive had my eye on for a while, so when Sweet Seeds told me to choose 3 strains, the choice wasn't very difficult. this is one of said strains provided to me for free by Sweet Seeds, check out if you would like to grow this strain yourself! with that out of the way germination went pretty smoothly, I tossed the bean in a glass of water overnight, then transferred her to a paper tissue, as i waited for her to pop open, which ended up only taking a day. another 24 hours after being transplanted into a rockwool cube starter and she was ready to go in her bucket. I decided to call the day she popped out of the rockwool cube day 1. Hope you stick around to see if this demon has a dark side!
Used method
Rockwool Cube
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
64 %
22 °C
22 °C
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 3 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 0.3 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 0.3 mll
Hey Growmies! Week 1 went relatively smoothly and our girl is almost established and ready for training. In the middle of this week I noticed her leaves looked really odd, both in colour and shape, later in the week it became more apparent that she struggled with her first leaves, they both bend outwards, making her spiral a bit, this will fade, the first leaves often come out wacky, especially in autoflowers, I have noticed. once her stem turns more woody, I will be applying LST, I'm not going to top this girl, looking at other Diaries, this strain does not look like a big plant, my best shot at getting a decent yield will be LST. I might also move my camera to this plant, have some timelapses of growth, maybe even capture the change of colors. This grow will be a sterile grow, starting out with H2o2 @3% strength, I might switch to pool shock later on.
1 comment
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
67 %
22 °C
22 °C
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 3 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 0.5 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 0.5 mll
Hey growmies. Growth is going OK, juggling VPD a bit, its the Mars Hydro ts600 light that makes everything harder than it has to be, I have to pump so much extra humidity in the tent, because I'm forced to pull air through the tent to reduce the enormous heat this 100w light gives off. as a result, the humidified air in the tent is immediately replaced, bringing the RH of my lung room up in the meantime and making it harder to keep the correct VPD in both my flower and veg tents, you see the problem with putting the power supply of a LED light without heatsinks straight on the main body of the light, Mars Hydro, that heat has to go somewhere, and this is a light designed for a SMALL grow space, how could this be overlooked? Sorry, tangent aside, I hate my veg lights, they're a scam, don't buy them. Training! This week we did our first LST, her stem was quite woody and she stretched a bit, but I know her roots are well established so bend I did, I tore a little tear in her main stem, she didn't even notice, resilient little bugger. Her leaves are a bit light, but growth seems fine, so I don't think she needs more N right now, though I will gradually increase the EC to 1 over the next week. Peroxide seems to be keeping life in check, Im still researching Chlorine, probably going to end up using pool shock, make the growroom smell like an olympic swimming pool. You cannot really grow without a sterilising agent or some beneficial bacteria, usually I choose the latter, but its expensive. You need one or the other for clean, healthy roots however. See you next week growmies, really hoping we can keep this baby vegging for another 3 weeks minimum.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
67 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 3 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 1.2 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 1.2 mll
Heya growmies! This girl is doing very well at the moment, aside from a calmag issue that was quickly identified and fixed, it has been very smooth sailing. My LST this run is a bit different, being more aggressive with my pulling down, as a result, I currently have a pretty even base, it looks silly right now, but it will work in my favor later on. I received my Hth granules in the mail today, I will be looking into making a Hypochlorous acid solution similar to UC Roots but at a fraction of the price. this solution will keep our bucket sterile, right now, I have some algea growth, which means my H2o2 solution isn't quite working, we want to prevent other life from growing in the buckets. Hoping for 10 days more week of veg, atleast! I noticed she showed sex, so flower is close.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
500 PPM
67 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 1.4 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 1.4 mll
Heya growmies! I am happy, it's week 4 and we appear to still be in veg! Meaning this plant won't be a tiny one. I have beaten this plant's Apical dominance using LST, as a result she has put more energy into its lower branches, this prevents the plant from growing a single main cola with many smaller colas, and instead, evenly distribute its energy among all buds, forming many topsites. She may look messy right now, and that's because I haven't cut any sucker leaf, we will be going very slowly with defoliation this time around, using my past experience and gut feeling. This plant will likely end up being Lollipopped. There's quite a bit of hidden color, which makes me hopeful for a red phenotype! we will know soon enough. If you are wondering what the Hypochlorous acid in the nutrient list is, I'm using Calcium hypochlorite to combat pythium growth in my growbucket, as well as providing free chlorine for the plant to uptake. It's a very cheap and effective way to run a "Sterile" DWC run, although you have to be very careful when handling and dosing, if you want to know how I calculate my dose, leave a comment or send a message, I'm happy to help out. It's a great and cheap alternative to UC Roots. Hope you'll join me next week, Flower is around the corner!
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
2 years ago
25 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
500 PPM
67 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 2 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 2 mll
Heya growmies! First week of flower has come to an end, I ended up getting 4 weeks of veg in, I like it when my autos veg for 5, but looking at other diaries I should count myself lucky with 4, my girl appears to be a bit bigger as a result, too. her roots are doing great, the homemade UC roots is doing wonders for my baby, no pythium here, just pearly white roots, I'll try to snap a picture of them once I transfer tents The ring did wonders for evening out my canopy somewhat, but it's time for the big guns, so I took out the trellis and spread her out. I have also defoliated and taken off some lower nodes, the flower stretch has started and I don't want my girl to waste time on stuff that will end up and shake. I know defoliating is a touchy subject when it comes to autoflowers, I defoliate my autoflowers and get very high yields when compared to the average on this website. Defoliation is a tool that should be in every growers tool belt, to be used in conjunction with all of our other tools, environment included. when done correctly, you will see your yields increase when defoliating Autoflowers, and you'll end up with less fluffy junk that you loathe smoking in lieu of your fat buds, So I say, increase yields and get rid of the fluffy junk at the same time! If you are wondering what the Hypochlorous acid in the nutrient list is, I'm using Calcium hypochlorite to combat pythium growth in my growbucket, as well as providing free chlorine for the plant to uptake. It's a very cheap and effective way to run a "Sterile" DWC run, although you have to be very careful when handling and dosing, if you want to know how I calculate my dose, leave a comment or send a message, I'm happy to help out. It's a great and cheap alternative to UC Roots. Stay tuned for flower, really hope we get some colour, though I fear we might've hit the dreaded green phenotype. My equipment is mainly by Mars Hydro, I bought them with my own hard earned money, if you are interested in buying one of their lights or tents and would like a small discount and help me out, check out the link below ! Coupon code belgianbudtender
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
2 years ago
25 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
750 PPM
67 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 2 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 2 mll
Hey Growmies! Remember how I said we may have hit the dreaded green phenotype? I was wrong, Week 7 saw the calyxes turn dark purple, but that's not all that happened this week. this baby has quite the stretch, she goes into flower and SHOOTS up, if you are growing this strain, stay on top of LST during this phase, and you will also be rewarded with an even canopy covering an entire 2.3x2.3 tent!! speaking of training, we did do some defoliating, I left most fan leaves except for some stubborn inward facing ones, those got pulled off. all growth (excluding fan leaves) on the skirt of the plant got removed. these growtips never become solid buds, so we're diverting that energy elsewhere. this stage of the grow is very important, if you keep your rh,vpd and temperatures in an acceptable range, you will be rewarded at the end of the grow, this stage we are in is all about setting up the plant for a good harvest. Sorry for the late update, we're actually, at time of writing in the middle of week 8. I have been doing a lot of training in this upcoming week, This is bound to be one pretty flower, and I hope you tag along to see how this beauty turn red. Stay safe and keep growing. If you are wondering what the Hypochlorous acid in the nutrient list is, I'm using Calcium hypochlorite to combat pythium growth in my growbucket, as well as providing free chlorine for the plant to uptake. It's a very cheap and effective way to run a "Sterile" DWC run, although you have to be very careful when handling and dosing, if you want to know how I calculate my dose, leave a comment or send a message, I'm happy to help out. It's a great and cheap alternative to UC Roots. My equipment is mainly by Mars Hydro, I bought them with my own hard earned money, if you are interested in buying one of their lights or tents and would like a small discount and help me out, check out the link below ! Coupon code belgianbudtender
Used techniques
Leaf Tucking
Week 7. Flowering
2 years ago
25 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
750 PPM
67 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 2 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 2 mll
Hey growmies, Lots of training and growth this week, the flowers are coming through. I have continues bending branches as she grew, she now fills the entire 2.3 by 2.3 feet tent! I have pinched off most lower growth, this growth never really turns into solid buds, so I remove it, In my opinion it's a waste of the plant's energy. I have left most fan leaves, this gives me a bit of a buffer when feeding, and as an indicator of mobile deficiencies. I have also removed two branches that were crowding one spot of the tent, 2 branches with nice buds beats 4 branches with larfy buds, so that's why I cut those off... She's maturing nicely, She's definitely not a 4 week finisher as advertised though, she will need at minimum 6 more weeks I would say, but I have been wrong before. Stay safe and keep growing. If you are wondering what the Hypochlorous acid in the nutrient list is, I'm using Calcium hypochlorite to combat pythium growth in my growbucket, as well as providing free chlorine for the plant to uptake. It's a very cheap and effective way to run a "Sterile" DWC run, although you have to be very careful when handling and dosing, if you want to know how I calculate my dose, leave a comment or send a message, I'm happy to help out. It's a great and cheap alternative to UC Roots. My equipment is mainly by Mars Hydro, I bought them with my own hard earned money, if you are interested in buying one of their lights or tents and would like a small discount and help me out, check out the link below !
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
25 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
1000 PPM
67 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 2 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 2 mll
Hey growmies! she grew so much this week, not only have her buds thickened significantly, colour is also spreading, the buds on this strain are true to the name. The plants is really big and the roots are very heavy, it's buckling the top of my hydro bucket, I hope it doesn't warp it permanently. She also blocked the dripper ring, which I'm just going to leave blocked, I cannot access it, and not having the ring going will reduce humidity. I have also defoliated a bit, it doesn't really look like I did much, but I pulled off a few handfuls of leaves this week, more than a couple dozen. I think we have at least 4 more weeks of flower before harvest, not sure why Sweet seeds estimated harvest date is so far removed from mine. Keep growing! My equipment is mainly by Mars Hydro, I bought them with my own hard earned money, if you are interested in buying one of their lights or tents and would like a small discount and help me out, check out the link below ! Coupon code belgianbudtender
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
25 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
1000 PPM
67 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
35 cm
Nutrients 6
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 2 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 2 mll
Hey growmies! I fixed the drip ring by squirting some ph down down the air tube, this dissolved the calcium build up. the flowers are packing on weight, pistils are 95% white, she still has a little while to go. I also had to HST 2 branches this week, they far outgrew their sisters. There's also a little bit of defoliation happening every day have a nice day & Keep growing! My equipment is mainly by Mars Hydro, I bought them with my own hard earned money, if you are interested in buying one of their lights or tents and would like a small discount and help me out, check out the link below ! Coupon code belgianbudtender
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
2 years ago
45 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
800 PPM
75 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
35 cm
Nutrients 5
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 1.1 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 1.1 mll
Hey growmies! We're slowly approaching harvest, buds are fattening up! no much happens during this stage of the grow other than monitoring the ec and PH, picking off a leave here and there and keeping the res topped off have a nice day & Keep growing! My equipment is mainly by Mars Hydro, I bought them with my own hard earned money, if you are interested in buying one of their lights or tents and would like a small discount and help me out, check out the link below ! Coupon code belgianbudtender
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
2 years ago
45 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
300 PPM
75 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
35 cm
Nutrients 5
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hydro A - PLAGRON.
Hydro A 0.5 mll
Hydro B - PLAGRON.
Hydro B 0.5 mll
Hey growmies! We have to be close to harvest now, the plant seemed to have stopped eating, as no matter what EC i put in comes back doubled overnight. I'm not flushing yet, there's no amber trichomes and a lot of white pistils left, so I'm taking all nitrogen out of her feed starting next week, she will only get PK, not even cal mag. She's a hard strain for sure, hope she will reward the effort, she's also quite foxtailey, i like to let those mature a little too. Sweet seeds said 8 1/2 weeks, I'm at week 11 and I don't think she's even in the harvest window yet. have a nice day & Keep growing! My equipment is mainly by Mars Hydro, I bought them with my own hard earned money, if you are interested in buying one of their lights or tents and would like a small discount and help me out, check out the link below ! Coupon code belgianbudtender
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
2 years ago
45 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
300 PPM
75 %
22 °C
25 °C
22 °C
19 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
Hypochlorous acid 0.4 mll
Hey growmies, This was definitely the last week of flower, pistils have turned golden, and our trichomes are getting darker. Speaking of trichomes, most of them, especially lowers are pink & purple instead of cloudy & amber, I used to think purple kief and rosin was dyed, but appereantly it's natural! The next post will happen after the drying period, i aim to chop somewhere during week 13 have a nice day & Keep growing! My equipment is mainly by Mars Hydro, I bought them with my own hard earned money, if you are interested in buying one of their lights or tents and would like a small discount and help me out, check out the link below ! Coupon code belgianbudtender
Used techniques
Week 13. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Great strain for relaxing and showing off to your friends, the buds are dark purple, and resemble dried lavender when ground! This strain has a lot of bag appeal and taste great to boot. The plant itself is a very picky eater, always seeming to want more until she doesn't. very big stretch. Quite foxtaily
Show more
Spent 86 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
165 g
Bud wet weight per plant
165 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Medical effects
Medical effects
Berries, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Hey farmers. I got these seeds as part of a free promotion, but I will try to be as unbiased as one can be having received a free product. Let's get to the numbers, grow diaries can be quite confusing I got 165 grams of bud from this plants, the buds are relatively airy and foxtaily, but caked in resin, some of which is purple. My overall experience growing this plant was positive, however she's not a beginner strain she is a picky eater, always wanting more, in Flower she went as high as 2.4 EC! that's a never before seen level for me for Weed, let alone for an autoflower, then towards the end, her demands greatly decreased. Her stretch is also impressive, she starts out like a dense little bush, then shoots to 300% of her size! If I wasn't on top with my LST, using a trellis net to keep her as even as I could, even still, some branches still raced for the light, again, not very good for a beginner. Overall very big plant! Yield is respectable but a bit fluffy, no one should scoff at 1.2g/w~ (It's hard to calculate since half of the grow is under 100w lights as opposed to 150w) Would I grow this again? No, but only because the bud structure isn't my favorite, the effect is also quite strong and really knocks you down, maybe I harvested too late? Doubt it. But she's a solid 7/10, none of my faults with the plant are objective flaws, it's all personal preference and Sweet Seeds definitely knows that they are doing, I truly believe these genetics are stable, just look around grow diaries, their phenotypes are close, there are hardly any non-purple ones! My next grow will be Sweet Seed again! Namely Tropicanna poison F1, I want to test out that fast flowering photoperiod. Hoping for some tighter buds on that one, but since it's a photoperiod I will have more control, so I'm not worried My Flower lights: My Veg lights: Coupon code BelgianBudtender for 3% off


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love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
homerjgangiacommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 12 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
BelgianBudtendercommented2 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, really enjoyed this grow so far. she took a while to get purple, was worried for a second, really wanted to grow some purple weed, she's so big she just keeps going
MANIIAKSINDUBScommentedweek 132 years ago
Daaaaam Banging job bro
ChefDan420commentedweek 132 years ago
Sexy bitch💃🏼
Puffin_da_herbcommentedweek 32 years ago
Good luck mate 🍁🍁🍁
RunWithItcommentedweek 132 years ago
What a joy of a run! Awesome job!! - RWI
Mining_greencommentedweek 112 years ago
Wow man that is real deal devils cabbage holy smokes i bet it brings you as many smiles in a paper as it did growing it nice work boss
GrowinG_Practitionercommentedweek 82 years ago
Red Family 😜
Mr_Autocommentedweek 42 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 32 years ago
Very nice white roots. Looks great. Keep it up. Enjoy the rest of your grow.
DEEGREENcommentedweek 22 years ago
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 92 years ago
Looking good and nice color, Good luck for the rest
CampaCavallocommentedweek 132 years ago
Complimenti che bella lavoretto amico 😍👏🏽👏🏽🐘💖💯
the end.
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