-11/20/22 dark green around the edges of the leaves so I'm going to cut out the nutrients for this week and then start them again the following week. Removed the initial spade leaves because that were almost touching the soil, also removed the bottom side shade leaves on the first level branches. I did that because I have been seeing other people remove the top side shade leaves and the branches look like that start growing vertically and not horizontally. A little experiment to see if I can keep the branches growing horizontally, if it works I'm going to continue doing this pruning style to the entire plant.
-11/23/22 removed two more shade leaves following the pruning style described above. The leave were removed from the second level branches.
-11/26/22 continues the pruning style started before, removed one leaf from each branch at level 3. Ending the week at 7 in. tall and strong. Starting to have some purple showing up on the stems and main stock, also has a sent of chlorophyll. I did not give nutrients this week with the waterings but will start again next week.
-11/26/22 End of week
@Canna96, thanks. they came out okay, even if the experiment was found to be a failure. Still waiting for the lower calyxes to Finnish, but should get around a few ounces off this plant.
@AutoGOAT, so I had it sitting on the humidity cap because the bottom was messing with the wooded surface I had it on. When I did the last watering I didnt see that some of the water had drained into the cap that it was sitting on in the morning (I water at night before the lights turn off), during that next 18h it had started rooting out of the bottom. When I found what happened the roots were sitting in the water, but a hasty transplant looks like it saved its life. It's looking good now and I'll have new photos at the end of the week.