Week #7-Dec 7 to Dec 13
12/7-Changed nute mix and eliminated Bud Ignitor, Tarantula and Piranha and added Big Bud Coco, Nirvana, and B-52. First runoff slightly less than input. Plant is really stretching and more bud sites are appearing and they are developing very fast.
12/9-Previous day runoff was 400 ppm more than input so I did a little mini-flush with ph balanced RO water and no nutes. Runoff was back to 1300 ppm. Did some defoliation to get some light on lower buds.
12/11-Still stretching. Leaves are starting to get frosty.
12/13-Good development this past week. Plant seems to have stopped stretching now and the buds are really starting to takeoff. Leaves are starting to get very frosty and the buds are starting to stack. Overall the color of the plant is now getting more green rather than slightly more yellowish early on. I think this one is on track as we head into the home stretch now.