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2 years ago
Germinating in a Root Riot cube soaked in 5.5pH water... and will be growing in DWC... I've become addicted to this method of growing and nothing will get me back to soil! The bucket is, imho, the best there is on the market... netpot is 8" which allows for good, thick stems to grow, no need of an airstone ... the only downside is there is no access hole in the top to extract water for measuring pH or EC.. so I drill my own (big deal... NOT!)... nor does it have a drainage hole/plug - but lifting a full bucket (the 5gallon size allows for 3.5 gallons of water which will sit 1/2" below the netpot) is no big deal even for me in my 70s... I have a second bucket rigged with an airstone for temporary placement of the plant when I change out/clean the grow bucket.. again, no big deal. And the Root Spa bucket, complete with netpot, pump, water level indicator is only about $45... even making your own would cost more! I'm excited about this grow! Can't wait to see the colors this one gives.... 11/01 - And she's off to the races! Now, you may wonder about the tin foil and the funky glass pot lid in my last photo.... the clay pebbles are not up high enough yet to completely block out the light from getting through the netpot so I just used some tin foil to block the light until I add more clay pebbles.... and I had a moment of inspiration in grabbing one of my cooking pot lids to cover her... it allows the light in but keeps the humidity high - but not TOO high as it also has a vent hole in the top. I'll use this only until the first true leaves appear and then probably wean Pinky off it by propping it up a bit more each day... At the moment, though, she's sharing the tent with my first DWC which is in flower so the humidity in the tent, for Pinky, is much too low.... Going to be adding some Rapid Start to the water so the roots are getting an immediate boost when they get down there... 11/02 - Took her a long time to get rid of the seed casing - in the end, I helped out with it a bit. She's growing strong and green and the first true leaves are coming! Moved her into the closet with my #2 Bruce because I have a better shot at getting her closer to the light than I did in the tent (didn't even think about that issue when I first decided to grow her in the tent...) But now she's good to go and I'm excited! I'm top-watering with the bucket solution which contains Rapid Start hoping that the early exposure to that will REALLY get those roots going! And btw, I wish she had taken one more day to break the soil... instead of yesterday, I wish it had been today... that way, we could have shared a birthday! :-D 11/04 - She seems to be happy enough in the closet with the light closer to her... can't wait until her roots hit the water and she starts to grow a little faster... this one seems much slower to me than the Bruce Banners ... but hopefully she will catch up to their growth pattern! Keeping a dome over her for a little while yet with a bit of an opening so fresh air can get to her as well... Onward and upward!
Used method
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
250 PPM
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
19 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.326 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.326 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.326 mll
Ah, little Pinky... looking good - but you're certainly not growing as fast and furiously as my Bruce Banners... but that's ok... you are who you are and I will love you. 11/07 - Roots hit the water a couple of days ago and she IS starting to grow a little faster... Now that her roots have hit the water, I'm going to change out her reservoir to get rid of the clay debris that always comes from top watering. She's a cute little thing! 11/08 - She looks like such a little thing - but then, you have to realize the netpot is 8" ... so she's not so little for her age! Now that the roots are in the water, she's greening up a bit since she's got just a touch of nutes to help her out... 11/09 - She got a clean reservoir today and fresh nutes... upped the EC 0.1 and she doesn't seem to mind. Having her grow right next to one of my Bruce Banners is a little discouraging... the Bruce is so big and wonderful, it makes her look small and insignificant... but she's doing really well and I'm happy. Think SHE is, too! 11/10 - Everything is going well... kind of boring since there's nothing new to report! LOL! 11/12 - Not keeping up with my daily reporting like I want to - things are going a little whacky in my world... but all is good. EC and pH are stable and she's growing well.
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
250 PPM
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
19 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.302 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.302 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.302 mll
Growing well... will be adding last layer of clay pebbles this week. pH is stable as is the EC... EC had been a bit too high for her so she started to show a bit of nute burn but it's right on the mark now and she's happy. 11/16 - she's grown a lot in the last two days! Honestly, I thought she was kind of "stuck" but that's the value of doing these almost-daily photos... you get to see the progress! Added the last layer of clay pebbles and we're off to the races. She's handling the EC level well and the pH is stable... all good! 11/18 - wasn't drinking a whole lot (but wasn't seeming to complain) ... I reduced the EC and the pH (it had gotten a little high) and she seems to still be a happy little one so I think I did the right thing... we'll see if her drinking improves... 11/20 - Oh Pinky!! You're growing so very well!! She let me know the EC was a little high this morning after the reservoir change I gave her yesterday so I knocked it back down from 0.7 to 0.6 ... pH is stable (amazing) ... and she's starting to really grow upwards... can't for the life of me find my measuring tape (sigh) but trust me... She's just looking, at the moment, like she's going to be a monster - the leaves are getting really huge and the new growth is looking very strong... She's trying to get my attention away from my two Bruces! LOL!
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
300 PPM
17 °C
17 °C
20 °C
19 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 2.604 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.906 mll
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 2.604 mll
11/21 - I'm not understanding why the new growth is clawing. Pinky is having problems and I am stumped... if this case was presented on the questions page, I would say it's gotten too much nitrogen and/or the pH is off... I just changed out her reservoir so I know she doesn't have excess nitrogen but I've also been having difficulties getting/keeping the pH down but I'll keep trying - I want to get it down to 5.8-5.9 ... I've added some H2O2 to her reservoir this morning as I'm thinking there's a bit of a problem with the roots - they're not brilliantly white ... If I can't get a handle on this, I think I'll probably just set her in a plain water bucket for a full day and let her get whatever is wrong out of her system... (I don't know how else to "flush" in a DWC set up!) So it's been a long day with this lady... I ended up having to reduce the EC back down as she was only getting worse... and the pH wouldn't be tamed although I think (I hope) I've finally done it... Hate my tap water.... takes a minimum of 100 drops of pH-Down to get 3.5 gallons down to about 6.0pH! Ugh.... I've adjusted the nutes I reported for this week to reflect the new amounts... I think she was just getting far too much nitrogen - far too much of everything! I'll take her a little more slowly from here on out. :-D 11/22 - Still sorting her problem of nitrogen toxicity... last night, I cut her nute solution to almost nothing and am getting a handle on the pH although that's still stubbornly sitting at 6.2 - which, in the grand scheme of things, isn't terrible ... She's a sensitive little one! All I want to see is her leaves starting to uncurl... The EC was at 0.5 this morning so I'll get it back down to 0.4... C'mon, Pinky - help me out! One of my concerns if the EC keeps rising is that she may be leaching nutes into the water... and if she's doing that, I'm ALL befuddled... sigh. 11/23 - I don't know what to do for this girl. The clawing is definitely too much nitrogen but I've whacked back the EC to almost nothing and now I fear she's leaching nutes into the water as the pH is rising.... EC sits at 0.4 and pH at 6.5 (EC stable, pH is up from 6.2). I just don't know what to do here. So what I've ended up doing was another bucket change. This time, I completely eliminated the GH Micro (it's NPK is 5-0-1 which is VERY heavy on nitrogen) and went with a concoction of Grow, Bloom, Diamond Nectar and Terpinator so that the end NPK is 2-6-14 and her EC is 0.6. Cross your fingers.... I'm hoping she likes it and will respond well. If not... well.... if not.... hmmmm... don't have an answer. 11/24 - so her leaves are not as clawed as before which is good... and I'm beginning to wonder if it actually WAS/IS a nitrogen toxicity since the tips are not dry and burned and neither are the stems red... which I would have expected to see. She's growing a mile a minute (2 inches in the last 3 days) and is, except for those silly leaves, looking terribly healthy and strong. AND she's in pre-flower already... So, since the leaves are starting to un-claw, I've decided I'm just not going to worry about her too much! :-D I think she'll be fine... Well, I just went and looked at the photo I took of her today - I guess those stupid leaves really are still clawing madly... but I'm not going to worry. I'm just not. At least not much. I've adjusted the nute information for this week to reflect what I ended up doing for her yesterday... since that's the solution she'll be sitting in for the rest of this week. 11/26 - Ok. Pinky is weird. Just plain weird and I'm just going to have to accept her as she is (she'll actually fit right in!). I changed out her bucket 3 or 4 days ago and she's clawing just as much as before - no change whatsoever. Tips still aren't showing any sign of nute burn, she's growing incredibly fast, the outer 1/4 of her leaves have almost a bluish hue to them.. which might be her genetics... but she just doesn't seem to be bothered by that clawing - at least not any recognizable complaining... so. SO. She is who she is and I'm going to completely ignore everything about those damned leaves... and concentrate on all the pre-flower little pistils coming out! YAY!
Used techniques
Crying a lot
Grow Questions
GrowingGranniestarted grow question 2 years ago
Puzzlement. Pink Kush Auto, grown in DWC ... why are those leaves curling?! If this were soil, I'd say too much nitrogen ...
Leaves. Curl down
Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Same concept here too much nitrogen. I just had this in two of my autos. I just only added water till I do a solution change. They grew super fast after that.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
24.13 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
300 PPM
17 °C
17 °C
20 °C
19 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 2.604 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.906 mll
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 2.604 mll
11/28 - My god is she shooting up! 5.5" in a week... and still the claw, claw, claw of her leaves. And she's SO close to being in flower... they'll probably be quite evident in a couple of days... I've been using the LST clips to help me tuck her fan leaves under the bud sites.. rather hilarious but it works! Soon, I'll be LSTing the bud sites themselves once their branches get a little longer... Next grow, I'm going to try a different method of LST - but for now I'll go with the way I've always done it. Oh Pinky... I wish you'd tell me why your leaves are clawing! 11/29 - Oops... I had typed in the wrong date for the comment above! It wasn't 11/18 - it was 11/28 - yesterday! Anyway, I fixed it. And Pinky is going great guns... she's now starting to go through water quite a bit and continuing her stretch... I may have to transfer her to the closet (headroom 7') after Bruce #2 is finished in there! But that's not going to be for quite a while yet so I think I might have to get a little more serious about her LST... I can't remember what the harvest time is estimated at by Seedsman.... of course, I'd have to add a couple of weeks to their rose-colored-glasses estimates - but I'd better check it out. Yikes! 11/30 - She's doing really well... I had hoped to do some LST on her yesterday and then my day rather exploded on me - so I'll get to that today for sure. The Day 30 pic I've put up here is interesting... when I got up this morning and took a look at her, I was convinced she was now in flower... but I just don't know... and I guess it makes little difference - I just prefer to think of her as being in flower now and so I declare she is! LOL! Princess Pinky! What a lovely gal! (But I STILL want to know why your leaves are curling, you crazy lady!) 12/2 - good god! GOOD GOD!!!! This lady has grown 6.5" since I last measured her on 11/28... FOUR DAYS!! Ya think she's unhappy?! I don't!! Starting to really love this lady who is now definitely in flower... She's so spacey, I doubt I'll have to do any defoliation at all on her.... I'm now DEFINITELY planning to transfer her to the grow closet when my #2 Bruce is done - and hope she can hold on in the tent until that happens... I was NOT expecting her to get so tall! 12/04 - Oh. My. God. She won't slow her growth!! She's adding about 1.5" to her height every day... Oh my aching back!! I should have done a different kind of LST on this one early in the game - bent her over completely - but what did I know?! Can't see the future at all... even with my tri-focals! LOL! If you grow this strain from Seedsman, kick the LST into high gear in the first couple of weeks... Now I'm having to try to figure out how I'm going to handle her! LMAO!!!! Going to be raising her EC today ... up another 0.2 and adding some KoolBloom to her mix... Still am not anticipating the need for defoliation...
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
2 years ago
58.42 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
400 PPM
17 °C
17 °C
20 °C
19 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 6
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.302 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2.604 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.906 mll
12/04 - Well, Pinky had a bucket change today and I'm a little concerned because, quite frankly, my aging brain completely forgot she's probably allergic to the Micro ... so I may have to do another bucket change tomorrow and get rid of it... I'll let her rest overnight and see how she's doing in the morning ... She's definitely a light "eater" - her EC should have been at 0.8 last week and this week it should be getting to 1.0-1.2 - but she just doesn't react well to the higher EC levels... She has gained SO MUCH HEIGHT this past week! It's truly astounding... Maybe the lights weren't close enough, maybe she's just a helluva gal but seriously - 8-1/2" in a week?! She's starting to scare me! LOL! 12/06 - LOOK AT HER LEAVES!!! They've started to uncurl!!!! In talking to another grower about her, I'm realizing that what she had been desperate for was more PK so the addition of the KoolBloom liquid AND the fact the pH kept going up (apparently a sign she's gobbling up the PK) says THIS is what she was hungry for... in fact, I need to give her more today as the pH is still floating upward and is too high... But PINKY!!! Maybe I've figured out what you've been wanting?! (Well, to give proper credit, @Roberts helped me to see what you were saying!) ... cross your fingers, she's on her way... And she's starting to show her colors in the buds now, too... I'm excited! 12/07 - Had to move this lady... she's gained 5" in the last 3 days and I was running out of options.... Next time, if there IS a next time, I'll probably end up scrogging her... But now she's a roommate to my #2Bruce in the closet with a 7' ceiling and she'd better not run out of upward growth space!!!!
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
2 years ago
83.82 cm
20 hrs
20 °C
500 PPM
45 %
17 °C
17 °C
17 °C
19 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.302 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2.604 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.906 mll
12/12 - Pinky is doing her Pinky thing again... some leaves are curling down and I basically blew a raspberry at her this morning... It's almost as if she is double-daring me to actually go into a frenzy trying to correct it - but what's to correct? Half of the leaves are curling down, half of them are perfect... so if I try to fix the curling, what happens to the ones that are perfect??? So I blew a raspberry at her and told her to just do her thing... Sigh. She's also doing her sativa thing - holy cow! I had to double check her height this morning because I couldn't believe it! 10" in a week... she's now standing taller than #2Bruce who is sitting right beside her... Cripes! If I ever grow a Sativa again, I'm going to aggressively LST it from germination! This is bloody ridiculous! Meanwhile, in her 5th week on this planet and in her 2nd week of flower, the flowers are slow to develop (no wonder... damned plant is putting everything into trying to reach my 7' ceiling!). She and I have a weird relationship... on MY end, it's a love/hate relationship but for her, I think she just loves taunting me.... 12/13 - Well. I've never had THAT happen before! Her EC and her pH are EXACTLY the same as yesterday! Maybe she's chortling away at us after I blew some raspberries at her yesterday! Maybe she's saying "oh, ok... she's on to me, I guess I'll have to quit being a goof" ... but maybe she's got something else up her sleeve she'll hit me with tomorrow? Don't trust her... I really don't! LOL! 12/15 - Had a bucket change yesterday and today she's telling me I didn't give her enough PK... what a cheeky little gal... so I obliged her wanton hunger. I didn't want to give more of the KoolBloom as you can really overdo it with that so I just fed her 3 more tsps of the Bloom... and she's happy! :-D 12/17 - I am completely entranced with this lady... mesmerized...
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
2 years ago
91.44 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
600 PPM
45 %
16 °C
16 °C
20 °C
19 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 6
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.302 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2.604 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.906 mll
12/20 - I wasn't going to defoliate her but then it became rather necessary... her lower buds really WERE being shaded much too much. She hasn't noticed at all which is pretty consistent with the Pinky I know and love... she doesn't really bother with anything, just grows, just mesmerizes... I've never grown a purple strain before and she's showing me what I've missed! 12/21 - She's starting to slowly bulk up and the upward stretch has pretty much stopped which I'm glad to see actually! Now I'll be pumping her with lots of PK to get her flowers as fat as a sativa can get... which, admittedly isn't very fat when compared to an indica... 12/22 - She's about to get the grow space and light all to herself since I'm starting to chop my #2 Bruce... think she'll really appreciate being directly under the lights and getting all the attention! She's doing well... pH and EC staying stable - and she's drinking a LOT! 12/24 - She's kind of getting ignored these days between my two new babies and harvesting #2 Bruce... but she doesn't look like she minds. Going to give her a clean bucket today and fresh nutes.. she's really starting to bulk up which is super exciting - and I love her colors!
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
91.44 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
550 PPM
45 %
16 °C
16 °C
20 °C
19 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 6
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.302 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2.604 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.906 mll
12/26 - Gave her a bucket change today and increased the PK while lowering the EC just a tad - the pH and EC had been telling me for a couple of days that she needed a change and needed more PK but a slightly lower EC ... so that's what she finally got after Christmas stopped my intense care of her. She wasn't unduly upset - but she's showing me some love right now since the bucket and nute change-up... All of her flowers are bulking up nicely and her colors are getting intense - REALLY dark! Friends who stopped by over the weekend were as mesmerized as I am! Cheers to all - next up, NEW YEAR'S EVE and more great growing from all of you! 12/27 - Needing to adjust the pH today which isn't surprising.. always happens after a bucket change but I'll get it stable - meanwhile, she doesn't seem to notice which is just fine by me! Love her!! 12/29 - The lady has the grow closet all to herself now and I've been able to pull her over and down a bit to get the lower buds closer to the light... #2 Bruce is completely out of the tent, harvested and drying... but I've got one coming up - just popped the seed in a glass of water yesterday - but Pinky won't mind, she'll still be the Star of the Show in the tent... Buds are fattening up nicely for a sativa and are, actually, a little surprising to me! She really is a pretty, pretty plant if I do say so myself!
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
91.44 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
550 PPM
45 %
16 °C
16 °C
20 °C
19 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 7
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.302 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2.604 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 3.906 mll
1/2/23 - The lady is getting fairly close to harvest so I've added the dry KoolBloom to her mix... not real sure if you're supposed to use it WITH the liquid but since the liquid is already in the bucket and since it's really hard to get a potassium or phosphorus toxicity, yeah... why not! She'll be coming down in a week or two.... I'm kind of excited! OH! And btw, this lady's leaves just naturally curl down - nothing I did changed that, EVER... and she certainly didn't have a nitrogen toxicity and her pH was always pretty spot on... it's just the way she grows... she's, well, DIFFERENT! LOL! 01/03 - Really bulking up all over... trichs are getting pretty milky so it shouldn't be long now! 01-06 - Reduced her EC to 0.6 for the next couple of days. Going to harvest on Sunday, I think! 01/04 - She's really happy... REALLY happy! And I'm so happy with her!! 01/05 - I've pretty much decided she's going to get the chop this weekend. Since her CBD:THC is 30:1, I'm not going to get amber trichs on her so am relying on other means to measure her readiness for harvest... her fade is continuing, her pistils are becoming mostly brown, her buds are pretty fat and dense, her EC is rising and pH really falling madly so she's telling me she's got way too much food at present (and I haven't increased that at all) ... which means she's probably leeching nutes into the water ... anyway, this weekend will be her last ... I'll change out the bucket today and just put her on FloraKleen for a couple of days... Trim jail, here I come! :-D Happily!! 01/07 - tomorrow is the day...
Week 9. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This was a very easy grow. Her main cola was outstanding but grew a bit too tall for the other buds to really reach THEIR maximum potential. She was so gorgeous, I really didn't want to chop her!
Show more
Spent 65 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
39.69 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects
Medical effects
Medical effects
Earthy, Fruity, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I don't weigh wet buds so we'll have to wait until the buds are dry to see how this grow did - but so far, I'm pretty pleased.


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Hashycommentedweek 22 years ago
Looking good mate. 👍 If I had the space I'd go back to Dwc.
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@Hashy, 😂😂😂
Hashycommented2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, I noticed. I really did think 1 gal pots would result in a plant about 40cm tall. Once they hit 40cm tall I had to start bending branches, my tent is just completely packed. At least I only crammed 6 in instead of my original idea of 9 plants.
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@Hashy, LOL!!! Don't you know - ladies always do what they WANT to do WHEN they want to do it and HOW they want to do it! Goes for weed, too, btw! LMAO!
Show More (3)
Cyrusdaviruscommentedweek 22 years ago
Time for takeoff 🚀 looking good 🔥
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@Cyrusdavirus, - hope hope HOPE!!!!
kohlrabicommentedweek 02 years ago
Looking forward to read more!
DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 02 years ago
She's very healthy! Bravo!
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, I started using Terpinator with my first grow - and used it for all of my grows without really knowing if it actually did anything or not... then I ran out of the stuff on one grow and since it was expensive and my pennies were few, decided not to replenish my supply... couldn't believe the difference! The buds just weren't even close to being as sticky - I was used to having to clean my trim scissors after two or three snips and I barely had to clean them at all without the Terpinator. That convinced me... no ifs, ands or buts... always going to use it! The Purpinator is apparently good to use with purple strains.. helps bring out the color along while really pumping up the trichs... Recommend both highly!!
DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, I noticed u r using Terpinator for the other crops. How is it? Is the first time? I'm really curiour about it and about Purpinator. Maybe next crop I'll use one of 'em
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, so far so good! LONG way to go though... if anyone can screw something up, it's me! LOL!
GR0WERcommentedweek 42 years ago
Cool looking tree, Granny!
GR0WERcommented2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, I have not reach such a big size on my week 4, that's why I wrote it's a 'tree'. Wish You to solve 'claw' problem without any troubles. 😤
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@GR0WER, LOL! WEIRD looking tree, if you ask me!! But I'm stuck with her and she doesn't seem to be complaining about anything... Don't think I'll have to do any defoliation on this one! LOL!
grzegorzdelauranscommentedweek 72 years ago
purple strain r not much wnna be at less light and temp .........👈
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@grzegorzdelaurans, ah! You're right!! Somewhere I'd heard that about the temps and had completely forgotten so thank you for reminding me! Hadn't heard that about the lights, though... I'll have to do some research.. Thanks so much!!
Cyrusdaviruscommentedweek 12 years ago
Happy baby 😁🌱🤞🤞🌳🌳 good luck 👍
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@Cyrusdavirus, I was JUST thinking about you today! Thanks for popping by!
Seedsmancommentedweek 02 years ago
Thanks for choosing our strains. Good luck and we hope you enjoy it. If you have any issues, please let us know. 💚😀
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Jobbiecommentedweek 42 years ago
It's pinky and the brain, brain, brain, brain!🐭🐭
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, Butter is pretty much the same from what i know, strain while warm, let it cool a bit and then stick in fridge to set. I love edibles, they are the best companion to a good evening. Use a grinder! I use everything to make mine, stem and all, so a grinder is difficult. If you are using just sugar leaf you might be able to use a bit less than my recommendation. Most people just try adding weed to food, it won't do too much for you lol, my first experience was brownies with weed in it, it was nasty! Another cool idea is if you have dry sift hash etc then it will be easier and again you need less. Just remember to start off gentle, there is no of switch and it hits different. Lots of love, your grandson!
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@Jobbie, wow! Thank you so much for such a detailed "how-to" ... that really helps! I'm going to try it with butter since I don't ever use a lot of oil for anything... but tell me, after the trim is dried, would you put it in a grinder or is that TOO small? I'm thinking it might be since you said it will look like curly kale... omg... I remember back in the 60's when I was in college and first "exposed" to weed, I was at a party where everyone was smoking (I was just observing and thought everyone was just a little bit WEIRD)... it was an all-nighter and in the morning, the guys throwing the party made french toast for everyone... and apparently sprinkled some weed into the egg batter because they were bound and determined to get me high.... I don't think it did a damned thing for me... I'm pretty sure they didn't know what the hell they were doing! LOL!
Jobbiecommented2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, I usually dry my trim to get the same flavours out you don't want to smoke in bud. Then I use 1oz for every litre (4 and 1/4 cups) of liquid. The method is this: take a Mason jar that can fit everything in, break up plant matter into smaller pieces, put in jar. Heat oven to about 90c (190f) and cook the plant for an hour, I usually put the jar on a tray with a wet cloth between jar and tray, stops it sliding around as much and prevents metal from touching glass. Take it out every 15 mins to give it a shake so no parts burn., but will become a bit like curley kale when cooked in the oven. Then I warm a big pot of water to just below simmering, you want this around the same 90c, put an old towel in the bottom to make sure the jar doesn't sit on the metal, pour your oil of choic into the Mason jar, put the jar in the water, heat for 6 hours, every hour stir to help the mixing along. After the 6 hours use something to strain off the plant material and bim bam bosh you have oil. Disclaimer, I've never done butter because I'm lactose intolerant, but any butter in a recipe can just be oil... not quite as rich, but still oil. Bonus! I've been hearing a lot in articles that coconut oil can absorb more THC than other oils and ends up with close to tincture potency, this needs research though.
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ironf1stcommentedweek 92 years ago
Damn, that looks like it has been dropped in ink! what has the world come to, these strains are getting out of hand, geez lol Nice grow!
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@ironf1st, thanks so much... gotta tell you, I hadn't REALLY appreciated just how black she got - and that's the only color name I can give her! It wasn't just a dark purple - it was freakin' BLACK!!!
grzegorzdelauranscommentedweek 52 years ago
congrats on your grow...... i just have no idea how do you manage 1.3 ec without hurting your plants
Burton1988commentedweek 12 years ago
Happy growing 👍👍
eurorackcommentedweek 92 years ago
These smell great once they are cured a bit. Probably better than the Sweetseeds Red Pure CBD
eurorackcommented2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, This one and the Red Pure totally stunk a room out while drying, when I open the Jars now during curing we can smell them all around the house!
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@eurorack, ooooh!! Can't wait! Their smell wasn't very noticable during the grow except at the very end...
backatitagain1990commentedweek 02 years ago
Hey. Very nice. You can punch a hole into the end of the bucket. Using a washer to cover hole, (put tubing in it and bend it up to the top and attach to the top of your bucket. (Hydro stores sell them all over.....washers and drainage pipes) And then use a piece of piping. And make a drainage pipe. It'll also allow you to monitor its water level without having to remove lid and check PH/PPM and all that without disturbing the top.
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@backatitagain1990, yeah... I understand all that however my biggest problem with what you're suggesting is that I don't have the bucket in something that will take 3.5 gallons of water! The bucket itself has a bottom hole but that's connected to the tubing that allows the monitoring of the water level... I've drilled a hole in the top to allow me to use an extractor pump to take out a little bit (or ALL) water to measure the pH/ppm... But thanks! Someday - LOL! - I would like a proper grow ROOM that I can put drainage in... but right now, I'm only in a closet (1 plant) and a 2x4' tent (2 plants) - and the tent is in my bedroom... :-D
ZoobZoob_farmZcommentedweek 92 years ago
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 92 years ago
Congratulations on the harvest absolutely beautiful dark buds well done with your grow 🙌🙌🤙
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 92 years ago
Very nice job.. Glad you found a weed that helps
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
eurorackcommentedweek 92 years ago
I see you have the smoke report up now, I'm still blending this 50:50 with other THC weed and its working a treat without getting me smashed. Thats not to say that I don't get stoned with the blend when i vape it 2 or 3 times in an evening but the first hit is more of a 'warm hug' than anything else and I've just been noticing that I've hardly had any pain killers lately which is a really good thing. Happy Smokes :)
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
@eurorack, yeah - I really like this, a LOT... the arthritis in my hands and my knees isn't noticeable when I smoke it and, VERY oddly, it seems I don't need my inhaler either (I have COPD)... rather amazing and I'm SUPER happy...
MiyaguiOkPolillacommentedweek 92 years ago
Que lindos cogollos en blackout Grannie!
GrowingGranniecommented2 years ago
the end.
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