Hello again my friends and visitors. It's time again to start growing some cannabis, this time i decided to split my grow and bring back some verity in my smoking sessions.
Iet is easier to grow one strain especially in my setup where all four plants drink the same solution but yeah then you are stuck with that one strain, and i know nobody in my neighborhood with whom i could swap my cannabis.
Also i got sponsored many seeds and strains which i would like to present to you.
This diary will be focused on a strain i was gifted for a photo contest from a new to me breeder the Super Sativa Seed Club.
Because of the harsh winter we had here i was not able to start the grow earlier, so sorry for that SSSC, I know I probably will be late for the contest. In any case if You guys will like any of my photos in this diary fell free to use them ;)
I want two plants of this strain in my four plant RDWC setup so i dropped three seed of Purple OG Punch in a glass of water, and all three seeds broke the shells. At the next step i planted the seeds directly in a rockwool cube where only two plants showed thier heads (still two is all i need ;)
A big thank you to the SSSC team for the seeds, You guys are so cool to give me the opportunity to grow your genetics and sending me the seeds I really appreciate it.
@Drgreen13, Thank you mate 👊
Happy to hear that...I have to say I'm very pleased with the germination rate of all the seeds i germinated this time, both SSSC and Sweet Seeds.
@Metatronix, Electricity prices are not for joking around, I totally agree! 💀
The bar I'm talking about only consumes 120W, not bad haha
Glad the conditions are improving and your plants with them! Best wishes my friend 🖖👽
@@HAPPYWEEDS, 😂😅You are exactly right 😅
I do have an electric oil radiator but i don't use it because of the electricity costs, i had it running one winter it eat more electricity Than my LED's 😂
from what i see is that the plants Veg'd two weeks longer than usual Autos i attribute it to the cold...now the warm days are here and the plants start showing sex 🌸
@Metatronix, All problems have a solution, except death, my friend. We bought a heating rod that raises the tent temperature about 4-5°C for about $60. If you can afford it, I recommend it. And if not, what I am sure of is that those temperatures are going to give us nice purple buds 😎 Best of lucks my man! 🤜🤛
Hope you get your water problem figured out,plant looks good and the log is looking good as well, nice to have some fresh mushrooms. I've been having problems with my computer for the last couple weeks, everytime I tried to download some pics to Grow Diaries my computer would just stop, got it all fixed and I'll be catching up on my posts today at some point. Hope all is well, Smok'em if you got'em!!!!
@northernMike, The difference in taste between a free range chicken and a mass production one is big it's not just taste the free range one also receives far les antibiotics.
So it's not just a tasty treat but also it's good for your health.
You got a very big tent bro 🤩 excellent way to have some fresh Greens all year long.
I tried my first paprika last year it came out ok but em still hungry for more in quantity.
@Metatronix, I've been growing veggies all winter in my 5x10 tent, lots of romaine lettuce, red and green peppers, sweet peppers, red onions, green onions, scotia tom., cherry tom. and I'm growing some celery and cauliflower for the first time in the tent, I'll post some pics. I tried cucumbers with not much luck, not sure what the issue was but I only got one big cuke from two plants, but I'll try again next winter. I have an order of 10 chickens already cleaned and frozen around 4-5 lbs each coming from a farmer that I know, I split these with my daughter 5 each, a friend of mine raises chickens in his back yard all summer and I get a few from him in the fall but his chickens are monsters,8-10lbs, you can eat from them 3 times. First roast chicken, next day is chicken fried rice and chicken balls, next day hot chicken sandwiches now your sick of chicken, time to make soup.😄..
Have your self a great day!!
@northernMike,That's the way! 😎 My plan for this year is a small greenhouse ...you know for tomatoes, papryka and cucumbers...if we find time a henhouse would be nice, definitely i'm building one next year if this year will be busy.
@Metatronix, I'm fighting with the opposite problem our rh today was 10% it makes it hard to keep the plants happy and really slows the growth
Good luck my friend 🤞🤞👍
@Cyrusdavirus, Thank you 🍻💚👊 I was blocked from messaging and I need to update the diaries but things got a wee bit better, still got troubles with high RH em hopping for some sunny days soon
@Metatronix,I'm having a similar problem as well with GD i use 2 sp3000 both for Veg and flowering and i have to use the custom option for flowering as i am exceeding the wattage of a single one it's as if dimmers don't exist for GD 😂
Ehi 👋 ho visto che hai messo 85% umidità? Se è veramente così alta cerca di abbassare almeno a 65/70%
Non hai bisogno di avere così tanta umidità interna, le foglie assorbiranno più acqua di quanto devono ( ph troppo alto ) e sei a rischio di funghi 🍄 e muffe oltre che a tanti altri problemi…spero di essere stato di aiuto 👨🌾
@Reyden, Yes you are right friend, i Hope i can lower the RH before flowering, no promises but it seems the weather is getting warmer and the snow melted away already and i keep the doors to basement open during the sunny days so the basement dries up properly after the flood 😎
@Reyden, hahaha el pobre hombre está luchando contra la humedad de maneras inimaginables 😂
Si lees su redacción hasta ha pedido prestado un deshumidificador a su familia 🤭