Thanks for stopping by at week 7 and taking a look at this Strawberry fun! 😀 Feel free to stop by and say hi to my gorilla, she is next door keeping an eye on my strawberry's. 👈
The light was at 20in/50cm with 60% intensity, should be around 550 PPFD or 45 DLI at the canopy. I performed some very light defoliation, couple of leaves here and there, and will continue so to ensure air flow and light exposure to the bud sites.
Stress symptoms will be more evident now and appear in the form of slow growth, yellow and discolored foliage, and burnt leaf tips. With said, I have noticed some minor burnt edges and leaf tips and since I've been using 1/4 dose of nutrients I know it is not nutrient burn, so I believe it is lack potassium. I am increasing my "bloom" nutrients with higher levels of potassium and phosphorus to stimulate bud growth and hopefully slow stress symptoms.
During this stage she will continue to develop roots but much more energy is put into flower/bud formation. Elongation continues but a a very slow rate. Calyxes with pistils continue to develop and buds fill in and growing really is getting exciting now.
Day 43: Monitored and rotated to provide light at different angles
Day 44: Watered with 2L of water and added a .5ml/L dose of bio-grow, 3ml/L bio-bloom, and .5ml/L of top-max (PH 6.5) and performed some light defoliation
Day 45: Monitored and rotated to provide light at different angles
Day 46: Watered with 2L of water and added 1ml/L of bio-heaven with water at PH 6.5
Day 47: Monitored and rotated to provide light at different angles
Day 48:Watered with 2L of water and added a .5ml/L dose of bio-grow, 3ml/L bio-bloom, and .5ml/L of top-max (PH 6.5) and performed some light defoliation
Day 49: Monitored and rotated to provide light at different angles
Happy Growing to everyone!!
Wow mate you have really kicked on from the berry grow, no mess no fuss, this one is looking really healthy I can't wait to follow now I'm "back". I'm guessing you've noticed a little very mild chlorosis on new growth. :)
@UnorthadoxDude, Well I'm happy you are back my friend! 👍😀 Thanks for stopping by and providing some feedback, I love it! 👊 I've having a blast with these 2 grows. So I've kind of struggled with this one in the sense that I believe the soil was bit hot for her, since FB says that she is a light feeder and her leaves have been a bit droopy especially after I feed her with nutes. So I've been holding back and only been providing about a 1/4 dose based on biobizz nutrient schedule every other watering. Any good recommendations at this point? Maybe I should start to increase nutrients to 1/2 dose. Any feed back is much appreciated!
@Hologram, Thank you so much my friend! 😍 This strain was a real pleasure to grow and the smell is just amazing. I'm looking forward to sharing the harvest report with you. I appreciate you stopping by! 🙏 Happy Growing! 👊
@Coco4CocoPuffs, I appreciate that my bro! She is progressing nicely although a bit slower than my gorilla grow next door. I'm excited about this strain. Happy growing to you! 👊
@MrJones, I really appreciate the recommendation. Unfortunately with the summer temps I don't have enough environment controls to bring the temps lower, I can only get down to between 72-74F. With these temps and humidity, do you think they will be dry between 5-7 days? This is my first indoor summer grow, my last grow was in the winter and I could control the temps and humidity a bit easier. Thanks again for your input, I love to hear your advice. 👊
@MedicineMaker, if you can cut that temp down some 22C (71.6F), I always shoot for 55/60% RH and a target of 60F and seem to be able to go a full 2 weeks before they are dry, sadly I average closer to 65F except during the winter :) looking forward to your out come.
@MrJones, Hey bro! Thank you! 😀 I'm trying for a nice slow dry right now at around 55-60 humidity and temps at around 22C. I'll be sure to post a good report my friend and feel free to reach out anytime. 👈 Happy Growing! 👊
@UnorthadoxDude, Thanks mate! 🙏 These buds are a lot more dense compared to the gorilla and the smell is absolutely amazing, like sweet cookie dough. Although the smoke report will be the true test. 😉