I'm super excited to be back and growing with this community. I recently tried this strain and for me it had great medicinal effects to help with stress, pain, and inflammation. This seed was given to me for free, so I decided to give it a go and what better breeder to spend my time and energy on.
I dropped her in a small jiffy pot with soil, added water, and placed the jiffy pot on a heat mat with a humidity dome, 3 days later she spouted... And we are off! After that I planted her in the final 3 gallon fabric pot.
@Sour_D, Thanks my friend! 🙏 This is fastest growth I've seen in a strain, of course I have limited experience. 😀 Thinking to start some LST on her soon. 👈
@UnorthadoxDude, Thanks my friend! Yeah, I'm having fun with LST on these grows. 😀 You're right, I could have went with bigger pots since I have the space. I just ended up going with what I already had on hand, but now I'm gaining more confidence so maybe next run I'll with 20L pots. 😀
@MrJones, Thank you my friend! 🙏 I appreciate the support with my grow, nothing like being part of this community. Right now I'm trying to keep the gorilla happy before the harvest. 😁
You are doing great mate! Only feedback I could give you is put more plants in the tents for a bigger yield hahah but that's all preference of course 😃🤙
@UnorthadoxDude, Well great to hear, always nice to have a fellow grower share the same experience. I'm excited about this one and can't wait to see how yours goes!