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TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids
Greetings growers of the great green plant, welcome once again to my abode where you will hear of great quests and wondrous deeds. Tonight we shall begin a tale from long ago but more recent than you would think, here we will listen to “Tales from the Closet: The Moons and the Black Orchids”, but before that it is my pleasure to mark a momentous occasion, we witness the passing of one channel sponsor Mars Hydro, we wish them the best of luck with future endeavours, however, out with the old and in with the new, it is my pleasure to announce the channels new sponsor…. (trumpets blaring).... Zamnesia! I love this company, they have so many awesome things available including blue lotus and other herbal accoutrements to the perfect smoke. More on those glad tidings later, now however, it is time to enjoy tonight's presentation of “Tales from the Closet: The Moons and the Black Orchids”.
There is a prophecy in the land of Ishaka, one that foretells of a great and terrible coming. It was believed that the prophecy was told many centuries ago after the last great clan war, where the Black Orchid clan lost their lavish fertile lands and were forced into the mountains to eke out an existence in a harsh and wintery climate. It was the last Seer of their people who made the prophecy while freezing to death on the ice of the mountain. The remnants of the clan gathered round to hear of what was to be told by this wizened woman, it was said that she was touched by the twin moon Gods Tyl and Cals, that she was a forebear of something momentous.
The war that cast them out was caused by the Black Orchid clans desire to expand, they had the best land and were vastly wealthy, so why would they not want to make their borders bigger, it was not one clan that defeated them in the end, but an alliance of several, all led by the White Lilly Clan, the arch enemy who worshiped a single sun God “Groth”.
So after fleeing their home land which had been visibly burning behind them for two days and two nights, they had found a mountain valley that could allow life to cling to it. There, after the flight they all gathered round as the seer used her final breaths to give a prophecy:
There will come a time for a new ascension, the world will fear the people of night, the night sky will for a time loose its patrons, while patrons touch the mortal soil they will gift two children to their chosen people, in this night of darkness avatars will be born, they will come and bring with them the storm. It will be a time of ascension, when gods come down to touch the mortal flesh, and with that touch they will rend the past and build a new future, through the twins the twins will work their course, to bring unity to this fractured land, to raise up what is trodden down, to bring strength to the broken and wash away the sins of the past. It will be the coming of the tides as the gods of the moons move the land and people back and forward to their whims, and with their great coming will the earth be shattered and remade under a new light.
She drew her last breath and with it the prophecy was sealed, the people made their home and for many years they clung to the prophecy as they did to life itself, the land was harsh, with it the people grew hard and harsh, they trained in subtle forms of combat as their numbers were too few for open war, subterfuge would be their method now.
Many centuries passed and the clan grew in reputation as well as numbers, they struck back at enemies with raids and assassinations, their position in the frigid mountains meant that retaliation was almost impossible for the low valley clans, and so the clan ascended. Then on one night a peculiar thing happened, the two moons rose for a while and then plunged back to the horizon leaving the land in total darkness, people were in shock and awe since this had never happened previously, there had always been at least one of the two moons to light the sky, however, in the sacred glass chamber of the moon temple, a moon maiden fell down and began to give birth, to twins, each as white as alabaster, one large and one small, they came into the world with eerie silence, and with their arrival the moons ascended once again.
Beautiful congregation of the bud, thank you for joining us for another Tale from the Closet, we hope you have enjoyed this broadcast and do hope you will tune in next time. Thank you Zamnesia for the wonderful sponsorship, we are excited to see what these seeds will do with their great prophetic promise of sexy buds and delicious smoke.
Head over to Zamnesia and see the awesome things that are available. Use this wonderful magic code and get yourself a treat, to paraphrase the philosopher R. Paul: If you can’t love yourself, then how the hell are you gonna love anybody else? So treat yo self, Get 20% off with code: ZAMMIGD2023, only at
Until next time cultists of cultivation, farewell and be safe.
Black Orchid is a gourmet hybrid made up of Gelato and OG Kush genetics that not only sounds good on paper, but also delivers in real life. This variety boasts an indica-dominant profile (70% indica and 30% sativa), and tokers report that it produces a very sought-after body stone. With 18–22% THC, Black Orchid sits comfortably among more powerful varieties; in fact, it's recommended to take it slow while enjoying these buds, as it may overwhelm at high doses. Furthermore, growers will be happy to hear that plants deliver a superb harvest after a fairly standard flowering period.
550–650g/m² after 9–10 weeks of flowering.
I came, I saw, I popped the seeds, of the three varieties I am growing currently these were the slowest, honestly I was tempted to do away with them, but god damn it, the pictures give promise of such a beautiful bud that I just couldn’t kill them. Anyway, there is an experiment I am wanting to try, it is supplementing CO2 with growing mushrooms, either trippy or non trippy I do not care, love to eat mushrooms and they produce CO2, also might be some synergy with the microbial activity, after all, mushrooms are no more than Macro expressions of microbial activity. Luckily enough, Zamnesia has everything I would need to start.
They were popped in a shot glass with room temperature water, the method was floating on top to allow access to water and air for the seedling, they took a while. In the meantime the soil was prepared with Mykos. One issue, I ran out of soil, so a small experiment will be conducted, one was placed in a plastic cup for transplanting when more soil is bought, the other in the grow bag, from there we will see if it makes a difference.
Welcome back fair travellers, thank you for stopping by and we hope you will enjoy tonight's fireside tale, in a closet… yes, it makes little sense but if you overthink this then you will likely not relax, so take another toke read this and then the rest, then go to and get yourself a nice little treat, they sponsor this tale by giving me seeds to base the stories on. So without further preamble on with “TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids”.
The twins were born with the rising of the moons, they had a green hue to their skin which was odd compared to the pale skin of the clan, this was taken as a divine blessing. Their mother in the act of giving birth died, which left the twin girls to the care of the Temple of The Twin Moons where they were born. Upon first inspection it was obvious they were not born the same; their early years were marked by physical differences between them with one being of ordinary size, the other being stunted. The strong one fed from their wet nurses' bosom hungrily, taking all nourishment it could, the other refused Milk from any nurse, it scared the priests, the thought of neglecting their God was too much and all manners of veneration was offered. Then the new Seer of the temple began to swell as if having had a child, she offered her milk, the child took it and only fed from her, it also only fed when necessary and chose to spend most of its time watching the world around it.
Everything they would ever need was given to them, it was the clans thinking that when their training would start, this would allow for a healthy juxtaposition, the stress would help strengthen them as the road was long and difficult, much of the future was uncertain as the prophecy gave little to no indication of how this new rise of the clan would be achieved.
The children in time were given names, they took on the names of their Gods, only adding a prefix, the larger was called Acals where the smaller was called Atyl.
In the dark compound of the moon temple they lived, in the darkness of their cloisters they as infants progressed, Acals very soon learnt to walk and was strong, so would carry Atyl wherever she wanted. They still made no sound, they seemed to have a telepathic bond, the scents and hues of their green skin changed depending on what they were communicating, it was a language of colour and scent that the priests struggled to fathom, but the twins, they knew of its meaning by instinct.
The High Priest of the temple, a man named Garvill had them watched, although the twins presence had created an almost fanatical fever among the people, it appeared they were worshiping and waiting on the twins, this made him jealous, he loved the standing his position gave, these twins were beginning to take away from the attention and respect he had enjoyed: no longer was he the mouthpiece of the Gods, no longer did people feel the need for him to give direction and guidance, instead people just waited for the twins to eventually communicate the Gods demands. From this, the twins had an early enemy, they were now in danger from the very person who was supposed to oversee their freedom and safety.
Luckily the matron of their clan employed an old trick, placing sticky yellow patches on the ground leading up to their beds, this way any person seeking to sneak in and take advantage would be stuck or at least alert the guards.
Yet he had them watched, had them followed, had them monitored, he looked for the opening he needed to make his move.
Thank you for stopping by, hopefully you will stay around and read the other features on my channel. If you have done that then go get yourself a treat from Zamnesia, with 20% off using code: ZAMMIGD2023, I recommend some Part-E packs, they will make sure that when you decide to trip the lights fantastic, that the next day you are not tripping over your suffering.
Until next time, keep growing and keep the faith alive.
It's said that the orchid symbolises love, refinement, and beauty; well, we can confirm that Black Orchid Automatic encapsulates all of these attributes, and many more. This autoflowering sensation has plenty going for it, with a peculiar yet highly enjoyable flavour profile that accents a relaxed, blissful high. Moreover, this plant is capable of producing excellent yields in ideal conditions.
550–650g/m² after 9–10 weeks of flowering.
The plants took a while to break ground, one of the two BO’s was very slow at progressing, I think that my eagerness for them to grow might be manifested in a watering issue. One is in a plastic cup and the other a large container. The issue is that the small container is so much easier to keep saturated, lessons to be learnt. The soil and sprouts get sprayed with a solution of formulex and watered with root juice, the soil is a complete mix so they shouldn't need too much food.
Greetings and salutations to my friends of the Cannabis Cultivation Clan, next up on our schedule is dropping into the world of Zamnesia, yes I just decided to name the world after the group who provided my seeds, if you don’t like it then comment, after you have done that then visit the world of and explore what other aspects your hobby has to offer. Now it is a great honour to present you with this week's epic episode of “TFTC: The Moons and The Black Orchids”.
As time passed Atyl did not grow too much, Aclas continued to grow as they developed, they continued to take lessons and drank in the knowledge of their elders, although, Atyl did not care too much for their pouring of information, instead enjoying the experience of the world around them, the infant would often just stare at people or things with a pleased expression on its face, the other, Aclas, they were strong and gifted in all things and soon was seen as an exceptional child.
Soon they were old enough to go outside, the veil and covering provided by the cloisters was removed, they were now in the outside world, well not too outside, they instead spent most of the time in surrounding gardens and parks, often approached by a worshiper, this did not bother the two plants and seemed to enjoy the attention. In this new bigger environment Atyl began to grow.
Still they were haunted, an evil presence was felt by the children, an itching between the shoulder blades as though someone wished to pierce a dagger there, however they were not yet fast enough to catch whoever wished them harm. The sticky traps acted more as a deterrent, especially after the first incident where one of the lunar sisters got caught on one.
They took precautions, each day the sisters of the oracle would cleanse the children, twice daily, this prevented anyone to spy via magical or divine means, it also created a shimmering field around them, it made people only glance at them, for once they set eyes on the two kids, their mind felt a tinge of aversion and boredom, this often made people completely ignore them, only the truly pious… or insane would notice them.
They grew up, they continued to drink and feast on what they needed, they grew and in growing they were preparing.
Thank you for joining us and hearing of the tales we tell, we shall be abc next week (sooner or later than that, who knows) for more poorly written fantasy, pretty sure the writer for this had too much halfling leaf and is now lost trying to find their brain, let this be a cautionary tale that you should make sure to have all the safeguards and accouterments for a good trip, don't get lost, instead find yourself using Zamnesia code: ZAMMIGD2023. Thank you again for tuning in, we shall see you soon. Live long and grow your own.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
The transplant at the end of week 1 went fine for all plants involved, was shitting myself for a minute as the soil broke apart due to the roots not having taken up the entire cup, this did not seem to cause any real issues as the tap root was not damaged. There are risks to doing this I will agree, however, it is not set in stone that someone should not do something, at the end of the day life is a risk.
They water has increased with size, will be running on and off days soon I think to give the soil time to dry a little and the roots some encouragement to bloody grow,. Yes, grow is the name of my annoyance, they are just a bit slow, but this could just be my shit watering.
Light has increased intensity and the light has been moved up in height, I want to get them growing soon, Grow big or... well... just don't then that's fine, I can wait, I love all my plants.
Welcome travellers, I hope the road you have travelled to find my dwelling place was not too long or arduous, the roads are dangerous. We are glad you have made it for tonight's episode of “TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids”, brought to you by Zamnesia, a better place to buy seeds. Anyone want to start a cactus garden with me? No one? Well just me then.
Alas, let us join our twins and see what is in store for them this week on the new episode of “TFTC:The Moons and the Black Orchids” with Zamnesia.
It happened suddenly, Atyl and Aclas were playing a game of bones when out of the corner of their eye they saw a flicker of movement, just a shadow darting behind a pillar, then another. It was difficult to see even with the light of the sun named Mars-Hydro beaming down outside, the juxtaposition between the outside light and the dark of their living area was blinding. Yet, they still saw a flicker, Aclas stood, her large muscular form standing in the way of Atyl, ever protecting, despite the fact that Atyl was catching up. Aclas still considered herself the protector and stood vigil over the smaller sibling.
Both of the twins had been training and recently picked up some of the martial tradition of the clan, even though it seemed that Atyl was not too interested in the fighting, more interested in the fighting movements as more of a dance, already in the barracks Aclas had something of a reputation, only a teenager and already besting most who dared enter the ring, she had not even reached her full size yet.
From all sides coming from the shadows, as though materializing from the ground itself, attackers wearing robes and masks attacked. It was sudden, no one was there to protect them, it appeared the High Priest had finally decided to make a move, these lackeys first descended upon Aclas, despite the fact that they all attacked at once, Aclas moved to meet them and took out the attacker on her right with a side kick to the throat sending them crashing into the stone wall with a thud, then a slide and a gargle as they clutched at a ruined throat beneath the mask.
The one that was situated to her left was now at her back and seized the opportunity to jump grab her, she immediately threw herself back, unsteadying her opponent and causing them to topple backwards and loose grip as she rolled over them and cam up kneeling, then raised up and with an swift stomp on the person's ribs dispatched them with a crack of bones.
Three were left, and they grabbed her from all sides, restraining her. The one in front laughed behind the mask and with mocking mirth said “What is your sister doing? Fighting herself?”.
Aclas did not look behind her, she did not need to, already her senses and link to her sister told her what was coming, so she laughed.
Atyl during this short conflict had begun performing movements and chants, to the naked eye it looked like someone who had lost their mind, but by the time they had managed to over power her sister Aclas, she had summoned the power she had needed. Raising her hands before her mouth Atyl blew hard and a gas billowed from her in a jet, upon contact with this gas their attackers started coughing and retching, blood poured from their eyes, ears, nose and mouth as they fell to the ground trying to breath through melted lungs. Aclas took in a deep breath and laughed a low sinister chuckle.
“We have pests sister.” Aclas whispered, the only response from Atyl was a shallow nod.
“Where there are one or two…” Atyl spoke into her sister's mind.
“... There are many more” Aclas finished.
Well… finally we are getting action, the thing we live and breathe for, not some sappy montage of twins growing up and also the bad jokes about one being small and the other big. Instead, this week we got to the fun part, love the face melting scene, definitely my favourite part so far. Thank you for joining us, we hope that you have enjoyed this week's episode brought to you by Zamnesia, if you get a minute go check out their cactus seeds. They are super cool and I want them, but also I have heard they take ages to grow. Send in your thoughts, recommendations or suggestions. Good night and god speed on your travels friends.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Yes there were bugs in my tent, my paranoia is now running rampant as to where they came from and how to defeat them and never to let this happen ever again and how dare they… blah blah blah, we all know it sucks to get bugs, but I am dealing with them as best I can, there does not look to be too much damage to any plant, i saw a couple rust spots and that is it.
Aside from bugs, the little plant is catching up, they are growing well, I got a new fan that clips on to the bars rather than taking up precious floor space.
The irrigation and fertigation processes are going well, there is an increase in volume and a decrease in frequency, this seems to have really helped the plants get their roots under them, I have started to use my PH pen as the nutrients are going to be an issue, each fertigation is balanced to between 6.2 and 6.4.
We are up to 50% with lights, will likely go up some more soon.
Welcome back adventurers, long may your road have been, now that you are here in my closet away from the toils of the world, sit your weary bones down and we will soon talk of the twins, before that, have you heard of the great and wonderful Zamnesia? They provide a utopia of amazon things needed to grow an amazing garden, I have even heard whispers that there is a secret code that will get you access to reduced prices, so stay with me for a while and after I tell you of the recent events regarding the Twins, then will I give you this code to unlock a magic discount. Now, without further preamble, let your mind drift with my words in this week's episode of “TFTC: The Moons and the BLack Orchids”.
“You are a Lode” Aclas whispered for the ears of her sister alone.
“I am” she replied telepathically.
“Do you wish others to know?” inquired Aclas.
“No, at least not yet, in all of the histories I have studied, the Lodes were persecuted or used for their abilities, I do not wish to be the same.” She explained.
Aclas then took a few oil lamps and poured them over the bodies and surrounding areas, then smashed them on the ground and set the corpses ablaze, each one gave that sweetly sick smell of human flesh as it burned, soon it led to people running up the halls to investigate. The explanation was that they had thrown the lamps at their assailants. It was their instinct to remain hidden to what they were capable of, when strong, always act weak so people will underestimate you.
Now that the twins had met their first real conflict, it dawned on them that this life would be full of peril, even at that young age they began to understand the requirements they would need to fulfil in order to live longer than a few more months. So, they began training harder, no longer training to just be a crutch to aid in their young development, now, the training was for a purpose, that purpose was survival.
As there were enemies all around it seemed important to train under a low stress regiment. Their training by the weapons masters under the guidance of the Oracle, to ensure that they would be building their bodies and minds, was to prevent a situation where training would cause them to be so sore that they could not defend themselves, for defence was essential at this time. Their assailants had come at them from inside the temple itself, so there was no telling where the next attack would come from.
With the doubled efforts in training, their meal regiment continued in order to support healthy training, no chinks were to be found in their armour of capability; illness, injury, malnutrition, these were all enemies to survival, and even if they got sore, they could never admit it, but work to overcome.
In secret Atyl practiced her art, the gift or curse of being a Lode meant that certain elements were attracted to you, much like certain metals are attracted to a lodestone, with this attraction she can pull and throw these elements. Through practice it was discovered that the moon's rays were attracted to Atyl, this and water based substances, much like the moon pulled the water, Atyl pulled water towards her. During the fight she had pulled the moon's rays from the night sky and the poison the assassins carried, then shot it back at them.
Still despite all of this work they were watched and carefully monitored, enemies were gathering, not even just that of the High Priests minions, but they had seen flickering's out of the corners of their eyes, the white flies were spying and possibly looking for an opening, Whiteflies being an assassin cult of the servants of the Sun God and natural enemies to the twins, confrontation was inevitable.
Thank you for joining us travellers, we hope that the story has brought some rest and entertainment for your weary soul. The road is long and difficult we know, however all roads lead to an end, so we are grateful that you have spent a little bit of your journey with us. Now a promise was made and now shall be fulfilled, go forth and get seeds from Zamnesia, use the secret code: ZAMMIGD2023 for 20% discount. May your travels be pleasant with the sun and a breeze at your back, until we meet again friend.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
It is going “meh”, pumped up the light to 75% on Tuesday. I am still spraying morning and night with water and formulex as foliar feeding is essential in early stages, also, they are autos and I feel a little behind with the size of the plant. Along with formulex I have added a good dose of Cannacure again, it isn’t an infestation. I sometimes see a fly now and then after shaking a plant, but where there is one, there will be more, plus it is good for the plants so just keep spraying.
This week was the beginning of hard core LST, yes peeps, it is time to bend those suckers over and get light penetration in there. These two went well and they handled the training easily.
Last few things, nutrients are added, growing well, and I need a new tent.
Thanks for tuning in, let me know if you have any suggestions.
Your usual transmission is currently on Hiatus, it will be back when the writers are no longer on strike, the writers were of course supported by the actors as without writers the actors are pretty bloody boring to watch.
We will resume your story next week. Despite the interruption, we have still provided a few progress photos and some info below, thank you for our patience.
Fucking flies! Seriously pissed off with them, it is like one of those exercises you have to do but can't really be bothered doing it, so you just push a long doing it hoping it is over soon but no... it just persists, so you end up developing a mantra in your head saying "just relax, they are unlikely to be completely removed as the conditions are just right for them, just manage the population, no need to get too upset, they will be gone soon when the next harvest happens and you clean those buds up.
In the mean time, should I just get rid of the rest of the bag of soil? Might be how they got in, or maybe it was the fact that I had a holy tent, no not the type blessed by a priest, the type where it has more holes in it than swiss cheese, or their story of how their country became so rich.
Anyway, the struggle goes on and it is real, They have started to flower and looking decent, no where near as big as I had hoped but still doing well and I am learning lots. Starting to cut down on spraying as the buds are forming, do not want any mould for my plants. Temp is doing well and is set to go down with the crappy weather.
Not much else to talk about, let me know if you have any questions. I will have the other two posts up soon, just going through some stuff right now.
Please please please do not forget to check out Zamnesia, they have been great and i am very much enjoying the plants so far. looking forward to doing a rerun soon to see if my mistakes can be fixed. USe the code ZAMMIGD2023 for a discount on seeds.
Love you all, bye!
Welcome back fair travellers, thank you for once again visiting my portion of this wide world. Will you stay as I tell you of this week's episode of “TFTC:The Moons and the Black Orchids£? The writers are back from strike, must have been something to do with how horrible the Titans ended… now they must have something to prove and show that not all programmes are written by children. Before we delve back into the story, we would like to thank Zamnesia for the seeds, they are doing well and I am super happy with the experience of growing them so far, use the code: ZAMMIGD2023 for a discount so you can have your own adventure. Now, without more preamble, sit back, let your mind wander and let us hear more of Atyl and Aclas.
Before any great endeavour it is important for people to prepare, although for the twin their task is yet murky and indistinct, somewhere in the future where people cannot see, they took to their training with renewed vigour. White flies buzzed, the High Priest’s acolytes appeared wherever the twins went, all were waiting, all were watching, it was a matter of time until they made a move.
It came as a big surprise when after training Aclas on the way out stopped in front of a robed man, she looked deep into his eyes and the man looked terrified, she whispered to him “I know your secret”. No one knew what secret she alluded to, however, the man's eyes widened visibly. Aclas finished with a smile and another whisper saying “Do not worry, you will do what you have to do”.
The twins left the training yard and went to the oracle to discuss the event. The oracle was in her usual rooms high in the tower, when they explained the event the oracle looked as placid as always, she just nodded, she just agreed that the man was a spy, but how to confirm it in a way all would believe.
Quickly Atyl and Aclas gathered some of the warriors and priests that were in the hall, most of these people were on the fence regarding where to give their support, they had all been there when the man had sweat his guilt out, yet for all it was still a confusing confrontation, for them the question was “is the High priest really spying on the twins?”
They arrived at the High Priests private rooms, there were two men waiting outside. Upon seeing the party moving their way they moved to block the path, one of them opened his mouth to speak, but Atyl just put her finger up to her pursed lips signalled for him to be quiet, for some reason the person seemed to just obey, now face to face with the presence of Aclas they backed down and moved out of the way.
The large wooden door swung open, behind the fancy ornate desk was the High Priest, his mouth and eyes flared open with fury and fear, he sputtered out objections to their interrupting of a private meeting. There were ten other people in the room, all robed and cowled. It appeared that Aclas called their bluff and caused them to have an emergency meeting. The people behind the twins looked on a little puzzled as the cogs in their head turned to make sense of this. Soon, it was obvious to all there that the high priest had been spying on his own people.
“This Ends now.” Aclas Declared.
“You are supposed to be a leader of these people, yet here you stand in direct opposition to what the people want, watching us and sending assassins to kill us.”
“You have no proof!” The High priest was on the defensive, he looked around for a way out.
Then another voice echoed in the chamber, it was the oracles “all the proof we need is in your face, in the faces of all your minions here who are trying to hide their guilt, you would sacrifice the wealth fare of this clan just to further your own goals?”
“What would you know of goals and dreams witch? I am the clan and the clan is me, we are the same ergo my goals are theirs. What does it matter to you what is happening? You have your place and that is something I am happy with, why do you intercede on their behalf?”
As the question left a silence in the room, the High Priest quickly raised a small cross bow, took aim, and pulled the trigger.
Thankyou for indulging me once again, we hope that you are enjoying the story, stick around for the next show on our programme and hear how the Doctor is fairing in the CCC. Remember before you go, to just open up a little tab and type Zamnesia in, just have a little wander around in their store, that place for me is better than any game I can find, probably cheaper too, especially if you use the code to buy seeds. Until next time traveller, so long and good health.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Not much to report, they are blooming, there are still some flies and I am still out of Bio Heaven. Aside from that they are doing well, growing up nice and strong. There is a faint smell now. The flies are causing me issues so will likely order up some more spray stuff. I heard once that autos rarely have too many issues with insects as they do not live long enough for them to cause too much damage, but who wants to take that risk? I defoliated some of the lower stuff, but the plant isn't too big or leafy so there isn’t too much to do, just a matter of waiting and feeding.
Welcome weed wanderers, welcome back to the cupboard where stories are born. Take a seat round the fire and light up. We would like to thank Zamnesia for the seeds, they are proving to be a lot of fun in the cupboard, they are also doing very well despite adversity, so go get yourself some seeds and use code: ZAMMIGD2023 to get a regal discount. Let us join this week's episode of “TFTC The Moons and the Black Orchids” where we stand on the edge of a cliff awaiting the outcome of last episode.
The bolt (crossbows fire bolts or quarrels not arrows, just incase you were wondering), sped towards Aclas, the smarter choice of targets as she posed the immediate threat:being strong and fast, however the very qualities that he had hoped to eliminate were the ones that saved her life, she saw the aim of the crossbow, the trajectory it would take, using this she swept to the side whilst using her palm to deflect its flight. There was a wet thudding noise, the sort you get when you stab meat with a sharp object, in the silence of the room it sounded like thunder, all eyes then followed to see where lightning had struck.
The oracle stood there, a look of resignation in her eyes, no expression of surprise or horror, just the look of someone resigned to their fate. There was a swish of fabric as people moved in shock as the oracle dropped with the bolt in her heart.
Violence broke out immediately, not the sort that you would normally expect, where people would stand swords distance apart taking the measure of the opponent, looking for the perfect time to strike. They were in a relatively small room, usually used for small gatherings of between five and ten people, not thirty. In these moments where space is a premium you will often find that time is also of the same premium, it isn’t often the smartest or best trained who win, but the fast and the strong, the fighting immediately took on the form of a brutal mele; people used any weapon they had, often resorting to knives, fists, knees, elbows and teeth. It was bloody from the start, no room for practice ground tactics. THe twins were stunned for a second seeing their mother figure die before their eyes, within that time one noble had already died trying to put a knife into another, so focused on using the knife he had not sorted his footing and went down with the other on top, using his weight and one arm to push the knife to the ground, he used the other hand to quickly plant his thumb as deep as he could into the pinned man's eye, he just kept pushing until resistance turned into mindless twitching.
Fights broke out all around them, Atyl felt a shift in energy, instinct told her that something was drawing elements, the lamps flickered, she drew all the wine and water in the room towards her, it ran across the floor following her pull, she looked at the archpriest, he had a maniacal look on his face, lit in the darkening room by a fire between his hands, he was a flame lode. Their power met in the middle, fire canceled out by water in a puff of steam that had another tow nobles crawling on the floor scorched by the cloud.
A Cleric saw the contest and finished strangling his downed opponent using his chain which heald his symbols of office, one last jerk and a twist created a popping noise. He then grabbed the nobles knife and scurried to within lunging distance of Aclas, as his legs began to drive into the ground and propel himself forward he met a shin to the nose, sounds silly, but you quickly learn that a foot is comprised of lots of small bones, all easy to break, a shin is a solid pole of bone. The combination of the pressures propelling him forward, with the sudden force of the kick sending his head backwards created a crunching noise as his spine bent in ways they were never meant for, his body flipped onto its back and he never moved. Realizing the threat Acals moved around Atyl grappling and hitting anything that tried to disrupt her sister.
Atyl drew the steam to her now, it had cooled to water vapor, but was still water, the lamps were now only giving off a very low light, most of them having been extinguished, no candle on the table or mantle was still lit, barely any source for him to draw from, she stretched out her finger and a jet of vapor swarmed the Priest, it then filled his lungs. There was a path clear between her and the priest, so she leapt over the table and kicked him in the chest, shattering ribs in the process, all the time leaving the vapor in his lungs to suffocate him.
It had only taken a few moments, not even a minute and the fight was over. A priest, a cleric and two nobles had surrendered; only ten of the congregation that joined the twins survived.
They kneeled next to the dead oracle, tears forming in their eyes, a pain that no person wished to understand formed in Acals chest, it burned but no water could put out this fire, it was agony to know she had killed her mother.
“I feel this is a lesson to us sister”, The voice of Atyl rang in her head.
“Fuck off with lessons, do you not feel the pain too?” She replied with hot anger.
“Yes, I feel it and you know this, we can feel it together, but strong emotion does not mean we cannot learn, it simply means that the lessons we are taught stay with us longer.”
“Then what fucking lesson do we learn now that will be of any use?”
“This world and these people are fragile, one turn of our hand may save us, but doom another, maybe even an entire people or race. We will do better, we will do it for the Oracle.”
She nodded, Atyl rested a hand on her sister as she sobbed for a minute uncontrollably, the prisoners were escorted out and confined.
After a time, once the tears stopped, Acals said “one escaped.”
“How do you…”
“The first noise of fabric moving was too heavy for clothing, sounded like a tapestry, there was then a click after that like the sound of a door shutting.”
It did not take too long after they knew where to look, they found the hidden door behind a wall hanging, it opened easily enough when Aclas applied her anger to it via her foot.
“Some sort of Bolt hole.” Acals thought.
“Yes, but only a priest would use it… or…”
They both said “very wealthy noble or king”.
The plot it would seem thickens, it is as though we are in some sort of crappy computer game and the boss fights will just get harder as the scope of setting gets opened up to the audience one step at a time.
Anyway, thank you for joining us and do not forget to check out the seeds at
Farewell traveler and may safety shield you on your way, until next episode, godspeed.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Notes: yeah flowers are progressing and shit is fun. Considering the summer heat, the flies, my bad watering practices this run and everything else it has been through, these seeds are not too bad. Honestly I thought I had killed one of them early on, but the little plant just fought back.
Water is going up in quantity and a little less frequently. PH levels are good, feeding is good but looking to stop in a few weeks, still spraying the root zone with Cannacure, there are only a few flies, but the moment you stop it will turn into thousands and you will lose the plant.
Will try to write more next week, right now I am back from holiday to go to a remote job where I get an hour in the house a day, so things are hectic.
Thank you for tuning in, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions, lots of Love from the cupboard.
Welcome to my little cupboard of happiness fellow travelers, we hope you enjoy today's show of TFTC:The moons and the Black Orchid, brought to you in partnership with Zamnesia: the happy place to get your seeds. Until then, kick back in front of the fire, take a load off and enjoy this week's episode.
The passage was dark, it led straight for a while and then came to a spiral staircase going down, they twins approached and looked down it. There was no light down there as the glow from the room they had just left was shielded from the depths of darkness that the stairs led down to.
“Can you create some light?” Asked Acals.
“The response was a screwed up face, the sort of expression that brings into question a person's intelligence.
“With what? There is no moon light down here.” The reply came a few seconds after Atyl had realized that the facial expression did not convey the message well enough.
They went back and gathered a couple lamps that were in the dead priest's cloister. There were people now retrieving the bodies for burial and burning, the Oracle still lay there still and ghostly pale on a bed of blood. The twins gave her one long look after lighting the lanterns before turning back to the door.
“Where are you two going?” Shouted an officer of the temple guard, he was not challenging them, just trying to get their attention and find out what was going on.
“We are following this path to the conclusion” Replied Acals with a blank uncaring expression, the answer left the officer looking a little confused, but he spoke no more.
The twins followed the stone stairs down, they had no idea where this led to, why it was there was just a guess that someone wanted to come and go without being seen, the Priest likely using it for his meetings with Nobles to assure them of secrecy. Scheming was not a new thing, it was one of the Black orchids specialties, it was something every clan did to and with their own members. For the twins it felt like this walking down the stairs was symbolic of their descent into the treacherous scheming that was far more prevalent outside of the temple walls.
After what felt like an eternity they came to a corridor with support beams, it stretched off as far as the lantern light could pierce the darkness. The ground was wet stone and they could hear drips of water in the distance.
The twins walked forward with more confidence now that trouble could only come from one direction, it led on underground, a warm and very damp tunnel lit only by the light of their two lanterns. There was a trickling noise behind and Acals looked back to see water flowing behind Atyl, following her along the corridor like a very long cloak dragging along the ground.
“Is that necessary?” Acals began “It makes noise which people might hear.”
Atyl stopped “Because our lanterns are so inconspicuous?”
Acals nodded and shrugged in agreement, then they heard it, up ahead was a loud chorus of twangs, straight away Atyl pulled a sheet of water up in front of them while Acals dove and pushed them both up against the wall, a launch of at least twenty quarrels impacted with the water, slowed but flew on, a single quarrel avoided the water and flew towards Acals head, without looking she reached up and grabbed at it, there was a snapping noise as she grabbed it and broke the shaft in one.
“That was close” She said and sped in the direction the noise came from, there they found a scorpion, a siege engine designed to fire multiple quarrels at the same time, ideal for the purpose it just performed. No one was there, but they heard a door open further down just out of lamp light. As they turned to follow there was a loud noise from above of stone moving and gears shifting, there was a louder dripping noise, it soon turned into pouring water just in front of them.
Aclas gave a quick glance to Atyl but she had already turned and was running back the way they came, “guess that was a no then.” she said, turning to sprint after her sister.
As they ran the water began to follow them and made running difficult as the conditions grew slippery. The noise of water rose to a torrent as the door it spew from opened further, Now, it was a wall of water behind them. Atyl stopped and began a dance raising her hands in an attempt to reverse the polarity, something she knew how to do when throwing water at people, but, this was different, she fought hard and help some of it back, but the pressure was just too great and she began to slide as her body felt the power of the torrent pushing at her. Then, just like a burst dam the water came forward as she collapsed from the effort, the stairs were still not in sight as they were both swept down and under the torrent of water, Acals tried to get to her sister, but the torrent ripped her and Acals away from one another, helpless in the current while chasing the shadows you see from the corner of your eye.
Thank you for joining us for this episode of TFTC:The Moons and the Black Orchids, we hope you have enjoyed this episode, but before you step into the wide world out there and continue your journey check out Zamnesia, get your seeds from them with 20% off with code:ZAMMIGD2023. Check out the other programmes on this channel, until next time take care and safe travels, ganja speed my friend.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Notes: fuck knows folks. Flies are slowly disappearing, weather has spiraled upwards in temperature which has led to a few issues, and has had a few dry moments. On the plus side, they are blooming well, flowers have developed and they are very pretty so far, hoping to get that dark fade, but with the temperatures as they are it is not likely I will be able to control that well. I cut out the gro as I am trying to cut back on nitrogen and it seems that the cal mag has some in it, I tend to keep the cal mag on at a decent dose as it helps form and strengthen cell walls etc, well that is what I heard from some fancy Dr person on a podcast.
Welcome adventurers, come sit with me a while and rest your weary soul, the fire is warm and the kettle has boiled, spark up and relax as it is time for another episode of “TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids”, brought to you in partnership with Zamnesia, your friend for an alternative lifestyle. Last week there was drama in the tunnels as traps were laid for our heroic twins, so let us join them again and find out what is in store for our favourite flowers.
The torrent carried them until it came to a stop, as the corridor swiftly filled the twins struggled to reach its surface, a temporary delay as the air remaining was pushed out of the tunnel by the encroaching water. The corridor was now pitch black as the water had doused any flame that produced light. Aclas struggled to find any source of familiarity, she strained to hear her sister, but the torrent which had pushed her wa s a wall of noise as more water rushed in from above.
It was like night and day. One minute he Aclas was treading water, the next she fell to the wet ground, she fumbled in the mud and managed to stand upright, then felt the familiar presence of Atyl, “Sun's burning rays!!” she cursed when she got to her feet. “Shhh, conserve air, breath slowly” Atly replied to her mind, “we need enough air to find our way out, I can push the water away but I cannot create air”. “Can you make light from the moon?” Aclas asked in her mind, “no, I cannot see or access the moon while we are this far underground.”
“Which way?” Aclas asked a simple enough question, however with all the turbulence of the water it was impossible to decide which way was the the way they came from, they also had no idea where the tunnels went or how far they stretched on for.
“I do not know”, Atyl pondered softly.
Then with surety Aclas said “ah easy, this way!”
“Conserve air!” Atyl rebuked, “also how are you s… ah the noise of the water!” She had realized that they would be pushed away from the water's entry, so the opposite side of the noise was the way to the door, so they began walking steadily away from the noise that was rapidly subsiding as the tunnel filled to the top.
They eventually reached the stairs and went up them, returning to the room where they had battled the High Priest and his acolytes, no one remained, the bodies had been taken away now but the red stains were still there as a gory reminder of the night's cost. They both knelt down and touched the blood, still wet but soaking into the floorboards now.
Atyl collapsed into a seating position on the floor, Aclas noticed she was sweating a lot and looked to have run several miles at a hard pace. “What is wrong sister?” She inquired gently, worried that something had harmed her. “Nothing, it is the power required to keep the water from us in the tunnel, moving water takes effort, pushing an entire tunnel off of us was the most exhausting thing I have ever done.”
Aclas sat with her and held her hand, “what now? We have lost our lead?”
“Not so” replied Atyl, “I am pretty sure I know where that water came from but we will need to go now so we can be sure, otherwise they might refill the reservoir”.
“Are you fit to move?” Aclas asked with genuine concern, standing and pulling her sister's hand to help her up.
“I will be fine”
Muddy and wet they walked out of the temple, a number of people gawked at them, it was obvious that news had spread, there was a combination on reverence and holy fervour in people's eyes, without the high priest and oracle, it would appear that religious leadership was now rested at the foot of the twins.
They left the Temple, Atyl seemed to be doing a lot better now, she led Aclas out of the temple and around its wall, for a while they walked, the light of the moon seeming to be even brighter on the path they trod. Eventually Aclas stopped “that window is the stain glass window from the High Priests chambers, that there would be where the stairs go down, the tunnel ran perpendicular to the wall, so it would have gone that way”.
Aclas was catching on now, she could see the logic. “We walked 213 steps until the scorpion and then it was likely another 40 to the water, meaning our quarry would have taken stairs up to that building there.”
“There is a lake of water in the private gardens, I can feel the pull from it, but fainter than I have felt before.”
“Then the quarry we seek is likely to be a resident of this building, it is unlikely anyone but the family living in that mansion would know about the bolt holes.”
“It is a palace, the palace of…”
They both said it together as realization dawned on them “... of the City Stewards, the Azkaz” The most powerful family in the entire kingdom.
More twists have befallen our heroic twins, almost like a computer game of TV series where they set a powerful foe against the heroes, a foe that seems impossible to defeat, but alas, after defeating them they find an even more powerful one. It is as though the writers want to keep the show going for more than 10 episodes, but that would be crazy no one produces great entertainment these days with more than ten episodes a season, well on Jobbie network we do… really? Who wrote this shit? Feels like family fortunes got inseminated by Bob Barker's frozen sperm and the baby wrote the tag lines, I can smell the cheese melting under peoples scrutiny.
Anyway, thank you to Zamnesia, these seeds are fun, even though reading some of this is not. If you wish to have epic adventures in your grow room then visit Zamnesia and use code:ZAMMIGD2023 to help you on your way. Until next week, so long traveller, be well and ganja speed.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Things are going really well, the plants are not as big as I had wished them to be, however, we can easily put that down to me trying to sort my shit out, at the end of the day I do try but I am still learning, also I am often really busy trying to earn money doing my job, fulfilling social responsibilities and most importantly spending time with loved ones.
Exciting news, I actually spent money and got a new tent, yeah, look at me go. The issue I face and sure many other closet growers face is that we grow in secret, no one must know, as a the great philosopher Gadalf once said “keep it secret, keep it safe”. So what ends up happening is that you try to find a tent that fits, this is not easy, my cupboard is not that big, but luckily I found a pretty cool one and wow, when I took the old one out it was in some state, I love my cats so much ut fuck you for using it as a climbing frame, the door was open for five seconds! Anyway, we say goodbye to Jobbies Monster, it has been amazing as this was the first tent I bought.
Apart from that, things are good, I love that one of the plants is in a crescent shape, taking them off nitrogen as we are now hitting what should be the middle of the grow, I am hoping to harvest either right before or right after my holiday.
Hello my old friend, it is so good to see you after so long an absence, please forgive me. Now let us talk less of my time away and let us instead share stories over a warm fire, a good smoke and a nice drink, so rest your soul and let us talk about the goings on of our twins in “TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids”, brought to you in partnership with the amazing Zamnesia. Now let us delve into this ancient story once more.
Standing on the ridge looking down upon the Azkaz estate, the twins watched in quiet contemplation, the most powerful family in the KIngdom was at that meeting, was part of the secret cabal trying to remove the twins.
After an amount of time the twins left the ridge, not much could be done from there, now that the underground tunnel was completely flooded there would be no proving where it led, or where the person traveled to, not to mention the fact that to accuse a family with so much power was a quick way of being buried in a bear cave. It was rumored that Shadria Q’olsa, the families top advisor and right hand to the Steward: Riswol Fedria Azkaz, was a powerful Lode, with no one knowing the true extent of her powers, the only thing anyone knew was that Lady Shadria had often buried her opponents in sand, whilst they were still alive.
Atyl stopped on the steps winding down the cliff face, she looked at her sister “I could call the mons power and burn the entire estate down… at the very least blind anyone near a window”.
“And then what? First of all, you are still weak from saving us, second, do you think we can take on the entire Kingdom?” Aclas said with exasperation in her voice, frustration showing, it seemed to them that they had run into a wall.
“We need to stop them…” Atyl began but Aclas interrupted, “Stop them doing what? We know nothing about who is trying to kill us, it could have been anyone from that estate, we have no proof.”
“That is just it! You are too concerned with the opinions of others, who cares about proof when we know.”Atyl protested.
“Because if we have no proof then we become the biggest enemy, the one thing that separates tyrants and heroes is legitimacy. Both of them are said to kill people, but heroes do it for a purpose everyone knows, Tyrants do it for a purpose only they understand.” Aclas explained, with frustration in her voice.
“So you are saying we need to prove to others that something bad is going on?” Atyl figured, an expression on her face as though her brain was working overtime.
“wait!”Atyl yelped in Aclas’s mind. “We need to go back to the High Priests.” With that she turned around and began walking back towards the temple, determined in her step she strode through the Temple and back to the High Priest's Office.
“Stop them taking the files, they cannot burn them” Atyl told her sister.
“Of course, they will be hoping that tradition removes the trail. HEY! Put everything back!”
It had been a long standing tradition held for a few thousand years, traitors' possessions were burned. Some felt it had come from when they were nomadic, it was a way to disinherit the family and force them to start again. Some people believed that anything belonging to the Traitor would be like poison to the hearts of the Loyal. Either way, if they were burned like tradition dictates then evidence might be lost.
The twins quickly grabbed everything that was about to be burned and took it back to the office. There the twins sat and went through what they could find of the most recent writings, he had an odd symbol next to some of his log book entries, these entries were cryptic and said very little, it would take time to piece the puzzle back together, was this time something they had, would they manage to retrace the steps before it was too late. They worked day and night to figure out what to do.
Rather them than me, all those books and reading, that is why we invented television, sure people still have books on their shelves, but that is most often done in an attempt to impress other people. Ray Bradbury might have written Fahrenheit 451 not as a warning about the future, but instead to convince us not to take books for granted, that if you aren't going to read them, you might as well burn them. We would like to thank Zamnesia, they have been amazing and are always my first stop when needing something to grow. Until next time my friend, be well and ganja bless you on your journeys.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Notes: Had a mini purge of the soil, just a flush ass I thought the PH was a bit off, back to normal now. You will notice that due to the heat their has been some foxtailing, this is a blessing and a curse: yay extra weed, a blessing, but it puts you in this weird limbo stage, due to the foxtailing happening when my buds are getting close to finishing, then do we just cut them down and accept the young tails, or wait another few weeks and have the tails mature and turn red. FIND OUT NEXT WEEK…
Kidding, I shall wait.
Aside from that, here are the thoughts: the smell is really odd, not in a bad way (no rot or strong pepper), it has this weird rich floral and sticky smell. The plants are not as big as I was sort of hoping, but I am happy with them, they look really cool and new weed is always fun.
Welcome travelers, come and join me by the fire, put your feet up, roll a smoke and get a drink, then I will tell you of the next episode of “TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids” brought to you by Zamnesia, your friends when looking for new things to try. Now that you are sitting comfortably, it is time to join our favorite twins in Ishka for another adventure,
As it turned out, there was a lot more searching than they thought possible, each drawer and cupboard in the Arch Priests room was in fact a well kept filing system of information on every one of the noble families. The system he used to catalog them was a cipher, without the key they were in no discernible order, so they searched.
It grew apparent to the twins from what they read that he was using this information to blackmail families and maintain an iron grip on his congregation.
After hours of silence Aclas broke the silence with an idea “what if we use this information to do good?”.
“Maybe that was his idea in the beginning.” Atyl mused to her sister.
“We are not the same as he was” she said with a glance to the stain where he had died.
“No you are correct, maybe he was not the same as he was when he died.” Atyl probed.
“Are you saying that we would become like him if we were to use these files? That is a little mean, also, there is so much information here that we could change things for the people, we could influence the families to good.” there was a fervor in her voice that indicated a genuine desire to do some good with what they had found.
“We could try that, however, I have the feeling that this form of voyeurism is what corrupted him, doing shit things just makes you shit in the end, there is no escaping it.” Atyl said with a matter of fact tone.
“That is a fair point. Do you really think that these files are so bad?” Aclas inquired.
“I think the details on these files are so intimate and broad in nature, that the collecting of such information was a depraved act. My only worry is that no one should know of their existence, anyone with this information would be easily corrupted by the inherent power contained within them.”
There was another silence, they continued searching until finally they found a single letter hidden in a small box, it had no name, but there was a broken seal, the seal of the Azkaz family, a bat flying over a crescent moon, the letter read.
My dear friend, the time is almost here. The families that would oppose our plan are now so utterly under your coercion that they would not dare to stand against us. Thanks to your long standing attempts to dig up every piece of information regarding the nasty habits of our noble friends, we now have them fully cowed.
Soon the white flies will be here with vengeance, they will come with fire and cleansing, they will usher in a new age of strength for our people, no longer will we hold up in the mountains scratching a meager existence, soon we will be basking in the light of the sun, enjoying the fruits the valley tribes have to offer in trade.
The twins are a problem, soon we will need to be rid of them, either by your hand or by the hand of the white flies. If we can do this then it would ingratiate ourselves with the new regime, it would also show that we are still powerful, we are worthy of alliance rather than an attempt to subjugate.
Until the glorious day, the third birth of the moon, at its zenith. Stay well, and see what you can do with those pesky idols of a long out of date belief.
The time for the new horizon has come, let the sun rise, and with it we will also rise.
“We finally have it” Aclas held the paper above her head in triumph.
“Was that it?” Atyl questioned.
“As far as I can see, yes. Finally we have…” Aclas was going to celebrate, until Atyl cut in.
“What you have there is nonsense, lots of it makes no sense, also, we have no idea who wrote it. What we do have is a date and a possible place where it will happen.”
“It is clearly referencing the white flies, which are most likely the secret warriors of the White Lilly Clan, it would also then be the valleys they live in as the one in the letter” She pressed.
“Maybe, it is also possible that after the Arch Priest’s actions people would be willing to follow us in a coup, or it is just as likely that they would not. The instability of losing two religious leaders is one ordeal for the people to handle, but a full revolt against the stewards to the dark and empty throne in another thing, chaos would be the next step.”
“What if we used the files, just this once, tell the nobles that this needs to happen and we will destroy the files once they cooperate.” Aclas presented a good plan, it made Atyl think for a while until the silence was once again broken by her letting out a deep sigh.
“The families would resent us for the action, no one likes blackmail, they would see us as nothing more than a couple of power hungry youths willing to do anything to climb higher.”
“So? Once it is done then we can worry about the implications after” Aclas pressed again.
“Look around you, every family is here, imagine all of that resentment, using their own secrets to force them to do as we wish. They might not be able to kill us, but they would definitely use their power to drag us into the mud, they would have the world hating us by the end of the thirteenth lunar life.”
“Then there is only one choice, we need to wait for whatever is going to happen.”
“Yes sister, that was my conclusion as well. However, we are not powerless. The people love us, more now than ever, because we hold more sway than any single noble family among the clan.”
“What does that mean?” Aclas inquired with a hint of confusion.
“I have no idea, as you said, we have no clue what is going to happen, however to have this power behind us is a great strength for whatever will happen.
So the twins burned all of the papers, all of the secret documents. They then waited to see what would happen.
Sorry to keep you so long with our tale tonight, I hope you have enjoyed this longer episode as we only have a few more to go. Thank you for joining us, on your travels we would recommend stopping by the great Zamnesia caravan, it has all you need to live a better, happier life. Until next time friends, enjoy the little things, take care of yourself and travel well.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
As mentioned there are only a few more episodes, to be 100% honest there is not much to write. They are getting older. I am thinking of stopping nutrients soon, they are doing well, flower is boring as we all know what normally happens, the little foxtails are fine and are no longer growing so should be ready in a few weeks. If you have any questions, fire them below.
I have been playing with AI to make images, let me know what you think… They are weird.
Welcome travelers of the tripping type. We are here once again for another episode of “TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids”, brought to you by your friends at Zamnesia who, for some reason, have stuck with me and my utter irresponsible lifestyle. Now friends, put your feet up, relax, light up and let us enjoy this week's episode.
Currently having issues, with uploading emojis, sorry folks, will wait one day or so before I go back and edit if GD hasn't fixed it.
They prepared for an event that was not yet apparent, preparing for anything and everything. The kind of stress that uncertainty gives a body of people became apparent, the tension was palpable, like tight cords squeezing everyone together. It took its toll, people were in a frenzy of activity, doing any job they could think of, the important and less important, someone even got around to cleaning the old arch priests rooms. You often find that a constant amount of stress makes you do anything that will distract you from the uncertain reality you live in.
Then it happened one day, at sunrise a lookout came rushing through the city's main gate house, an army was half the day behind them, a host of the valley people with a train of wagons to help support them. The valley lilies were coming to finish the job, to wipe out the Black orchids.
It was like a wave of activity, everyone jumping into positions and seeing to the defences: gathering the last of the food they could, making sure the weapons were at the ready, gathering everyone behind the walls etc.
There was no real army in the city, with the requirements for survival being so demanding up this high in the mountains, most work was dedicated to subsistence, relying on the natural barrier between the small city and the outside world to protect them. For a while it had, but today was not a day for regrets, for when the time for action arrives, the time for preparation has passed.
People had made makeshift armour and weapons, they lined the walls, everyone from men to women and youths barely able to lift the rocks lying in piles on top of the walls. Yes they could just open the gate and let the invaders in, the invaders might be kind, they might be better than previous rulers from their own people. However, what sort of people would they be if they just gave up with zero fight, what would future generations think of them if they gave up what was theirs with zero intent to save it, what would they inherit? A place under someone's foot, nothing to call their own?
They stood, they stood and stared as the host came into sight under a noonday sun. There must have been a thousand warriors and at least that again in the baggage train. Ahead of them was their King on a palanquin of lilies made of silver and gold, he was flanked by two slender people wearing veils and robes, they must be Lodes as that is what this people dressed them in… where did they get two? Lodes were rare, they also for whatever reason they do not play well together. Outside of the Lode’s there were twenty Royal Guards surrounding them.
They marched to within bow shot. Something happened that they did not expect, the Steward made an appearance; he had been less than popular as rumours had circulated about his duplicity. He was on his black steed with a retinue of house guards around him, he approached the gates and demanded them to open so he could parlay with the invaders.
The twins looked at each other… not on their life would he be going without them, so they descended the stairs as the gate guards began wilting under his constant barrage of insults about them and members of their family.
“Thanks gents, we will escort the steward to his meeting.”Aclas called out to the guards as she flanked the steward, his guards were surprised and almost drew their weapons until she grabbed the reins of the horse and smiled at them, then they noticed Atyl, she just winked at them as the blood fled their features.
“I do not remember you having authority over me!” The steward said in a commanding tone.
“Don’t remember ever giving a shit for authority, as you can see it is easy to take, now, shut up and we will do the talking to your friends.”
He was dumb founded, his mouth hung open but Aclas paid no attention, she just walked out of the gates leading his horse, and so the two sides met to discuss terms. The start of something had happened, it was a moment which could shape the future, if there was a future to be shaped.
It appears our time is over, thanks once again to Zamnesia, a company who I can spell the name of better than my own. It feels that things in our story are speeding up, almost as though the writers are bad at pacing a story, much like GoT when the first 7 seasons covered only about 4 or 5 years, then the last season of 3 episodes covered the same length of time… I think in the future this will be called whiplash. Until next time, friend, take care.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Notes. Yeah it is okay, I was on holiday and my friend was watching the plants for me. The first night the fan manages to tear itself free and jump on to the twins, nothing broken, just mangled, they made it though, so the story goes on.
Once again we find ourselves together in this cupboard, here to enjoy “TFTC: The Moons and the Black Orchids” and, each other's company, thanks to Zamnesia for making the path to here a lot easier for all of us. Last episode we saw the Light army appear, we were left just as they were going to meet under a flag of parlay, let us join them once again and see where this meeting will go.
A cold wind blew over the mountain valley, pulling dust and debris over the path in front of each party, they progressed towards one another, both of them looking for possible ambush. They met in the middle, there were uneasy stares were directed at the twins, everyone was on edge, poised for the possibility of conflict.
“Ah, greetings, high steward.” The King on his palanquin called out to them, he was trying to ignore the twins flanking him.
“Have you come to satisfy the terms of our arrangement?” He said this in a more conspiratorial tone and volume, as though his words were a secret others outside of the meeting were not allowed to hear.
“Yes your highness I have” As he spoke Aclas led the horse in a circle, not to do anything other than be petty by making the steward look silly as he constantly craned his neck to speak directly to the king. This act appeared to annoy them both the Steward and the King. Using the horse as a shield for the motion, the steward raised his foot out of the stirrup to kick Aclas, she deftly caught the blow in her hand and with a quick jerk of her wrist a popping noise came from his ankle. The steward's face went red as he held the pain in.
Facing the King again it was Aclas’s turn to speak.
“I think you will find young sir, that whatever arrangement you made was nothing more than hubris by the part of this, person.” She said it with a matter of fact expression and tone.
“The city is not yours, it never will be, take your army home and save the blood shed.”
There was a second of silence, in which the king and steward nodded to one another. Then all hell broke loose as both sets of guards pulled weapons, archers appeared from craggy rocks and drew their bows, everyone's focus was on the twins.
Atyl was not surprised, she pulled water from barrels and water holes they had placed around to aid defence and raised a barrier of water to block arrows. Aclas smacked the horse on the rump and it sped towards the king, the subsequent arrow fire was muted by the swirling water barrier, however the Stewards horse had rode through it, there was a thud as he fell to the dirt with an arrow sprouting from his neck, friendly fire is always an oxymoron.
Atyl maintained the shield as Aclas rounded on the guards. She quickly jumped at the first one using her foot to deflect his sword, using the motion to spin her body so the other foot could lash out and catch the side of his head, there was a crack of vertebrae being pushed beyond it’s limits, his body collapsed onto the ground lifeless.
As Aclas landed she used it to dip under a sword swipe directed at her neck, continuing to spin and take her attackers feet from beneath them, then used knife hand to destroy the throat. Another swung down at her, she pivoted into him ducking under the arc of the sword and used his strength to throw him over her shoulder and onto the dirt, using him as a shield she took the time to rip his carotid artery out with her teeth. Blood went everywhere.
She stood up still with flesh in her teeth and faced the rest of the guards as blood dripped to the ground. They all froze.
When you are facing multiple opponents there are a few key rules: attack first, attack fast, stay moving, also, do something so utterly terrifying that each of the other attackers will rethink every life choice that led them to this point, be a bigger monster than they would ever want to face. It worked, the rest of the guards backed away and then began running.
Aclas turned to see her twin’s shield absorb the incoming arrows, it was no more than child's play from all the effort it apparently caused her. Then a glow began radiating through the shield of water.
“That is not me” Atyl spoke through their bond in a worried and confused tone.
The light was blinding, as though the sun's radiance had been intensified, then the heat hit the shield and in a puff of vapour it evaporated. Aclas ran as fast as she could towards her sister, the archers were reloading and drawing their bows, she leapt as the thrum of bow strings sounded around them. They clattered to the ground with the whistle of arrows all around them.
They sucked in dusty breath and gained a crouching position.
“Time to leave” Said Atyl, “We are in a poor position and their Lodes will make life difficult for us”.
“We will need to move across some open ground, dodging an arrow is easy, dodging twelve and two angry loads will be impossible” Aclas hastily whispered, hoping that the enemy couldn't hear them. They were behind a crag of rocks, taking advantage of what scant protection there was available on the killing field outside of the city walls.
More arrows whistled overhead, it sounded like the archers were keeping up a sustained barrage, the situation was a bad one, they were pinned down and facing superior numbers. Then Atyl made a few gestures pulling water out of a nearby bucket and launching it at an archer sneaking round to incircle them, as that one fell gurgling from a bucket of water trying to fit down his throat another came into view, bow drawn and pointing at her sisters back, an easy kill shot at this short range.
Thunk, the archer went down with an arrow sprouting from their neck, the bow released its arrow in an uncontrolled way causing the arrow to hit the dirt near them. They looked back in the direction it had come from, there they both saw a sortie of around 20 guards coming from the city, bows in hand, loosing arrows at the archers. Aclas decided to risk a peak over the rocks, there she saw the king and his retinue were retreating from the field, the archers fighting a rear-guard action, they could hear the king screaming at his two Lodes for the missed opportunity.
With the opposition party in full retreat, they ran for the city walls and the rescue party. Behind them they could hear the trumpets, sounding the advance. They would try and rush the gates hoping they wouldn’t close in time, a move of a general either desperate for a quick end, or confident in their numbers to risk men.
It appears we have an old fashioned ambush. One important lesson to learn in life; rules only matter if you are not powerful enough to cast them aside, others will if they feel they can get away with it. Thank you Zamnesia for the wonderful seeds, they go above and beyond to give you and I the best options for our journeys in life. Till next time friend, keep your eyes open and your joint lit.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Notes: Last of bloom means starvation for the knife, like a model skipping food in exchange for water and tissue paper, this growth is now on the same diet pretty much. They are doing well, smell nice and look decent.
Jobbie here at Jobbie studios. When we were working out which strains to grow, we read the disruption of this strain and instantly our interest was piqued with selling points like "Tokers are in for a real feast when enjoying Black Orchid, as it mixes seemingly incompatible aromas into a surprisingly pleasant bouquet", the flavours were... Special.
I was getting hints of molasses and flowers, not so much of the citrus, the cheese was there in its sharp earthy tones, more of a background flavour that made the floral and thick sweetness quite confusing, but this just means you need to smoke more of it, just one more toke, think I pinned the flavour down there... one more then.
I tried smoking this in a few situations, parties was a bad idea, well, it was fun and trippy, but then your brain starts analysing things, and the fun starts to go away, you still enjoy yourself, but it is like watching things through a TV, you just spectate and contemplate. Very cerebral strain, quite talkative too.
Growing was pretty straight fowards, utterly no issues, I will be growing this again soon.
Here we are again friends, upon the precipice of something great, or is it just another episode of “TFTC:The Moons and the Black Orchid”, brought to you by everyone's favourite friend Zamnesia: the only trip advisor I trust… well them and my friend Bob. Last week a full blown siege was just about to start, lots of fighting and bloodshed, let us see what this week has to offer shall we?
They came at the city walls in a rush, little regard for order or battle lines, the only imperative in this operation was to get to the walls as fast as possible, after all it would only take one or two of these men to stop the gates closing. The rescue party rushed for the gates, Atyl threw water behind her in an attempt to slow the rush. It wouldn't be enough, they were too close and it took a while to close the gates, they were massive and needed mechanical operation, the sorte gate would be a diversion that would end in death. They were about to turn until they saw the Stewards guard riding out of the gate with their lances in hand, the horses lined up quickly and then charged.
“Lights balls, they are going to finish the job” Aclas breathed, then above the charging horde and thumping hooves came a call from the riders, “Move!!” They rushed to the side calling to the rescue party to follow them to the sorte gate. Half expecting the Stewards Guard to swerve in their direction and follow, they were left in shock as they instead rode straight at the front runners of the horde: against light infantry in a loose formation, even the few cavalry would mow down a horrible number, the war horses being trained and bred to run full speed through people, crushing bones, rending flesh and spreading fear. The group reached the gate and slipped through. They could hear while entering the massive thud of the gates closing, the horsemen were going to die, there was no retreat.
The forces of the valley threw themselves at the walls, but the gates were closed, thanks to the sacrifices of the horsemen. It was a massacre, but a short one. Without siege equipment the soldiers just huddled under shields while returning arrow fire, but people behind walls always beat people on the ground, the two Lodes moved to within striking distance, they were shielded by a retinue of Royal guards, they tried to throw fire, but walls don’t burn very well, the gates were stone and Iron, the light shows kept some heads down on the battlements, a few people were blinded, but the efforts were costing them, in Lode energy and in troops. They withdrew after a short fight and settled in for a siege.
A day passed until they came back, this time with quickly made ladders from the local forest.
“Siege towers would work better”. Aclas said to her sister.
“Siege towers from untreated pine? Might as well put your men in a cook pot for us too” It did not come from Atyl, it was a wall guard standing near them who chimed in, they both turned their heads to stare at this old man, he was gnarled with a beard and straggly hair poking out from under a metal skull cap, he held a spear that seemed to be in a mutual learning exchange with the man.
“What? We are turning into pompous shits like those folks, am I not allowed to interject?”
Aclas’s face screwed up but felt the need to ask “Why?”
“Bless ya lass, but you wouldn't know being from the fancy monastery, but the wood is sap heavy, it will be supple, not good for making rigid towers, also the sap when it lights burns dirty, chokes you to breathe. Mind you, ladders made from the same stuff will be a ball ache to climb. Poor bastards.”
They stared at him a second longer, then it was killing time.
The Guard was correct, the ladders were poor, it was a slaughter on both sides as the lack of numbers meant that a few places on the wall got breached, but the twins were soon there to drive them back and set fire to the ladder.
It was another three days before something else happened, the two lodes walked out of camp, then knelt in the dirt, they each took the knife from their belt and stuck it in the ground hilt in the air. They just sat there and watched the walls, the wall guards got the twins to come and take a look.
They stood at the top of the gate house watching them, confused by the scene, then a familiar voice piped up, it was the guard from the attack “looks like they want a fight”.
Everyone looked at him, it appeared his thoughts on siege tools had become a rumour, some of the guards looked at him with awe at being able to divine meaning from these things.
“How would you know that?” Aclas asked with suspicion that he is more that he appears.
“Well young lady, it is because I am a living God, thousands of years old, birthed from the mountains themselves.”
Everyone stopped who was within hearing distance, only the wind could be heard whispering to people, almost a divine sign of his potency.
Then he broke the silence with a loud shout, almost like he had hit his toe “Ahhhhhahahahahaha”, he continued laughing holding on to his spear for support as tears ran down his face.
“Is he the god of laughter?” Atyl asked in a dry sarcastic way, Aclas lost it and joined the man in great rolls of laughter as she tried to explain what her sister had said.
Everyone else was laughing now, some of them were relieved that no divine punishment had happened while laughing.
“So wait, you aren’t a God?” A young guardsman asked him, a little confusing on his face.
“No lad, I just couldn't help myself.”
“Then how do you know what they are doing?” Asked Atyl through Aclas, he looked straight at Atyl and said “what the hell else is she doing? They came here to kill us, they have stuck the daggers in the dirt which is either a signal for what they want to do to you or saying no weapons in a straight fight”.
“How did you know it was my sister who…”
“I opened my eyes, you two always look at each other when speaking, and you can see your throat moving as though you are talking to yourself, it isn’t a divine gift, just years of watching the world.”
The twins looked at each other, all eyes were on them as the guards' idea was the best one they had to work with. “Shall we?” Atyl said through their bond, “let us not keep them waiting” her sister replied.
They walked down the killing field, it was covered in scorch burns, the blood had mixed with the water, dried and been absorbed by the earth, it had created a pattern of dark spots that decreased in frequency the further you got from the walls, as though the walls had exploded with blood
As they walked closer, the two Lodes who were kneeling stood and walked towards them, around 20 paces away they all stopped, it felt like a good distance, pretty much the spot that they had met on the first day.
“Cover me and I will try to get close, one good kick to the face should put them down” Aclas said through the link, the two before them appeared to be making plans as well as they spoke quietly together. “Look around for another ambush” Atyl said, but the surrounding area looks unprepared, which anyone would understand is what an ambush should look like.
Aclas adjusted her stance to give her the best start in moving. Atyl did the same, flexing her fingers and feeling the pull of the water nearby, they had used the foray gate to refill the barrels and buckets.
With a single twitching move it happened, everyone moved, fire blossomed towards them, a wave obscuring vision, the wall of water slammed closed in front of them bursting into steam as it met the fire, the steam rushed forward and met a wall of fire, then there was a battle of forces, a war of wills, fire pushed against steam and water, it looked like Atyl was winning as her force moved slowly towards the Fire Lode.
Aclas darted to her left, right in time to avoid a beam of light directed at her, she ran in a spiral closing in on the Light Lode, she noticed that the feeling of searing light heat was no longer following her, it had been a ruse, the knew what she would try, the Light Lode had ran forward and to the side, letting her flank Atyl, she would be blind sided (pun intended). Aclas dropped low, herr left foot out to slow, right tucked under to pounce in the other direction, right hand keeping balance close to the ground, she leapt forward, speeding through the air, the audacity to turn their back on her irked, she connected with the light lode as she was lifting her hand, she was catapulted forward with a kick to the back, she tumbled but managed to sprawl and get into a crouch. The fight paused, all looking at her, surprised by her immense speed.
“Rush them, we have…” Atyl had begun to speak through the link, urgency in her voice.
“We can hear you, how do you both do that?” It was the Light Lode speaking. Everyone froze, “you can hear me?”
“Yes”, said the Fire Lode, “Can’t everyone… oh wait, you didn’t move your lips.”
“Can you only speak to Lodes” Aclas asked.
“We have rarely been apart, have you noticed me talking to anyone else?” Atyl mocked.
“Point taken, is it just Lodes?”
“Again, how am I supposed to know? This is our first opportunity to knowingly meet one.”
“Food for thought, but first…” Aclas leapt forward again. The battle continued.
They fought for a few hours, until each of them was barely standing. It was a stalemate.
Over the next week there was slaughter, another two poorly planned attacks barely beaten with a hasty defense. Twice more the Lodes met to fight, same outcome each time.
Soon there were no more attempts to scale the walls, just the Lodes battling it out, desperate for any advantage to break the deadlock. It had been around 40 days since they had arrived and spring was in full swing, watered with the blood of death and slaughter.
Feels like this has been rushed, however this closet is boring and the show fills the time till the feeling comes back in my feet. Glad you could spend some time with us, thanks to Zamnesia, they are the one stop holiday trip shop. Check them out and find yourself another place of happiness in this crappy world. Until next time, friends, keep moving forward.
Parents - Gelato x OG Kush x Ruderalis
Genetics - Indica-dominant
Flowering Type - Autoflowering
Flowering Time - 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest
THC - 17%
CBD - Low
Height (Indoor) - 110cm
Height (Outdoor) - 150cm
Yield (Indoor) - 500-550 gr/m²
Yield (Outdoor) - 50-100 gr/plant
Sex - Feminized
Cannot believe I am here at this point! Yes they are dead! Their remains are hanging in my cupboard. Harvest is always a bit of a hard one, feels like the work is done but really you have only finished the second event in a triathlon. Some might argue the most important part is to come.
Me gustan las imágenes, son únicas! "“What does that mean?” Aclas inquired with a hint of confusion.
“I have no idea, as you said, we have no clue what is going to happen, however to have this power behind us is a great strength for whatever will happen."
@AsNoriu, Thanks buddy, I shall need to keep an eye on my bottles, six months is not a long time to use them up in a small grow like I have. Your advice is most welcome thank you.
@Jobbie, root juice is pgr, plant growth regulator, despite beeing organic version of push, its still a push ...
Any biobizz bottle goes darker with time and oxidation, 6 month in dry, dark cool place is max you can keep open.
Check manufacturers page for real colours, some vendors even sends out changed colour, aka old bottles.
All the Best !!!
thanks for the tips, will definitely use it less next time, mutations can be annoying and now that you mention it, there have been a triple node, would have been good if I was topping, but I am not.
BioHeaven is amazing, sadly I opened it recently and was hit with the overwhelming smell of rotten waste, yes I know supps smell odd, but my nose is rarely wrong, so half a bottle went into the bin and was needing to find time to go buy some more. Sourced now, so the plants are happy.
girl on the right front is obviosly gets overwatering, she need a bit of extra potash too( red leaf stem, but could be related to watering that sign). Maybe she needs a bit less water or even she needs her own sheduel. i was playing with quantities to return all to same day, but ussually its better to water each when needed and with right amount for pot/plant size.
@SlowpokeFuegobud, Yep, Strike is over Pokey, got too bored as I tried watching Netflix but realised it was mostly shite! Back to writing and growing for me.
@Patricia_Zamnesia, They are fighting like champions, to be fair with the grow tent I have and some of the issues my over anxious growing style creates, they are doing really well. Anything other than death is pretty good. :D
@Ju_Bps, It is between a 11 and 12 fabric pot, doing well but I do not feel that I got the most out the plants, this is likely as I am still pretty new to Autos.