At the end of last week I ordered some ratchet strap light hangers and a hygrometer so that I can hang my light in the tent when I get the corner pieces and begin to monitoring the environment as the plants get used to being in the tent. My gf's mom brought the corner pieces up to me this weekend so now I can get my tent all set up once I get the light hangers. Got my light hangers and hygrometer in the mail on Monday so I was able to get the tent fully set up and the plants into it. Plant #4 was beginning to dry and shrivel up so i removed it from the setup, leaving me with 3 plants. The added light from the reflective surfaces was great for the plants, as well as being in their own designated environment. They are growing really quickly now compared to how fast they were growing without the light. Ive been having trouble with my soil being too muddy and holding too much water. It definitely is cheap soil and not exactly what they need to be in so I am going to start looking looking into some other soil options. Ive definitely been overwatering too so I am going to water less and try to let the soil dry out more between waterings. Humidity is still too high but that is normal for the climate in VT during the late summer. Looking forward to fall and lower humidity levels.
@HighTV, Thanks for checking in!! I've definitely made my fair share of mistakes with this one since it's my first grow but this strain has been extremely forgiving and has been a fantastic one to learn on. I definitely want to run this strain again but next time I really want to get some actual Kens GDP from Seedsman instead of running bag seed. If mine comes out looking anything like yours Im going to be a very happy guy!
It turned out to be a mite called hypoaspis miles. I thought they were spider mites and spent like two weeks trying to kill them until I found out that they were beneficial and kill fungus gnats haha