Day 23:
Removed 4 first stages secondary branches.
Rearranged the plants inside the tent.
Day 25:
( 14 cm - 18 cm )
Leaves are a little smaller than some other strains at the same stage, plants use to overlap more to each others with some other strains, but I should flip them to flowering at the end of the week anyway.
I might need to treat for thrips with spinosad when the plants get bigger in 2 weeks or so. I suspect an infestation is starting with two plants
Day 26:
Damage from thrips start to spread on some new leaves, so i will treat with spinosad today before light off. Plants are big enough to handle the treatment i think.
@Jim_Nirvana, Sup Jim, for sure but i have already some bubble kush, and wonder woman coming soon π and my friend Orchydis has some wonder woman and white widow coming next as well π