Sun May 14 - I fed the plants with Microbial Mass Pro, CannaMax Silica, RapidStart, Diamond Nectar and Floralicious.
- the smaller plants have a slight yellowing happening on the leafs. Nothing too yellow…just a tad.
- Plants are looking good. The bit of yellow on 2 of the smaller plants seems to be fading a bit to green.
Mon May 15 - Churned the soil a bit to aid in the drying of the soil
Tue May 16 - Plants are looking good. They are all growing and already look different from the yesterday...even the
stunted one… It looks like it turned a corner and will now start to grow.
Wed May 17 - I fed the plants with CannaMax Silica, RapidStart, Diamond Nectar and Floralicious.
- The plants are really taking the nutrients…no nutrient burn at all
Thu May 18 - I churned the soil… I find that it helps with drying out the soil while the plants are still young.
Sat May 20 - I fed the plants with CannaMax Silica, RapidStart, Diamond Nectar and Floralicious.
- Plants are looking really healthy. They are loving the nutrients.