Hi Growmies, how are you doing?
Basically this week was relaxed in the garden. Love to see how these girls develop day by day.🌞🌱
First irrigation with fertilisers took place when the soil was almost dry with PH 6,2. de-chlorinated water.💦
Thinking about to transfer them to their final pot but have to wait as the new batch of mycorrhiza has not yet arrived.👨🌾🏻🍄
They grew quite tall, which is a good sign because I read that growers struggled that she didn't grow tall enough and was hard to make trainings.
I didn't really measure the lamp distance, but the goal was to reach 600 ppfd by the weekend and that’s where we are at the moment. I will keep around this range until end of the vegetative period.
Next week the fun begins with the trainings etc.
See you soon!🍪🍦
@Crashoverite, yeah buddy. It really should be transplanted to the final 25litre pot but still waiting for the mycorrhiza…
Thanks for checking in, mate.👊🌱
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, i got ya. This strain became popular in the past year. Looking forward to seeing her growing in your garden. Which seed bank is it?