WE ARE ONLY IN THE FOURTH WEEK... Here we are, in the middle of our life's journey, as the most important Italian poet would say, except that here we are already in advanced flowering. Very advanced. I dive in there with my nose several times a day, I look at her enchanted and minutes pass as if I were watching naked mermaids bathing and calling me "Bred and buds Bread and buds". Wow what flowers. Beautiful, fragrant, I raised Money Maker and they are very similar to us, I have never had the pleasure of raising Attitude but this first time was magnificent.
I would like to say a few words about this honest breeding work that Greenhouse Seeds is doing: as you may have noticed, all the breeders, especially the big ones, offer American genetics that they obtained by crossing Californian super strains with their own. Now if this happens secretly even if everyone has done it, it's not beautiful, it's not beautiful for the original breeder and it's not beautiful for the genetic line that gets confused. For some time now, Greenhouse has been creating partnerships with the best American breeders, doing the same cross-breeding work with their own plants, but by declaring the origin of the American strain, the genetic line is not lost and Cesare is given what belongs to Cesare for the creation. of the USA strain.
In any case, this strain is scary, whether you are American or European, think about it!
After this week, unfortunately you will see her caged, she needs to be supported, I can't hold her alone anymore.
Another fantastic NEWS made in GHSC featuring The Attirude seed bank from USA >>>
>>> https://shop.greenhouseseeds.nl/it/feminised-cannabis-seeds/gran-jefa/
>>> https://www.attitudeseedbankusa.com/feminized-seeds
>>> My favorite feeding at the moment
>>> Music of the week >> Radio Nula from Slovenia https://radionula.com/
"I can see the light"
>>> https://marshydro.eu/negozio/?lang=it
***Sorry sometimes write like an animal. My English teacher is dead. Rest in peace Miss.
@Ju_Bps, Super girl really fast and full of juice is a featuring GHSC with Attitude seeds bank, love this declaration of cross we understood better what we are growing
@DevilDice, “These flowers are very very beautiful, hard, but as hard as a stone, not a normal compact flower, they could hurt someone if thrown like stones. They could break windshields. Jokes aside, marble.😅😅😅😅"