Hi there growers!
Day 7 of flower.
Super healthy growth, she's vigorous, as a Gelato should be.This week I applied LST to the main stem. It turned out as I wished, now in the stretch we'll see how the other branches grow.
The apical is retained, I think she's forming the main flower. From what I've seen from some friends, these girls they may take their time but then deliver their final punch.
At the beginning of the week I made a Top Dress of Diatomaceous earth and LST, with her respective watering. In the middle of the week I gave a boost watering accompanied by Mycorrhizae.Last watering just water. All Ph 6.5 .
In this week that will begin I will give her a Top dress for flowering.I want the soil to have everything it needs ready for her when needed.
We'll continue next week, happy growing!