Welcome to my THC BOMB AUTOFLOWER sponsored MSNL (seed company).
Days 22-26
I noticed she was starting to come into the stretch week (week before/of an auto flip to pre flower). She took off the last 4-5 days. I'd call pre flower when you start seen pistils. Until then. She's in her stretch mode. So, no more nodes will grow. She'll slowly build up her hormone to throw her into pre fower. This can take 10-20 days with fems. Autos can be up to 4-10 days depending on her DLI and hours of light + stress factors come into play. During this period keeping temperatures and light spectrums (if controlled) in a veg stage.
Methods, Nutrients, low ppm while prepping herself to flip.
I have cut all grow on day 20 so no NPK is given but a small bit of N thats in fish force. Just been keeping a close eye on her. I've noticed light tip burn on 1 leaf. So, she's a lot of nutrients left in her soil. So, hopefully she'll eat her grow. Power roots, pure zym & Fish Force have all that she'll have this week. I might on day 27 or so start her on a light course of Alga Bloom. Maybe 100-150 ppm added to tap to help the organic process kick in. Hard Defoliation was done, doing this is a risk at earlier stages when growing Autos. So, now I only take leafs off after she starts her flip process. All major fan leafs from under nodes were only removed the rest of her was left be as they'll support stigmata growth. The big fans did their job. During this stage any over feed will start to show on the tips of your leafs as they move into this stage they're very sensitive. So, I like low to little nutrients, I'll let the enzymes do their job. (LST will be applied after her stretch before pre fower, even then I wait until pre flower is over until pre fower is over. But, I've a feeling if I leave it until then this beast will have set nodes and won't budge, so, I'll open her up in the coming days, I'll only LST down the 2 sets and after pre flower is over, if she needs any more LST at the higher nodes which still should be pliable)
Update Day 27-28 Wow, excellent last stretch before she entered pre flower. Sadly I only came home today. Day 29, so no pics. You'll see her as next wk will be her 1st full pre fower week. She stands at 43cm now, Nice bit of girt. Really, Really long pistil hairs coming from where you'd normal see bracts (calyex that shows female/male sex depending on number of bracts, 1 been female with a hair, multiple (sacs) been male /hermie)
Overall very happy with this plant and her progress I'll fill in these last few days and hopefully she'll build a good solid base before showing stigmata.
Thanks to MSNL for their continued support and allowing me to try their strains.
Thanks to all who stopped by. I appreciate it and look forward to seen your grows. Either way thanks for stopping by.
Hey bro! Looking great and very nice garden you have there! 👏 I appreciate all the details you provide in your comments, very helpful for me to learn from you. 👈 Happy Growing 👊
@gottagrowsometime, It is time consuming to provide detailed updates. I appreciate the offer to help my friend and it would be great to just shoot the shit as well! 👈 Happy Growing 👊
@MedicineMaker, Cheers for the comment pal. Tbh I use to put way more in. But they were too long. If u need help wit anything feel free 2 DM me or just to shoot the shit. 👊